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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I have just re-watched this episode again and the knighting of Brienne may be one of the best scenes in the entire show. 

It starts off almost as a joke with Tormund's "fuck tradition" remark, which leads to Brienne falling back into her earlier insecure character "I don't even want to be a knight".

We then switch to Pod who gives her a look that everyone knows to mean 'yes you do, you always have and you deserve it more than most'. It is such a simple shot but Pod's expression shares so much of his feelings toward Brienne. Brienne can not hold his gaze as she knows Pod can see through the ruse. 

We then get a heartwarming piece of dialogue from Tormund "I am no King, but if I were I would knight you ten times over". We quickly move to a shot of Davos who gives a wry smile at the genuine affection Tormund has for Brienne. 

And then we take a wider show with Jamie in the foreground who addresses no one in particular "you don't need a king, any knight can make another knight". During that last part he turns to face Brienne. When Jamie starts this dialogue it is almost as if he has just realised he can do it. We then move back to Brienne as she eyes Jamie warily, she expects; just as we do what is coming next but she dares not believe it yet, nor think she is worthy. 

Jamie moves into a space claiming he will prove it, he almost makes it sound as if it is no big deal, probably due to knowing how embarrassed Brienne will find all this, his tone is almost taunting but with no malice. "Kneel, Lady Brienne" it is barely noticable but his tone changes when he says her name, there is a respect in his voice now and a formality. 

Brienne smiles awkwardly as if she once again believes she is the but of a joke, we worry she will refuse. She looks away, "do you want to be a knight or not", blunt and cold. Her eyes flicker back toward Jamie and they hold each others gaze until he again commands her to kneel. At this point her eyes move to Pod, who again shows amazing emotion by smiling sadly at her. The smile is not of sadness for what is happening but sadness for Brienne, an almost silent plea for her to believe in herself and achieve her destiny. We are all going to die anyway, so why not.

Brienne glances once again at Jamie, ensuring it is no joke, he nods, she rises. She makes her way over, never taking her eyes off of him. 

We move to a shot of Tyrion who leaves his chair to get closer, he among them all understands what a monumental moment this is. The atmosphere now has changed the jovial comradeship is gone, a sense of wonder fills the room. Dinkledge is second to none with his facial expressions and this one is no different, he seems moved by the gesture and also surprised by his brothers actions. Just before the camera pans back to Brienne we get a shot of Tyrion glancing quickly at Jamie 'are you serious, will you do this'.

And now we have Brienne and Jamie in the foreground and the friends watching, you first notice the music now, a slow string composition that adds an air of grandeur to the occasion. Brienne kneels and Tormund rises from his chair in some beautiful juxtaposition.

A shot of Jamies hand, clenching and unclenching his sword handle, it is the first time he has seemed nervous since suggesting this. He knows as well as anyone what this means to Brienne. 

"In the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave" Jamies voice changes here, he is speaking as Lord Commander of the King Guard, his tone in venerable, you feel he could be the wisest man alive, the emotion in his voice enhanced by the haunting music. 

"In the name of the father I charge you to be just"

A shot of Davos, with the merest of nods. 

"In the name of the mother I charge you to defend the innocent" his brow furrows on the word innocent, Jamie has charged Brienne with this before when he sent her to find the Stark Girls. 

A shot of Pod who smiles warmly now. 

"Arise Brienne of Tarth, a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms". 

Brienne rises and her half smile is more effective than any tears. Jamie and Brienne hold each others stares, tenderness in their eyes. Until they are distracted by Tormund clapping loudly with a beaming smile. Pod is also clapping but more subdued and in a way that would be deemed acceptable at court. 

And of course Tyrion finishes the moment with a toast "Sir Brienne of Tarth, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

One last look between Jamie and Brienne, he gives her a curt nod and walks away and now she faces her friends and a true smile breaks through and in that moment she has never looked more beautiful. 

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6 hours ago, Max Power said:

I also heard mentioned that the fact we didn't see the Night King himself in the final scene means he could be heading somewhere else. Although that contradicts the Bran/NK storyline.

Does it? I get that he wants to kill Bran but it's not like he's some mindless villain who is incapable of using strategy. We've seen it throughout the series, with him going to Hardhome, etc.

I think he'll nick Robb's tactic from Season 1 = Send a big enough army to Winterfell to distract all the good guys, while he hits an unprepared King's Landing. Once he's turned all the other bad guys (including Cersei, Euron and The Mountain), the Golden Company AND all the small folk, he'll head back North for the actual climatic battle.

It's the only scenario I can see that avoids the problem that HarmonicGenerator brought up. If they kill him off now then the rest of the series is going to feel pretty shit in comparison.

