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I'm absolutely loving this Samson/Balor feud, it's a refreshing thing to see a guy who is seen as a top star sort of come down a tier and work a guy on the way up, meeting somewhere in the middle it benefits both of them. Samson is improving so much. And what happens, Bray fucking Wyatt has to spoil it. Twat.

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Balor and Samson have something special - they didn't interact much in NXT, but I remember when they did, it was the first time the Drifter gimmick really clicked. Before that, it was something that made sense on paper, and it was only through the first interaction with Balor that it became something that made sense in the context of a wrestling show.

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Samson has quickly become my personal favourite! The lad is great...

One guy I'm not getting at the minute is Big Cass. I mean, his feud with Enzo is decent, and he and 'Show might have an entertaining big bloke match but he doesn't come across as a monster heel to me. Not sure if its the shit facial hair, or wanky stringy, slapped back long hair but barring the size he just isn't intimidating enough to me. Better gear might help though, as those big, Simon Cowell high pants do nothing for him...   

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39 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

Samson has quickly become my personal favourite! The lad is great...

One guy I'm not getting at the minute is Big Cass. I mean, his feud with Enzo is decent, and he and 'Show might have an entertaining big bloke match but he doesn't come across as a monster heel to me. Not sure if its the shit facial hair, or wanky stringy, slapped back long hair but barring the size he just isn't intimidating enough to me. Better gear might help though, as those big, Simon Cowell high pants do nothing for him...   

Big Cass just looks like Test with Edges head

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On Big Cass, aesthetically is he the worst on the roster? It all kicks off with that shocker of a song, then out waddles this tall fella with sagging tits, shit dick killing beard/hair combo and too big trunks on - now with added "BIG CASS" on them, in a rubbish font. Indyriffic. Wonder what Kevin Nash makes of seeing all that.

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Owens is the worst for me. Looks like the fattest lad in the office who hums of body odour and lynx, and that new people are made sit beside. Scruffy get.

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That poor guy Strowman chucked out towards the ramp. He'll be lucky to walk straight again after that. I hope he had his Lloyds of London policy all set up before that bump!

Great opening segment. I loved it.

I've got a feeling the crowds will start turning on Jason Jordan soon if his Rocky Maivia circa 1996 promo was anything to go by.

Edited by WeeAl
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Surely the Angle/Jordon thing is a set up? it's too cheesy for it not to be. 

I'm guessing it's something to do with Graves being pissed off at him for something so he's set it all up and we'll end up with Angle vs Jordon (with Graves) at Mania. 

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