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Really good show but wish some matches were shorter just add an anything can happen time vibe, majority of these matches on most shows have to go 15mins+ 

A Kross squash would've been a nice change of pace.

Wondered where they were going post title match, Cole turning was the right move, if UE aren't going to other shows as a unit then break them up now (saves Vince getting the blame) they've ran there course and if anything is holding them all back

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Just done with the show. I don’t watch NXT week to week, just the boys I think I might like, but I know they’ll do a good job recapping what I need to know tend to watch most of if not all of Takeover when it’s on.

* Gargano v Kushida - I assume that Gargano’s group is called The Way just so that he say “this is the way” at some point (assuming that he hasn’t done already) because he’s a fucking geek. 
This took what could’ve been a really good 15 minute match and made it a 25 minute drawn out affair. Seriously, what did they achieve by going 25 that they couldn’t have done in 15. 
Kushida just seems lost in the shuffle and I can’t see where he goes from here.

* MSK v GYV - I really like GYV, especially Zack Gibson whose come so far since I saw him and Rampage Brown stink out the joint on an NGW show years back. A hard hitting, prominently ground based team who only fly when they have to, and everything they do is done with purpose.
Disappointed they came up short, but with the Women’s Classic having heel winners, as well as the potential heel v heel Tag Title match down the line, it makes sense to put MSK over here.

* Shirai v Storm v Martinez - Low expectations for this as I’m not at all interested in Martinez and haven’t thought that Toni Storm is shit. 
Martinez has a Petyr Baelish robe now, that at least different to when she was last around. 
Mistimed finish, utterly forgettable, even the table didn’t want to be involved and just took it’s own life.

* “the hottest free agent...” if they were that good, surely someone would’ve tied them down a contract, no? And don’t put him next to Barrett, that just shows how fucking tiny he is.

* Bálor v Dunne - Pete Dunne looks so weird since he lost all the fat in his body.
Not quite Okada levels is slow-start, but it certainly took a bit to get going. Once it did though this was very enjoyable and Finn actually managed to get through a match without breaking his face, so thumbs up all round. 


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Having never seen him before, I liked LA Knight. Carried himself like a star. Loads of confidence. Even the promo style, for as much as I can see why people call it a shitty Rock tribute act, it’s at least different to everyone else.

The problem is that this will likely be as good as he ever gets and he’ll spend the next three years having all that individuality and confidence beaten out of him.

Debuting him on the pre-show felt insane, too. Imagine your big debut being on a completely skippable show where Sam Roberts is the lead. It was probably the smallest audience Knight has ever performed in front of. Gutted.

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1 hour ago, TomJones233 said:

LA Knight is a shite name and he's just a poundland Rock. 

I quite like the name, and I thought he was fun enough on NWA Power before the pandemic. His promos do feel slightly derivative, but you could throw that accusation at a number of very successful wrestlers over the years.

His promo style feels like a mish-mash of The Rock and Steve Austin - two wrestlers who were last full-time performers almost 20 years ago. So to a lot of fans he's probably going to feel unique. They won't view him as trying to emulate anyone's style, in the same way that very few fans look at Hulk Hogan and brand him a Superstar Billy Graham rip-off. 

Edited by RedRooster
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Liked the mellow opening rap a nice change of pace from the usual nu-metal dustbin banging themes they usually have.

Ref in the women’s Dusty Rhodes final was a bit clueless; both members of team made the pin?

Don’t watch the weekly show anymore so haven’t seen Kushida in a while; has he bulked up a bit?

Can’t believe one of the last live wrestling events I was at was front row at a small venue in Maghull to see GYV, glad they’re doing so well over there.

Balor v Dunne was good; assuming when restrictions allow they will get Tyler Bate over there.

Didn’t want to see that ending though, big fan of the Era.

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Wrestling wise the show was fantastic except for the women's title match which was so cursed it belonged in The Way. 

Post main event angle was real good. UE are probably going to be stuck on Wednesdays for eternity so you might as well break them up. Cole as the heel and Kyle as the face is correct to 

As for the Drake signing, I just don't see it from WWE/NXT standpoint. He's old enough to be in the Raw Elimination Chamber. While he's OK in the ring, he's not at the calibre of those we saw on Vengeance Day from the male side. He'd be perfect as an announcer but Wade is there and perfect for that role. Still better than Dexter Lumis though, not difficult though

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Debuting him on the pre-show felt insane, too. Imagine your big debut being on a completely skippable show where Sam Roberts is the lead. It was probably the smallest audience Knight has ever performed in front of. Gutted.

I know you're not being serious, but it's got 200,000 views on YouTube, plus however many were watching on the Network, whereas the most views his most recent Impact videos have on YouTube only about 80,000 views.

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My only previous exposure to Eli Drake was on NWA Power, where he was a perfect fit for the throwback theme and their studio audience loved him. It'll be interesting to see how they figure him into NXT, given that he's no spring chicken and certainly not a 'workrate guy'. I'm happy to see him sign though, I'll actually tune in to see what they do with him.

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