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Had a discussion with a couple of folk at work today and we came up with a twist I liked the sound of. After finding out who Jon Snow really is Danaerys asks Jorah to murder Jon during the heat of the battle and the ensuing madness to rid what she see's as the only rightful challenge to her claiming the iron throne. Which he subsequently does. Once the battle is all over Jorah is beckoned into her chambers for what he thinks is finally going to be the night he's been pining for only for her to murder him after explaining that she never forgave him and only allowed him back into her circle knowing he would blindly do anything she asked to avoid being cast aside again and now he's served his purpose she's getting rid of the only person who knows she had Jon killed. She eventually ends up on the iron throne showing that no matter what one's initial intentions are the power and lure of that position corrupts all and she is destined to be just as bad as Cersei was.

Or alternatively a further twist that Tyrian see's Jorah murder Jon but doesn't let on to anyone to ensure his survival short term but following the death of Jorah at the hands of Dany he realises she has lost it and that his time is numbered as is anyone's once they've served their purpose to her ultimate goal of the iron throne.

Feeling that everything he believed was different in her from the others who had power is now lost and that she has lost sight of her morals for the eventual goal of ultimate power and control he murders Dany himself as she confronts and is about to murder Cersei to realign an allegiance to his sister in a better the devil you know type scenario.

Maybe even add in Bronn killing Tyrian with the crossbow as instructed by Cersei previously as he walks in to see Dany dead and Tyrian stood infront of Cersei brandishing a weapon and acting impulsively as he thinks Tyrian is about to murder Cersei before Tyrian dies in Cersei's arms and she has a fleeting slip of emotion towards Tyrian in knowledge that after everything she had done to him he still sided with her in the end.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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7 hours ago, unfitfinlay said:

Does it? I get that he wants to kill Bran but it's not like he's some mindless villain who is incapable of using strategy. We've seen it throughout the series, with him going to Hardhome, etc.

I think he'll nick Robb's tactic from Season 1 = Send a big enough army to Winterfell to distract all the good guys, while he hits an unprepared King's Landing. Once he's turned all the other bad guys (including Cersei, Euron and The Mountain), the Golden Company AND all the small folk, he'll head back North for the actual climatic battle.

It's the only scenario I can see that avoids the problem that HarmonicGenerator brought up. If they kill him off now then the rest of the series is going to feel pretty shit in comparison.

I see your point and I hadn't thought it that way. But I don't see Cersei and The Mountain dying at the hands of anyone but their respective brothers or maybe Arya in the case of Cersei. Plus I'm not sure how a heel/heel battle of Kings Landing would go down with me.

It'll be interesting how they do finish it. The entire series has been built around the battle for the Iron Throne and the battle between the living and the dead. I'm unsure which they'll have as the main event.

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It might be just me but as fun as the snow zombie lot are, for me they are second fiddle to the Iron Throne. They aren't really much more than a device to produce action and suspense. Nowt wrong with that but the relationships and characters are the main focus of the show.

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54 minutes ago, DEF said:

It might be just me but as fun as the snow zombie lot are, for me they are second fiddle to the Iron Throne. They aren't really much more than a device to produce action and suspense. Nowt wrong with that but the relationships and characters are the main focus of the show.

I can understand seeing it that way, but I’ve always felt the underlying tone was ‘people are manipulating and scheming and killing for the Iron Throne, but actually despite what they all think that’s not the most important thing’ - the need to work together and survive and thrive together supplanting the need for individual power, represented by the growing threat of the Walkers. Which is why I feel like the Night King should be the main event.

I mean, it’s clearly a double main event, but from day to day I disagree with myself about whether the Night King should be going on last.

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5 hours ago, Jonny Vegas said:

Had a discussion with a couple of folk at work today and we came up with a twist I liked the sound of. After finding out who Jon Snow really is Danaerys asks Jorah to murder Jon during the heat of the battle and the ensuing madness to rid what she see's as the only rightful challenge to her claiming the iron throne. Which he subsequently does. Once the battle is all over Jorah is beckoned into her chambers for what he thinks is finally going to be the night he's been pining for only for her to murder him after explaining that she never forgave him and only allowed him back into her circle knowing he would blindly do anything she asked to avoid being cast aside again and now he's served his purpose she's getting rid of the only person who knows she had Jon killed. She eventually ends up on the iron throne showing that no matter what one's initial intentions are the power and lure of that position corrupts all and she is destined to be just as bad as Cersei was.

Or alternatively a further twist that Tyrian see's Jorah murder Jon but doesn't let on to anyone to ensure his survival short term but following the death of Jorah at the hands of Dany he realises she has lost it and that his time is numbered as is anyone's once they've served their purpose to her ultimate goal of the iron throne.

