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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I think the episode lost me when Jon killed Dany. Not that I was against that as a story, but I wanted them to either shock me with the outcome (Oh shit Dany killed Jon!) or work through the suspense of Jon maybe getting merked by Dany for a while longer.

I found the follow-up from that of Greyworm bringing Tyrion to the "council" to be very weak - the whole unsullied and dothraki were just like "yeah we'll chill here by the thousand while you guys work out who is replacing her"?

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10 minutes ago, neil said:

I think the episode lost me when Jon killed Dany. Not that I was against that as a story, but I wanted them to either shock me with the outcome (Oh shit Dany killed Jon!) or work through the suspense of Jon maybe getting merked by Dany for a while longer.

I found the follow-up from that of Greyworm bringing Tyrion to the "council" to be very weak - the whole unsullied and dothraki were just like "yeah we'll chill here by the thousand while you guys work out who is replacing her"?

Rationalizing a bit that at this point, the Dothraki and Unsullied just wanted to get the fuck out of there — holed up in a ruined city, with choices to make that would taste like shit whichever way they chose to go. Got to be tempting to chuck Tyrion (and by extension Jon) at the feet of the lords of Westeros, say "solve this" (knowing that they didn't want to fight) and get on with their lives. Tyrion's betrayal was relatively weak compared to Jon's regicide, so he basically got a pardon, and Jon got a punishment that wasn't really a punishment, whether the outsiders knew it or not.

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Yeah it was a bit of a stretch that the newly turned nobhead Greyworm and all his kill frenzy mates would have thought to keep Jon and Tyty as prisoners whilst they thought of what is best to do. They should have built to the Jon and Dany conclusion and did a post credit frame by frame sequence of what they all did next in a Law and Order/80's film style. Could have even done the typewriter Samwell ending that Punkstep wanted.

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Bran knew what he was doing when he "punished" Jon imo.

The Night King is dead and I assume the overall threat died with him, the Wildlings don't give a shit about the South (and were only on the march to begin with because of the threat), so are no longer a threat and the Watch has been annihilated.

There was absolutely nothing stopping Jon from from buggering off. The Unsullied and Dothraki are out of the picture and I doubt anyone else cares enough to go after him, with all the rebuilding.

He's living the Brock life in the wilderness for sure.

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17 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Do you think they didn't do 10 seasons because the actors just weren't going to sign contracts unless they got an absolute fortune?

No. They only wanted to do 7 seasons in the first place because *Book Wankery Alert*  7 is an important number in the whole GoT world. 7 old gods, 7 new gods, 7 kingdoms. 7 knights in the Kingsguard, to name but a few examples *Book Wankery Alert* 


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5 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

No. They only wanted to do 7 seasons in the first place because *Book Wankery Alert*  7 is an important number in the whole GoT world. 7 old gods, 7 new gods, 7 kingdoms. 7 knights in the Kingsguard, to name but a few examples *Book Wankery Alert* 


Missed a trick not marketing it it how The Sopranos and (although it’s not made by HBO) Mad Men did it, Season 7 and then Season 7: The Final Episodes.

They were never going to go to 10 series though, that’s not HBO’s style. I know Curb Your Enthusiasm is into its 10th this year, but that had a 6 year break between S8 & S9. I cant think of any of their major dramas that have ever gone to 10 series

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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3 hours ago, Astro Hollywood said:

One weird thing though; winter never really came, did it? The changing season is this big looming thing in the books and the show, and we're told about winters that could last a decade with 10-feet snowdrifts. S7 was delayed because they had to wait for summer to end in the places they shoot, but all we really got was a few flakes in King's Landing in the S7 finale, and the snows during Stannis' seige in S5, which was in the north anyway. By the end of the finale, there's not a flake to be seen anywhere south of the Wall.

All the snowflakes are on Twitter 


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Yeah I'm disappointed they didn't show winter properly too. Especially as at the end of last season it started snowing in Kings Landing but nah, when they come back this season it's all sun.

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I feel like my GoT nerdery peaked a while back and now I'm just glad it's over. Bran on the throne is a bit lame, but it's fine. There were no good happy ending options for the throne really. Sansa and Jon ended where they belonged. Arya obviously wasn't made for the throne. Being a Lannister means Tyrion would have been an awful shout. Bran is just the empty vessel that gives everyone else space to exist.

My favourite and least favourite parts were in the same scene. Edmure Tully showing up and chancing his hand was pretty hilarious. The "Democracy? L0L!" bit wasn't. Even before the explicit suggestion from Samwell, there was a seeping vibe of it I could have lived without. It felt very ham-fisted and it took me right out of the show.

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I liked it. In fact, I really liked it. Maybe I'm being too kind but I thought there was logic behind more or less every major end story.

Grey Worm listening to Tyrion was for the same reason as the Lords did. He was talking fucking sense. Winter was shorter because the Night King and the dead were gone. Bran on the Throne is the only choice likely to bring the peace everyone wants. Sansa as QoTN and Arya sailing into a spin-off/the sunset were both perfect. Likewise Jon. He got exactly what he wanted, peace and a quiet life. Tyrion et al. sitting holding court was also funny and an example of some of the best humour that's been there through every season.

Most of all I liked the calmness of the last 40 minutes after Dany died. It was the perfect setup for a culture that is heading for a generation of peace.

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