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WWE launches new U.K. series - NXT UK


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42 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

Bate kicking out of a power bomb at one as though he was about to start Hulking up, to then straight after take the fall after a clothesline. Like, what on earth?

Tyler took WALTER's biggest move, managed to power through, but it took his last ounce of energy - having just wrestled for the better part of an hour, including lifting a man twice his size on to his shoulders - to do so, and he had nothing left after taking the clothesline. It couldn't really be simpler.

It wasn't Gargano vs. Cole, it was a million miles away from "near falls for the sake of it". Actual true "near falls" I could think of maybe four or five in this match, tops.

I don't see how you can complain that you're not buying into every fall because it doesn't feel like it could be the finish, but then in your next breath complain that Bate took a fall to a move you weren't expecting to beat him, that's all.

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I thought it was good but no more. Tyler is amazing. I loved his work in the match. He made the slow build worth watching and then sold his arse off and hit some great stuff when they went through the gears leading to some near falls that might have been really convincing if the commentary was any good. He's a tremendous babyface whether in peril or making the comeback.

I'm just not that into Walter to be honest. He's too dry. he got some good heat in this match and the crowd chants about him were amusing. But the lack of any interaction with the crowd just kills it. McGuinness covered for it on commentary but I just think it makes a shit heel.

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29 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

No. If that was a prerequisite to being able to herald it as one of the best matches ever then that would go some way to explaining why I personally didn’t.

I don't think I said that or even implied it. I haven't even seen the match, I was just explaining the psychology of those one count spots, buddy.



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Yeah, the psychology behind the 'kick out at 1' spot is usually designed to show someone's FIGHTING SPIRIT~!! before they're brutally taken out with another finisher seconds later for the finish.

It's done far, far too often these days but it can still be pretty special when done correctly at the right time and with the right match. I've yet to see the Tyler/WALTER match yet though so I can't comment on whether it was effective in this case, but usually the crowd reaction to the spot is all you need.

Edited by Accident Prone
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36 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

It works when the person doing it has great facials and fire.

It's embarrassing in indy wank fests.

It's fine on the indies, it just depends on the reaction from the audience. If they buy into it, then it's worked. I've seen plenty where they guy has kicked out, making all the silly faces and furiously banging the mat, and the crowd barley makes an audible sound but I've also seen plenty when the crowd have gone ballistic.

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1 minute ago, Accident Prone said:

It's fine on the indies, it just depends on the reaction from the audience. If they buy into it, then it's worked. I've seen plenty where they guy has kicked out, making all the silly faces and furiously banging the mat, and the crowd barley makes an audible sound but I've also seen plenty when the crowd have gone ballistic.

Like I said, when its done well it works for me.

I personally don't get satisfaction from something just because the crowd enjoyed it. I also have to enjoy it.

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4 minutes ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

Like I said, when its done well it works for me.

I personally don't get satisfaction from something just because the crowd enjoyed it. I also have to enjoy it.

Yeah, I need to have decent sounding to crowd for myself to enjoy any wrestling at all. Quiet crowds are a death knell for me, hence why I've given 205 Live and NXT-UK's weekly show a miss.I'll never understand people who can enjoy a match or show with a crowd who are sitting on their hands.

Edited by Accident Prone
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5 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I'm just not that into Walter to be honest. He's too dry. he got some good heat in this match and the crowd chants about him were amusing. But the lack of any interaction with the crowd just kills it. McGuinness covered for it on commentary but I just think it makes a shit heel.

I think that’s a very valid point, and it would be a stumbling block in Walter’s prospects as a full-time, big-time villain (which he’s got no interest in anyway). But for me, I bought into the Prime Target documentary and the story between them enough that Walter ignoring the crowd was fine. It fit the character. And by contrast, Tyler’s performance was full of fire and grit. I liked it a lot, but I don’t think anyone’s in the wrong for not enjoying it as much.

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