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3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Yes, pretty much every single time anyone is cast as Batman there's a mass outcry about it.

Granted, and I refer you to my response to Keith when he made exactly the same point I assume you didn't see.

Perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps people won't care when they get Big E to play Hulk Hogan and they'll all be cheering on with big "brother brothers", without any air of anyone else having ever played him in the presentation and perhaps every batman film after the first Tim Burton one did shit business because people can't accept anyone else playing the role.

I guess to me the point is people fundamentally care about the character of batman or Spiderman and complain about who's filling it to thier ideal but accept it's a character with a clear dissonance between character and actor. Perhaps because Ben Affleck and Christian Bale regularly play lots of different characters in different films.

While the same base is true in wrestling, it is just lots of characters on a TV show, as much as WWE may try the presentation of wrestling as a sudo sport for so many years means that's unlikely to apply, and part of that is the lingering of kayfabe and the fact wrestlers general don't get widely presented as more than their on-screen character throughout it's lifespan.

I think it speaks to that in the only time a wrestling character has been recast, as it were, and been a success it was a gimmick that hides the wrestler behind it enough to create or allow that dissonance while retaining the suspension of disbelief, like a doink or Sin Cara.

Edited by Tommy!
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I was thinking to myself earlier just how skewed wrestler's contracts really are.

If most of us were let go by our workplaces for anything other than gross misconduct, we'd be liable for a redundancy payout under most circumstances.

Yet other than the 30 or 90 day non-compete, wrestlers could have four lears left on their 'contract' only to be let go at the whim of the promoter.

On the flipside, the promoters also seem to be able to tie in a "independent contractor" to a period long beyond their expiry date if they happened to sustain a long term injury during that time.

Its fucking madness isn't it?

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27 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

I was thinking to myself earlier just how skewed wrestler's contracts really are.

If most of us were let go by our workplaces for anything other than gross misconduct, we'd be liable for a redundancy payout under most circumstances.

Yet other than the 30 or 90 day non-compete, wrestlers could have four lears left on their 'contract' only to be let go at the whim of the promoter.

On the flipside, the promoters also seem to be able to tie in a "independent contractor" to a period long beyond their expiry date if they happened to sustain a long term injury during that time.

Its fucking madness isn't it?

They're all technically self-employed though and if you were self-employed here then an outsourcer can just terminate without notice unless there's a clause in the contract to stop them doing so. The non-compete is actually a really great thing to put in as it means they still pick up their WWE money while they seek alternative employment.

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27 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

I was thinking to myself earlier just how skewed wrestler's contracts really are.

If most of us were let go by our workplaces for anything other than gross misconduct, we'd be liable for a redundancy payout under most circumstances.

Yet other than the 30 or 90 day non-compete, wrestlers could have four lears left on their 'contract' only to be let go at the whim of the promoter.

On the flipside, the promoters also seem to be able to tie in a "independent contractor" to a period long beyond their expiry date if they happened to sustain a long term injury during that time.

Its fucking madness isn't it?

I figured part of that was employment laws just being shit. Sacking people is apparently fairly easy whereas here you have to go through a formal process here and also have to allow appeals. I've worked in places where people weren't sacked because the managers just couldn't be fucked with the arse ache that came with it. 

I also imagine certain people don't have deals that are so easily quashed. For so long WWE had no competition so figured wrestlers would sign as it was that or the indys. 

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my line of work has contractors who can be let go at a whim. But they also have the right to leave at any time as well, and get paid more than we do for that risk they take. 

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Also wouldn’t matter if wrestlers were employees as Connecticut is an “at will” state, meaning WWE can let people go at any time and for any or no reason, and wrestlers could also leave at any time for any or no reason.

Wrestlers will be contracted to avoid WWE paying benefits like pensions and insurance, but means they can put extra clauses on contracts like the no competes so a wrestler can’t just walk out and show up on say, Impact or AEW the next night. 

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I find it strange that WWE try to avoid paying benefits like pensions and insurance but are more than willing to fully pay for any wrestler who has ever had a WWE contract to go to rehab. Something which could have been potentially avoided if they had treated the wrestlers better in the first place.

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5 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I find it strange that WWE try to avoid paying benefits like pensions and insurance but are more than willing to fully pay for any wrestler who has ever had a WWE contract to go to rehab. Something which could have been potentially avoided if they had treated the wrestlers better in the first place.

Not everyone goes to rehab, and they got a lot of negative press when people started to drop down dead quite a bit in the early-mid 00s when they were the only show left standing.

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43 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I find it strange that WWE try to avoid paying benefits like pensions and insurance but are more than willing to fully pay for any wrestler who has ever had a WWE contract to go to rehab. Something which could have been potentially avoided if they had treated the wrestlers better in the first place.

They get good PR when paying for rehab, you don’t get that with doing what you should be doing anyway. 

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