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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Well, the Cena shot regarding his initial Riley post was an early signifier and then the STF complaint is always like a 10 foot tall flashing neon sign as to that possibility.

To be scrupulously fair, Gladders, you aren't the one who piles on. You tend to fire the initial shot and then the pile-on begins ;)


You can't use the STF complaint against him - he didn't bring it up and when it was introduced into the conversation he indicated that it wasn't important. Cena's STF doesn't look like it's doing much, anyway. Neither does Rock's Sharpshooter or Mankind's putting two sock-covered fingers behind an opponent's lower incisors. They all do their job of popping the crowd, which buys into them as finishers. We all know that.


If the lad had come along doing the "CENA SUX, HIS STF'S CRAP" gimmick whilst cheering Rock or Mankind, then sure, he'd deserve a knock-down, but in my opinion he batted that one away appropriately. "No he can't do an STF properly but that doesn't really matter." I'd have said something similar had somebody mentioned Rock's Sharpshooter or Mankind's Tongue-Tickler.


Ha bloody hell, the 'Cena hates him' was tongue in cheek you fucking nutters.

Ha, vindicated. This is like when Pitcos pretended only to know who Steve Corino was once given details of some job match he'd worked in the WWF and nearly everybody took it literally. Probably best to use an abundance of smilies in the short term for the dry humour, mind, new chap.

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At the risk of setting myself up for a fall, he hasn't posted anything else that would mark him out as ne of them though, has he?


Only other post of Mr Butternut Squash' I can see along those lines is in the Smackdown thread. He ends his post with ''Rest of the show was the same old shit, especially the end with Cena and Sheamus looking invincible again.''

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At the risk of what has become one of the most pointless and most boring debates for quite some time, born off the back of what was a tongue-in-cheek remark from myself in the first place, may I point out, turning into another incredibly dull debate, why do people have difficulty believing that Pitcos doesn't know people who don't work for WWE?


Super Cena collapsed into this pit of presumption a while back when he refused to believe that Pitcos had never heard of BJ Whitmer. I don't think he's pretending. Pitcos likes WWE. He doesn't like anything (else). He really could be that ignorant, if you want to look at it that way!

Edited by Gladstone Small
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Super Cena collapsed into this pit of presumption a while back when he refused to believe that Pitcos had never heard of BJ Whitmer.


And most of us that have heard of Whitmer wish we hadn't.


Only other post of Mr Butternut Squash' I can see along those lines is in the Smackdown thread. He ends his post with ''Rest of the show was the same old shit, especially the end with Cena and Sheamus looking invincible again.''


That's a fair point though.

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What I love about Pitcos is that he knows exactly what he's doing every time he posts stuff like that, but so many people take the bait.



stolen from another post re tylers comments - genius


Step-1: Blame the writers for not letting you be you.

Step-2: Blame top wrestler. If laid off from 2000-2005, blame Triple H. 2005-present, blame John Cena.

Step-3: Do a shoot interview on a bunch of shows no one listens to. Repeat steps 2 and 3 while on said shows.

Step-4: Sign with ROH.

Step-5: Do another shoot interview, this one shot on a glorified home camcorder while you're interviewed by a guy pretending to be on ESPN. Interviewee may or may not have a history of child abuse and/or sex abuse. Porn careers acceptable.

Step-6: Say that if Paul Heyman was still there, you'd have a job.

Step-7: Oh fuck, Paul Heyman is there... ummmmm

Step-8: Underwhelm everyone in ROH, leave there and sign somewhere else.

Step-9: Find a hobby. Drug abuse counts.

Step-10: Resign with WWE after they put you through rehab. Sing their praises.

Step-11: Get released again.

Step-12: Repeat steps 1-11.

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Just watching the Randy Savage DVD.


Hogan/Macho at Wrestlemania V is great but my attention is always a bit taken by the two rows on hard cam of Donald Trump and his cronies. Arms folded looking bored or bemused with a kind of "this is bullshit" look on their face. Awful. I know its been said a lot, but you'd think they would have learned from the previous Wrestlemania, but I guess Mcmahon was made an offer he couldn't refuse for a 2 year deal. The match was great but in a venue fit for wretling and a hot crowd it could have been so much more, as evidenced by the crowd for the next match, the rematch from SNME, with Buster Douglas as enforcer. Also love the way Douglas doesn't connect enough on his first punch and savage stays on his feet and thinks, I can't sell that and gets him to punch him again, that's a pro.


Also there is no doubt in my mind that Matt Striker is a complete cunt. He is so impressed with himself. Unlikeable, patronising cunt.

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Pitcos likes WWE. He doesn't like anything (else).

That's not true. I loved Kevin Nash in the X Division in TNA.


As any right-minded person would. Best stuff all of those X-Division guys did, too.

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I know people will have their favourite moments from the glorious, glorious Batista/HHH angle, but I've just watched particular segment on a Raw I'm watching that I think is my new favourite. The jist here is, it's two weeks before the Rumble, and HHH and Orton have just had a bit of a scuffle ahead of their title match. Anyhow, Orton got the best of it in the arena, so HHH is in a right paddy. He's pretty fucked off, and while he's on one and full of beans, he wants to settle a bit of bother with Batista too, until he actually faces up to him. For the 30 seconds he is allotted, Batista is phenomenal here. Cool and calm, threatening as fuck and just wonderfully condescending to HHH, who knows he's got a serious fucking problem on his hands here. If you've never ever ever watched wrestling in your life, ever, you'd still get who and what everybody's role was here, and be able to see what the end point of things should be. It's fantastic.


I mentioned this in the last blowjob post I gave this storyline, but with each week, the Batista story was only only further buoyed with how much of a mess they'd made with Orton at this point. This segment couldn't make it any clearer - HHH just had a stand up fight with Orton and wanted more of him once he came around, but the minute he's even got to have a chat with Big Dave, he is fucking WORRIED. The really great, era-defining angles need all the pieces in place, even the Gods of timing and other people's characters getting sacrificed to make them so. Orton was a worthy casualty to help make all this come off so well.


Anyway, here's this fucking brilliant little backstage segment I started the post with. 1:44 of TV time hitting exactly the right note in every second.


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Holy hell that's awesome. That, and the related videos give me a new appreciation for the HHH-Batista storyline. I didn't really see the build-up at the time, that feud pre-dated my access to weekly WWE TV, I could only watch the PPVs then. Too bad Batista gave up being one of the biggest pro wrestlers in the world to be a third-rate Bobby Lashley in MMA.

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Ha bloody hell, the 'Cena hates him' was tongue in cheek you fucking nutters.

Ha, vindicated. This is like when Pitcos pretended only to know who Steve Corino was once given details of some job match he'd worked in the WWF and nearly everybody took it literally. Probably best to use an abundance of smilies in the short term for the dry humour, mind, new chap.


Reading that back, I was called a terrible poster for saying Pitcos would know who Corino was but I too was vindicated when he revealed he did.


Holy hell that's awesome. That, and the related videos give me a new appreciation for the HHH-Batista storyline. I didn't really see the build-up at the time, that feud pre-dated my access to weekly WWE TV, I could only watch the PPVs then. Too bad Batista gave up being one of the biggest pro wrestlers in the world to be a third-rate Bobby Lashley in MMA.


I missed out on TV at that time too and feel I need to revisit that time. I might get an appreciation of Edge as a main eventer too, but I doubt it. Good video.

Edited by Sphinx
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