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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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If you haven't seen it, the 'Road To' for this episode was an absolute cracker. Great promo from Kingston, and a lovely bit from Takeshita, but the real highlight is the Powerhouse/Ricky Starks promo - it's one of my favourite bits in forever, as they akcnowledge their losses, and how losing the big ones has been a Team Taz MO. They're still sort of heels, but if you don't come away from it genuinely rooting for them, I don't know why your heart is broken. 

I know everyone keeps saying Ricky Starks is a star, but Ricky Starks is a fucking star. And Powerhouse is a league apart from where he was when he debuted. The two of them are great together.


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4 minutes ago, mrtrickio said:

Anna Jay

Literally one last night? 

Anyway how delightfully over is Danhausen. What a pop, loads of kids wearing his merch. Imagine how more over he'd be if they made detailed lore video packages to explain him. 

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Thought the main event was a complete mess. Granted, those kind of matches haven't been for me since I was about 14, but what on earth was that ending about? Post-match with Eddie backhanding Jericho into locking up with Sammy? Eh? Looked like a glitch on WWF Warzone. 

A guilty confession as well, never taken to Eddie Kingston, I understand why people do, and it's great to see someone so over, but of course that lessens my enjoyment of the main event even more so. I always think of casual fans tuning in for main events, which I know isn't the main aim of AEW, but to a casual fan this was a long haired goth Gordon Ramsay scrapping around B&Q with Robbie Williams. 

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Part of me wonders if the Women's Tag Titles are coming. TK loves the crutch of booking around titles and tournaments. I don't see Anna joining the JAS. Which would make the TayJay reunification independent of it.

Thunderstorm, TayJay, Britt & Hayter, Penelope & The Bunny, The Baddies, The Renegades, plus some of the other randomish pairings they've done.

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15 minutes ago, Chili said:

Literally one last night? 

I'd also argue that it doesn't really count as a swerve in the sense that it didn't come out of nowhere. They foreshadowed this already; if anything, it was a case of them following up on something that they'd teased. 

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3 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I was also thinking before how is a barbwire match not ever the end of feud blow off match in something like AEW?

Where the hell do they go after this 

Exploding Barbed Wire presumably, as it worked out so well for them last time.

What an absolute mess that main event was. Anna Jay telegraphing attacking Soho so much that even Stevie Wonder saw it coming, JAS slipping through the bars of the shark cage because Tay can’t use keys, Jericho taking a madball to the head and not resulting in his death. Utterly awful.

I said to a mate that he’ll never guess which NXT castoff turned up this week. I could give him till next week and he’d probably still never guess at the guy who used to Troy Whatshisface a couple of months back.

The aftermath of Brody/Darby seemed a bit off, almost like they were trying cram in more than they had time for. 
Did Miro have to different coloured lenses in his sunglasses? Or has he got Tommy End Rash after being spat at? If that’s even happened, I honestly can’t remember

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I've not long been rewatching some old Megumi Kudo matches and they absolutely nailed the drama of a barbed wire match, it's probably my own fault for expecting something on that level.

At least the exploding match got it right before the mess of an explosion.

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"the JAS locked in a shark cage"


Except for 2 members who very clearly weren't.

"We haven't seen Sammy since Kingston threw him off the cage"

It was 3 weeks.

That main event was everything wrong with today's wrestling, made worse by the fact that it was the easiest match in the world to book.

Kingston makes Jericho bleed, sells like Terry funk after getting barbed wire in his eye, beats Jericho clean, but no, Jericho never actually loses a feud.


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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Did Miro have to different coloured lenses in his sunglasses? Or has he got Tommy End Rash after being spat at? If that’s even happened, I honestly can’t remember

I believe they were just polarized which due to lighting/angles made them look different, but wern't in reality.

Odd show. Loved Starks, he needs to get a big run soon surely. The crowd were nuts for him and I cannot wait for next weeks answered open challenge. I found the main event a tough watch, either it was just really good selling or at times the barbwire was really doing its job. The end was obvious and I predicted a Jericho win as the Painmaker. 

FTR are wonderful arent they. They have come on leaps and bounds since leaving WWE. Also enjoyed the opener, Brody King looked great.

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18 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I was also thinking before how is a barbwire match not ever the end of feud blow off match in something like AEW?

Where the hell do they go after this 

My guess is Kingston/Ruby Riott vs Sammy/Tay. 

19 hours ago, adjarrell said:

I always think of casual fans tuning in for main events, which I know isn't the main aim of AEW, but to a casual fan


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