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Really sorry to hear that mate. I know how much it hurts. You clearly adored each other, and I'm certain he knew how much you loved him. I know it's a cliche but eventually the sadness will be outweighed by all the happy memories you had with him. They'll never go away. 

A customer actually gave me some bottles of Stella today as a thank you. I'll raise one in memory of your boy. 

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Sorry for your loss. I've always been a cat person and I certainly believe in the bond being just as strong as with a dog. I know they're seen as selfish animals a lot of the time but I do think they can be genuinely loving and certainly of great comfort in times of need. And you clearly had a very special relationship.

Just keep a hold of what you shared and what got you this far. That will never change. You still have the same reasons to fight. And you did everything you could.

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Thank you for all your kind words. It’s much appreciated. 

I'm understandably still a wreck. He’s simply irreplaceable. I know things will get better and time and happy memories will take over this strong feeling of emptiness I have right now. I’ve just never experienced a loss or feeling like this. The vets gave me a leaflet with numbers and sites for pet grieving which I’m going to use when I’m able to talk about him without getting so worked up. 

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Ah, man - so sorry, BurningRed. I know that feeling very well, and I hope the grief gives way to happy reminiscences of Stella soon. He looks and sounds like he was an absolute belter, and it's good to know that you had many good years with him.

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On 9/24/2023 at 5:31 PM, TheBurningRed said:

Sorry to bring some sadness to the thread but I need to get some words out. I had to put my cat down today. He was called Stella (sold to us as a girl, named by my nieces, and didn’t realise he was a boy until much later and it was too late then to change his name). To say I’m devastated is an understatement. It came out of nowhere but he had a really bad bladder blockage and started pissing blood. He also had some really bad kidney damage. 

They say dogs are a man’s best friend. But my cat was the greatest friend of all. We had such a great connection and bonded instantly. He chose me to be his human. He’s irreplaceable. He was soppy and loving. He would stand on his back legs and literally hug me. Two paws on my shoulder or chest and rest his head on me. I’d also have to pick him up. I probably babied him too much but I didn’t care. He would follow me every where round the house, sleep next to me, or on my lap or chest, he would chat to me. We really loved each other. 

A few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life and planned suicide. I couldn’t cope anymore and wrote notes for people. Then I looked at him and realised I couldn’t. Because no one could look after him like I could. And he would miss me. He saved me. And I’m so thankful because I got a few more years with him.

I stayed with him right until the end. I’ve lost all my grandparents, one of my best mates… but seeing the light go out of his eyes and losing him is the worst pain I’ve ever had. I don’t know how life is going to be without him now. But I’m glad he won’t suffer anymore or be in pain. I’ve got some photos of my wonderful boy


So sorry to hear about your loss. The bond you had with him sounds like my little Sapphire and me.

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I took my 2 on the beach for the first time. The younger one loved it, rolling in the sand and running to the sea. The older one just sat there enjoying the sun.

I'd got a video but it won't load so here's them splitting an ice cream



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I cannot believe the dog actually ate 13yo's homework. 


Good luck explaining that!

Also, Lunar turned 3 last week. Here she is being very polite for her cake.



Don't worry, Ozzy got some.

Dog friendly cake I bought from here. https://bottledbaking.co.uk/collections/doggy-baking-co/products/paw-licking-carrot-cake-doggy-baking-co-cake-mix-in-a-bottle

Can really recommend. 


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