Feeling that everything he believed was different in her from the others who had power is now lost and that she has lost sight of her morals for the eventual goal of ultimate power and control he murders Dany himself as she confronts and is about to murder Cersei to realign an allegiance to his sister in a better the devil you know type scenario.

Maybe even add in Bronn killing Tyrian with the crossbow as instructed by Cersei previously as he walks in to see Dany dead and Tyrian stood infront of Cersei brandishing a weapon and acting impulsively as he thinks Tyrian is about to murder Cersei before Tyrian dies in Cersei's arms and she has a fleeting slip of emotion towards Tyrian in knowledge that after everything she had done to him he still sided with her in the end.

Bit of a bleak ending there isn't it? I know it's Game of Thrones but surely there's going to be at least some happiness at the end. I definitely can't see them ending the series with all the favourites dying and Cersei, of all people,  being the lone survivor.

I've got a weird feeling that they are just going to continue to ignore the creepy incest factor of Jon and Daenerys relationship and have them marry. It would solve both their problems and the Northern Independence issue as well. Sansa and Lyanna can't really bitch about being ruled by the Iron Throne if Jon's the King.

1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I see your point and I hadn't thought it that way. But I don't see Cersei and The Mountain dying at the hands of anyone but their respective brothers or maybe Arya in the case of Cersei. Plus I'm not sure how a heel/heel battle of Kings Landing would go down with me.

Oh, I'm not expecting them to stay dead. The Mountain's already come back once. I'd even go as far as to say that Cersei will be resurrected as The Night's Queen, not just a mindless Zombie.

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So what exactly has Bran told Tyrion, he seemed set that they are going to win, confidence from talking to the Three Eyed Raven? 

There are prophecies that need to be completed, Azor Ahai and the death of Cersei amongst them. 

Jon and Dany to marry and both rule the kingdoms is the logical step to conclude the show, with Daenerys giving birth and Drogon laying eggs to restart the reign of Targaryen dragon riders

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1 hour ago, Teedy Kay said:

Jon and Dany to marry and both rule the kingdoms is the logical step to conclude the show, with Daenerys giving birth and Drogon laying eggs to restart the reign of Targaryen dragon riders

This, but Dany dies during childbirth. This is Game Of Thrones after all. 

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19 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

This, but Dany dies during childbirth. This is Game Of Thrones after all. 

Or Cersei dies during childbirth and Jon and Dany raise the child a la Ned and Cat with the baby Jon. You can imagine Cersei whispering "His name is Tywin Lannister, but no-one can know" just as she dies like Lyanna.

Anyone got any tinfoil I can borrow?

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3 hours ago, DEF said:

It might be just me but as fun as the snow zombie lot are, for me they are second fiddle to the Iron Throne. They aren't really much more than a device to produce action and suspense. Nowt wrong with that but the relationships and characters are the main focus of the show.

I agree with this. The show has always been about the throne. The war between the living and the dead only started around season 4. Yes the war with the dead might be the bigger action the throne is the overarching story. 


Personally I hope Dany doesn’t get to sit on the throne, she’s turned into a right little prick over the last couple of seasons. 

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I reckon Dany - not believing Jon about who he really is - will use one of the dragons to try and murder him, thinking that he’s lying to steal her throne. This will cause Jon to rise from the flames unscathed ala Dany in season one. Araya will see this happen and eventually use her ninja powers to kill Danerys. 

Theres got to be a bit where Jon proves who he really is (or at least a confirms it to non-believers) with fire.

Do we reckon we’ll see a Zombie Ned/Catlin/Lyana Stark cameo?

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I don't think there can be a zombie Catelyn as her bones were never sent back to Winterfell were they? 

I don't know the rules of the Night King and reanimation, but surely there's an expiry date on dead bodies and their usage. 

Or their lack of heads.

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32 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I reckon Dany - not believing Jon about who he really is - will use one of the dragons to try and murder him, thinking that he’s lying to steal her throne. This will cause Jon to rise from the flames unscathed ala Dany in season one. Araya will see this happen and eventually use her ninja powers to kill Danerys. 

Theres got to be a bit where Jon proves who he really is (or at least a confirms it to non-believers) with fire.

Well, there's that bit with the wight at Castle Black where there was some fire and Jon got burned by it. So you must have to know you're a Targaryen before it doesn't hurt you? Also #notalltargaryens because Daenerys being 'The Unburnt' was a special thing to her.

1 hour ago, Rapey Eyes said:

I agree with this. The show has always been about the throne. The war between the living and the dead only started around season 4. Yes the war with the dead might be the bigger action the throne is the overarching story. 

First scene of season 1 was some White Walkers killing a bunch of guys. The Night's Watch all went north to figure out what was going on with them at the end of season 1. The finale of season two was the Walkers all marching south. That war's been happening since the beginning too.

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