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How can you embarrass a man that pretty much everyone knows is a prick? What is it going to prove, that Punk isn't a tough guy? We already know this. That Punk has an overinflated ego? Again, already know this. 

Other than a ratings ploy, which I don't think will actually work, what is the point? 

Still think they should actually do a bait and switch and have Wee M Punk getting battered by the Bucks in a GTV style grainy CCTV footage.

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They've pretty much already come out the losing end no matter what they do. It's pretty spectacular. Somebody said it on another page as well - and even though I didn't mind the promo in isolation - especially coming a week after Copeland's "We're the positive wrestling guys!" schtick it's just horrendous, completely hilarious decision making.


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2 hours ago, Nick James said:


How can you embarrass a man that pretty much everyone knows is a prick? What is it going to prove, that Punk isn't a tough guy? We already know this. That Punk has an overinflated ego? Again, already know this. 

Other than a ratings ploy, which I don't think will actually work, what is the point? 

Still think they should actually do a bait and switch and have Wee M Punk getting battered by the Bucks in a GTV style grainy CCTV footage.

I wouldn’t take Cultaholic too seriously. Whilst the dirt sheets are saying it’s definitely the Punk footage AEW haven’t said it once. I would assume this is probably something to do with FTR and the Bucks. If it is the Punk footage, it’s got to be because it’s embarrassing for him, otherwise why would they? Only 36 hours to find out I guess.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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The problem is, what they consider to be embarrassing to Punk won't be.

As @Nick James said, it can only confirm what people already think. And to those people who love him, he's already selling them a 'I've changed, I'm a better man now narrative that won't be impacted.

Unless he gets sparked out by Jungle Boy, I don't see any way this changes anything for anyone.

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The reporting from "news" sites is typically all over the place. SRS is saying that Khan wasn't actually bothered by Punk's interview and has been wanting to release the All In footage for ages but was just waiting for the right time. Wade Keller is saying that those who have seen the footage have said it's pretty tame (unsurprising that a fight considering both men involved) and is just being used as a cheap trick to get ratings. Dave Meltzer is saying it's solely to embarrass CM Punk and Khan is furious.

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4 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Dave Meltzer is saying it's solely to embarrass CM Punk and Khan is furious.

Think Meltzer said he didn't hear that from Khan himself. I reckon there's a lot of misinformation about to try and shroud it in secrecy. It wont be what anyone thinks it is I reckon

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17 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:


I wouldn’t take Cultaholic too seriously. Whilst the dirt sheets are saying it’s definitely the Punk footage AEW haven’t said it once. I would assume this is probably something to do with FTR and the Bucks. If it is the Punk footage, it’s got to be because it’s embarrassing for him, otherwise why would they? Only 36 hours to find out I guess.

It's not even really Cultaholic reporting anything. All they've done is listen to Meltzer's latest radio appearance.

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All the "ratings ploy" stuff is hilarious. I always subscribed to the alleged WWF line of thinking back in the day * which was "Why would we acknowledge the opposition? Can we focus on what we're doing? Looks small time if we care what they're doing." Using your own TV time to try and make the other side's worker look bad is such small dick energy. It reminds me of Eric Bischoff challenging Vince to a match for Slamboree 98. There's no end game, there's no benefit. It's just rubbing your own little nub at how much better you are than the other guy, while the people watching on go "Gee, I wish I could be watching something good."

* Before Billionaire Ted's Rasslin War Room obviously, which exposed them as just as packing pine needles as anyone.

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The closer it comes to this airing, the worse it seems.

WWE are coming off a hugely successful event, featuring many of the things that used to set AEW apart as a revolutionary brand. Back to basics pro-wrestling. Big, hot angles. Huge, cathartic moments. Smart, intertwined story beats.

To climb back in the mud and start throwing shit is so tragic and lame. Like when your ex has moved on and is in a new happy, healthy relationship and you’re still slagging them off on Facebook. Did John Cena teach us nothing, Tony? Rise above hate!

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22 minutes ago, air_raid said:

I always subscribed to the alleged WWF line of thinking back in the day * which was "Why would we acknowledge the opposition? Can we focus on what we're doing?

Behave, their small dick energy was all over when they had actual competition.

I'd have no problem acknowledging WWE if I was AEW. They acknowledge the entire wrestling world, so why wouldn't you. 

I'd keep it to when it's relevant and keep it classy because a) you're not in a war, there's more than enough room for both and b) you end up looking stupid when things don't go your way, like WWE did with that whole NXT v AEW experiment that caused the old sexual predator to rip up HHH's NXT and start again.

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AEW just trying to suck up some clout from WWE's biggest weekend ever. The only real surprise is that it's not The Final Clout Vampire himself doing the commentary. If Jericho thought this was going to be important he'd be doing it. 

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27 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Behave, their small dick energy was all over when they had actual competition.

Yup. It's hilarious when people seem to forget Vince fucking loved taking shots at WCW. Hell even when he was kicking the shit out of them he sent Big Show out dressed as Hogan to mock him. They only stopped mentioning competition when there wasn't any.

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