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The Smackers Thread


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12 minutes ago, Slapnut said:

Roman shouldn’t lose to anybody until Big E cashes in Money in the Bank in the main event of Wrestlemania and wins the title.

But it won’t happen. He’ll cash in after a match on some pointless B PPV and lose it back a month later I reckon.

Absolutely this. If the plan is genuinely The Rock v Roman Reigns at Mania then Roman should be pinning Rocky, acting all big shot only for E to cash in and take his title.

It won't happen though, absolutely.

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49 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Yep. Very basic simplification and comparison. Who did that benefit in the long run? Great moment in isolation for sure. Nice surprise. But we've ended up with Goldberg a number of times a year since and everyone's shitting on him.

Where do you go from Cena smashing through Roman? What does Cena do? How do you rebuild Roman after investing the last year in transforming him and putting him over everyone only to have a part timer come in and dominate him? I'm curious.

Goldberg smashing Brock benefited everyone. Gave the company its first real top babyface in forever, gave Brock the best thing he’s done since returning from UFC and resulted in a six-month storyline that remains the best thing they’ve done in decades. They had a returning star come in for what felt like a one-and-done, then completely subverted expectations, creating an all-time great moment and giving the company as a whole a spark they’ve never been able to recreate. It didn’t harm Brock just like it wouldn’t harm Roman. They still win in the end. It’d just freshen Roman up massively and actually have him doing something worth watching.

That they kept going back to the well with Goldberg is irrelevant to the point. If anything, it just further demonstrates how fucking great and what a huge success that first run was. No wonder they go back to it. I don’t blame them. It was amazing. Considering what a lifeless corpse this company currently is, unable to sustain the momentum of returning crowds for more than about a fortnight, the best strategy they could incorporate is a repeat of that Goldberg angle with someone new, rather than just thinking Goldberg himself was where they found magic.

Cena winning at Summerslam has the potential to do exactly the same results. Everyone expects him to come in, put Roman over and then go straight back to Hollywood. And then we’re right back to where we were previously with Roman. Mumbling backstage and feuding with planks. A genuine surprise that goes in a completely unexpected direction? Exactly what they need.

Roman should be pitching it daily. Cena beating him for the belt would be exactly what he needs, too. A couple of rematches at say Survivor Series and Royal Rumble? Where it turns into a proper feud with some actual meat on its bones? Actually develop this current rivalry beyond, “I tell better stories than you,” and, “LOL, ex-fiancé,”? Jackpot.

Plus, John’s an actual mainstream star now. You couldn’t put a monetary value on him going on talk shows and being interviewed on breakfast TV as the current champion. I mean, fucker attended a recent film premier in full costume! It probably wouldn’t take any convincing at all for him to take the belt with him.

I know the argument will be that you have to keep Roman strong for what’s looking like a match with The Rock at Wrestlemania, but which do you honestly think benefits Roman more? A blood feud with John Cena where he actually develops a bit and we see more of an angry, evil side? Or just more of the same, where he’s beating nobodies for the rest of the year, continuing this lifeless, one-note, monotone act? The best part of this heel run has been when he’s a violent, horrible mob boss. Cena winning would turn that up to eleven. I imagine Roman sending The Usos to murder John on movie sets. Unless you prefer this current Samoan RVD stuff where he just shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes a lot?


Edited by Supremo
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Reading it back, why does this sound really daft. 

'Naomi is backstage with Sonya. She asks her when her match is and Sonya tells her she didn’t know she was coming back to SmackDown. She welcomes her to SmackDown but she has no match for her. She tells Naomi she will think about it and will get back to her next week.'

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22 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

So did Naomi have a match booked but just wasn’t told who it was against? Or did she just go up to Sonya saying “gis a job”

How many writers have they got again?

She got moved to Smackdown so turned up wanting a match but Sonya didn't know she was coming. I'm hoping it's just to sow the seeds for her joining the Bloodline but it could've been done a lot better.

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2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

She got moved to Smackdown so turned up wanting a match but Sonya didn't know she was coming. I'm hoping it's just to sow the seeds for her joining the Bloodline but it could've been done a lot better.

Well that just makes Sonya look like an idiot then. If Sonya, who runs Smackdown, doesn’t know that she’s got someone moving to her show, then who OK’ed the move?

Or maybe it just shows that we put more thought into these things than they do

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53 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Well that just makes Sonya look like an idiot then. If Sonya, who runs Smackdown, doesn’t know that she’s got someone moving to her show, then who OK’ed the move?

Or maybe it just shows that we put more thought into these things than they do

She did mutter something about "must've have been Pearce" when wondering herself who ok'ed it

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