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The Smackers Thread


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I think the house show finish was exactly what was needed for this match to be honest.  This was all about getting Cena that one match, getting a crazy hot tag and a hot crowd for the finish, and reminding people that Cena is still out there.  The crowd was so loud, Cena and the ref were bawling their instructions to KO/Reigns at full volume.  Nobody needs a prolonged match at this point, ease Cena back in and make every minute count.

Totally agree that Cena/Reigns is the more attractive match at this moment but maybe that's just because we've seen them interact.  Get Rock and Reigns inside a ring together and we'll all be salivating for that one at WM.


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Surprised at the “bum show” comment. I massively enjoyed it and it really felt like a big deal.

I didn’t need much more than the entrances for the main event, they had satisfied me plenty as it’s the first I’ve watched in a long time where I’ve felt something was a huge deal. I do wonder after the reports of Roman being unhappy with a KO hit during War Games if he took a receipt here.

I thought Charlotte looked great and the first I’ve ever not wanting to turn my TV over when she’s on it in a long time - big fan of the new theme music as well. The title being off Ronda is the right idea and I don’t think she looked stupid at all. Agreed to defend her title again after a tough match and got done with a hold of the tights.

Really enjoyed Sheamus v Solo as well, Solo is destined for the top in my opinion and what a time of it Sheamus is having lately.

I agree I’d like the Bray storyline to move along a bit but I’m being a hypocrite there when I’ve always harped on about long term storytelling. I actually do have an interest in where it goes which is more than I can say for any other Bray run.

There’s still filler in there but there is always going to be, you can’t hit home runs with every story, match or segment but there’s enough there to have me excited for what’s to come going into 2023.

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The Charlotte deal was testimony to how awful Ronda has been this year. Had it been anyone else losing the strap like that the meltdown on twitter would be something else but it's Ronda so who cares (understandably so) Looks like they are moving away from Ronda vs Becky at WM which while again shows how shit Ronda has been what do you do with Becky now. Becky Cs Ronda is still the most interesting match 

The Roman/Kevin deal was a receipt for Survivor Series right? If so, anyone else does that and there would be consequences, I would bet nothing happens to Roman 

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Can I just shock you? I like Charlotte Flair. Despite everything I’ve ever said earlier.

The biggest shock was that it took them this long to clock how useless Ronda has been since returning. It’ll go down in history as one of the craziest things ever that they finally had the ability to do Ronda vs. Becky - one of the biggest matches ever at one time - and it became a complete waste of time thanks to Ronda’s weird deterioration. I wonder if Becky had a word. I know I would have.

Edited by Supremo
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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

The biggest shock was that it took them this long to clock how useless Ronda has been since returning.

Given how much she must be earning, I totally understand why they persisted. I’m impressed that they decided to take a different approach. It’s a shame it didn’t work out.

3 hours ago, FUM said:

Surprised at the “bum show” comment. I massively enjoyed it and it really felt like a big deal.

I enjoyed it too, and it’s exciting to see the Sami Zayn/Bloodline take the steps forward that it has ahead of the Royal Rumble. It’s making me dangerously optimistic about the direction they might be taking. If Sami actually does win the damn thing, what a bloody moment that would be.

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17 hours ago, Nick James said:


EDIT: Look at which sexy bastard was backstage at Smackdown and I don't mean Gerald Brisco.



God I'd be tossing a ton of money Batista's way for WrestleMania. I don't think it'd make a difference, he's clearly thrown himself totally into acting. Imagine Batista vs. Rock. Fuck, Batista vs. Brock. Still pisses me off that his last match was against HHH, even if it is what he wanted and even if I did like it.

I was watching him against Santa Claus on SmackDown from years ago and its so easy to forget how much fans absolutely loved him. 

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It’s brilliant to see Cena get such overwhelmingly positive reactions whenever he comes back. 

Also, a plea from someone who is also follicly challenged in the same spot as Big John’s little patch - let the man age without picking at him, would you? He’s allowed to have one. Leave off. 

You know you’re getting old when you’ve got more hair on your arse than you have on your head. 

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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I got everything I wanted out of that main event. Cena getting his flowers. Feel good ending. Sami taking the pinfall, which will inevitably play a part in his eventual murder at the hands of the Bloodline.

It was funny that Michael Cole was talking about us getting the Greatest Hits of John Cena, only for John to immediately deliver the loudest spot calling of his entire career. He’s always been bad for it, but fucking hell, John. Him screaming, “DON’T MOVE, DON’T MOVE, SLOWLY, SLOWLY,” in the build up to Kevin Owens’ hot tag was insane. Did he forget this was televised, and not just a house show? Or did he just assume Owens was likely concussed and needed all the direction possible after Roman spent the entire match stiffing the fuck out of him?

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:57 AM, FUM said:

The title being off Ronda is the right idea and I don’t think she looked stupid at all. Agreed to defend her title again after a tough match and got done with a hold of the tights.

Sounds pretty stupid to me.

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Nice touch from Michael Cole with his tribute to Don West as well. It's good that he can acknowledge things outside of WWE again and Don West seems to have been universally liked throughout wrestling so touching to see so many people paying tribute.


Edited by Nick James
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No issue with the Ronda title switch or even accepting the challenge. Despite her colleague's protestations, her pride and arrogance totally got the best of her. With the adrenaline still flowing after retaining in a hard fought match, Rousey - a born fighter by design - refused to be upstaged by one of her greatest rivals, and wanted to welcome her back to the fold by beating the living daylights out of her. Her pride clouded her judgement and she paid the price. Now she's going to be even more pissed off with Charlotte and take out that venom on her over the coming weeks, likely building to a Rumble rematch for the title. 

On Cena's spot-calling, could this be anything to do with audio equipment around the ring picking up more than it usually would? I know Cena's always been a loud spot-caller but it could be that he hasn't done anything particularly different and that part of the audio ringside wasn't disabled as it might be most of the time. I realise that sounds like the shittest defence ever. 

1 hour ago, Nick James said:

Nice touch from Michael Cole with his tribute to Don West as well. It's good that he can acknowledge things outside of WWE again and Don West seems to have been universally liked throughout wrestling so touching to see so many people paying tribute.


Agreed, lovely touch and very poignant coming from WWE's longest serving on air announcer too (I assume he's been in post longer than JR during his stint). 

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