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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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38 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Eventually, yeah maybe. Sadly, it doesn't feel like Hangmans reign has really even got going yet. Let him beat Jericho and Moxley and a few others first then yeah sure.

The JAS isn't working quite yet. It's just a bit of an odd group. Confident Jericho will sort it out, he usually does. Can't help but feel that Men of the Year would have been a more natural fit than 2.0. Not many match combinations I'm looking forward to seeing from this JAS vs PnP/Kingston feud. Kingston vs Hager could be cracking though. Guessing they might bring in a few more people to even the odds (Homicide and Hernandez?).

The JAS very much in the early stages. Daniel Garcia for example trying some new looks and trying to speak more.

Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang entertain the hell out of me though, very much looking forward to seeing how they progress being in a good spot on TV every week.

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21 minutes ago, Winston said:

The JAS very much in the early stages. Daniel Garcia for example trying some new looks and trying to speak more.

Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang entertain the hell out of me though, very much looking forward to seeing how they progress being in a good spot on TV every week.

Garcia's involvement, to me, feels very forced so far. 

I know I'm repeating myself, but I think 2.0 might be my least favourite act in wrestling ever (discounting all of the people who did evil shit) - give me Happy Corbin over these irritants any day. 

Edited by RedRooster
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AEW is very odd now, as for me when it started I was only really watching NXT, and last night's show pretty much resembled an NXT show from about that era, so it's like NXT lost the battle but won the war!  

There are moments when I really liked Undisputed Era but it clearly took a lot for NXT managment to get them to take things seriously, and now they're in AEW they've reverted to type.  WTF was O'Reilly trying to do in that promo, it was embarrassing.

Agree about CM Punk looking sweaty but he also looks like he's genuinely enjoying all this so I think he'll be around for a while.

All eyes now to Friday and Rampage though, they've announced Keith Lee v Powerhouse Hobbs.  Will Lee be able to lift Hobbs without passing out?  This is a real test for his fitness levels, and not one I'd have given him considering his recent performances.


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I think Garcia would have fit better with Regal, Danielson & Moxley, but they've had him associated so closely with 2.0 that I guess they can't really split them without an explanation? 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

Garcia's involvement, to me, feels very forced so far. 

I know I'm repeating myself, but I think 2.0 might be my least favourite act in wrestling ever (discounting all of the people who did evil shit) - give me Happy Corbin over these irritants any day. 

Look at it like this. You came round to seeing a use for QT Marshall eventually. Maybe one day Bulk & Skull will do the same. 

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7 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I don't know Toni Storm but what I'm seeing on this show is a painfully average wrestler with yet another slightly "rocker" gimmick.

She’s a wild child of the eighties!

And speaking of the eighties, I can’t believe people are talking jive about Daddy Magic! He’s one of the greatest success stories in the history of AEW. I’m delighted he’s been given a prominent role to cut his mad, eighties-inspired, wide-eyed, coked-up promos. Most entertaining thing in the business right now. Get a taste.

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9 minutes ago, Supremo said:

She’s a wild child of the eighties!

And speaking of the eighties, I can’t believe people are talking jive about Daddy Magic! He’s one of the greatest success stories in the history of AEW. I’m delighted he’s been given a prominent role to cut his mad, eighties-inspired, wide-eyed, coked-up promos. Most entertaining thing in the business right now.

Yeah, I love him. Just screaming TAKE A PEEK is hilarious to me for some reason.

I'd like to suggest that if they're going to insist on keeping JR on commentary, they should only have him do one hour. Last couple of weeks, he's been OK the first hour but takes to shouting what is almost random nonsense as they start to get into the final 45 minutes. You can almost hear Tony Schiavone rolling his eyes at some of the shite coming out of JR's mouth. Maybe have Taz do the first hour and JR the second or the other way round.

Don't give a fuck about Toni Storm, to be honest. All her entrance did was make me think "the fuck happened to Ruby Soho?"

Adam Cole and friends can really fuck off at this point. Not even O'Reilly's air guitar is keeping me awake when those guys come out. If Adam Cole has reached his ceiling with who he is in the ring and on the mic now, he should absolutely be nowhere near the AEW World title picture. Please Jesus don't let him beat Hangman.

Edited by 69MeDon
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Tony Khan loves Adam Cole. Tere was an interview doing the rounds with him constantly referring to him as someone you can build a company round. He's not going anywhere and is probably going to win the belt, because I really can't see where he goes without it, unless they pull the trigger on trios titles and chuck him and his lackeys into the mix there. 

If we're going to limit JR to an hour I want it to be the first hour and just as they are cutting to a break I want two people walking him off with a blanket on him, like James brown, as he grumbles about how shit everything is. 

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Mox vs Lethal seemed like an odd match to have, you've got Bryan against the younger star who's trying to prove they're a badass that could fit the BCC and Mox vs someone his own age with none of that type of character. It was fine for what it was but did it accomplish a single thing other than being just a match to fill time?

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1 minute ago, Merzbow said:

Mox vs Lethal seemed like an odd match to have, you've got Bryan against the younger star who's trying to prove they're a badass that could fit the BCC and Mox vs someone his own age with none of that type of character. It was fine for what it was but did it accomplish a single thing other than being just a match to fill time?

Someone mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, but they could play up an how Regal seems more concerned about Bryan’s side of things than Mox’s. That could just be a coincidence, but it could be something they go with further down the line. It all depends on how long exactly they want to keep BCC (or more specifically Mox and Bryan) together

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Would be interesting to see Regal become more and more enamoured though with the viciousness of Moxley over Bryan's technical ability. They can go so many ways with it eventually. 

Mox/Bryan V The Bucks surely has to happen at some point. Regal on the mic against them two would be quite something. 

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Danielson-Yuta was excellent. Never seen a Toni Storm match before, I thought she looked decent enough. 

Adam Cole best not be winning the title. What the fuck was going on in that segment. A cardboard box with 5 balloons in it? Undisputed Shitarse more like. Main event didn’t click for me, though Andrade is great. 

Really fun show overall. 

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Just watched the Undisputed Elite (shudder) segment, Kyle O’Riley looked like he was about to pass out. That was rough.

pretty good episode over all. Liked FTR’s NWO knock off gear and Wardlow being a hoss. Adam Page and his Cowboy Tesla made me laugh.

Also, Toni Storm seemed to have a good match here. She’s not the best in the world but think she’s definitely another good addition to the division. 

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