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Covid-19 Megathread


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1 minute ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

Problem with Boris having it is that the cabinet will have to all go into self isolation now right? That's a lot of key decision makers...

Dominic is the designated survivor so I think he will be the go to guy. 

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Fair enough, @scratchdj mate. Apologies. 

I actually don’t think he has it at all. He unlawfully prorogued Parliament to avoid scrutiny, has been sacked twice for lying and current has a pregnant mistress while still married. Him saying he has it plays into the good old Boris is one of us narrative. 

This post was brought to you by Dynamite Keith. 

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My best mate's wife has Pneumonia in two lungs; they live in New York with their 3-year old daughter and nobody else is nearby. They've both been coughing for a few days so went to an urgent care centre and had chest X-rays. They didn't have the resource to give them a COVID-19 test but the doctors are saying she has it. They've been putting people into comas but many aren't coming out of them. His arse has gone as he's trying to care for his little girl with all this going on - the nearest family who can get to them are in Texas, right on the Mexican border.

She's not my missus so I'm not posting this for any sympathy, but we're keeping it to just a few close family and friends so not to cause too much panic and I wanted somewhere to unload. This has really fucking brought it home. I was taking everything very seriously like most, but I think the second it's someone you know it's a whole new level of concern and anxiety. I'm terrified to hear from him as she has a poor lung capacity.

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1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

But he was doing such a good job. My Facebook news feed will be clogged with either "pray for B***s" or "haha, Johnson has the COVID-19." maybe time for a little digital detoxing. 

If you're using a computer you can always install Fluff Busting Purity, which hides many crap things on Facebook and also has custom filters for your news feed. Just add "Boris" or "COVID" or whatever else and it automatically hides all posts containing those terms. You can even set it to hide posts with specific words by specific people, in case you're fed up with one person's constant posts about their dog.


Edited by Tamura
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Janey mack, Frankie, that's absolutely horrific news. I'm so sorry for your best mate and he's obviously reaching out to you to get some semblance of normality in the midst of his whole life and world being upended, so it's pressure on you too. I haven't the words, I'll pray (I'm probably one of the last who still believe in prayer) that he, his wife and daughter pull through this with as minimal damage as possible.
I'm trying to remain calm through all this myself, as my missus is prepping for the apocalypse so we need a bit of balance at home - if that makes sense - but when I'm reading stuff like this it really is ramming home just how fucking horrific this situation is.
I've asthma - and it's normally fairly well controlled to the point where I don't even realise I have it - but am whacking my usual Chinese herbs, homeopathy and Oregano oil out of it - for what it's worth. Monday and Tuesday I could barely breath, had an itchy throat and was yawning constantly to get a deep breath, which was very unnerving, but I've been okay since.
I'm genuinely waiting for this fucking thing to iron me out and basically put me in the ground, without saying it out loud and keeping my usual 'happy chappy' disposition around everyone.
But yeah, my pots - deep down - are put away and thrun in the skip at this stage...

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I’m in the same boat with the asthma Branquey, got my inhaler gun on stand by just incase though atm I’m feeling good after locking myself in for the most part since work got closed last weekend, although that said I could have punched the dickhead on the bus yesterday (had to use it to go to M&S for food with my mum) who was openly coughing without cover on the seat opposite to me

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Speaking of asthma. 

My work back tracked today......Come in or dont get paid. Total disregard for my condition. The lowest? A work mates husband has COPD and got his GP letter a few days ago. She  like me as advised to distance........Work sent her same email....Get back to work......In other words, "we dont care if you kill your husband" 

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