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For a somewhat lighter experience after managing to get through Outer Worlds I had a go at Saints Row 2, which annoyed me with keep sending you to do busy work before you could do a mission, then installed Saints Row The Third. It's better. I like that you no longer need to build up the respect meter to be able to do the missions, but the side stuff is optional rather than mandatory. It's not that I don't enjoy a nice side job but I prefer to be able to do them as a distraction rather than having to do them. It's a fun distraction. Has a really good soundtrack. Should keep me busy for a few hours when I'm not driving a train. 

EDIT: IGN are announcing this for PSN in the next few days/months. https://www.ign.com/articles/play-at-home-playstation-offering-10-more-games-including-horizon-zero-dawn-for-free?utm_content=later-15452935

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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1 hour ago, Weezenal said:

I'm looking at trying Halo for the first time on Gamepass for PC. Which one do you think would be the best one to play first? Assuming there's not a massive story to follow so wouldn't need to start at #1.

The story isn't terribly essential to enjoy the games, but there is most definitely a lore there that plays out episodically across them.

I'd go with Halo Reach first. It's one of the more recently remastered ones so it looks and feels great and canonically it's also a prequel to the original, setting up that games events. So you'll still be doing the narrative in the right order whilst benefitting from a more modern feeling title than the original. Which may feel slightly dated and has fucking awful level design from the second half of the game on. 

That won't be a massive problem if it turns out you really like it, but Reach might be a better entry point. 

If you really have zero care for the space opera malarkey and just want to shoot stuff, 3 is probably the best game in the series. It takes all the nuances added in 2 - which I consider one of the great flawed masterpieces - and refines them into a real watertight experience. 

I love Halo. 

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Ended up getting platinum on Remnant, and it became one of my favourite games of this gen. They took elements of the Souls games and made them accessible and much more fair with the drop in/out multiplayer. Just helping out randoms got me enough XP and actual experience that taking on the game was eventually a doddle. Going to get the DLC while it’s on offer still.

Tried Control after that and didn’t get very far before giving up. It felt like a horror game that wasn’t commited to being a horror and wanted to be a dull 3rd person shooter instead so it ended up being bad at both of them. Story not as clever as it thinks it is, protagonist doesn’t shut up and is a very boring person. Got a couple hours in and deleted it.

Downloading Final Fantasy VII remake now. Still not thrilled about the way it’s being served up to us but it was free and I do want to give it a go.

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Uh-oh; Sony is pulling all PSP, PS3 and VITA content from their stores over the summer.


This is real shit news and is the main negative side-effect to digital gaming; it can just disappear. I'd wager a lot of games on the store have physical releases but you'll be paying out of the arse for them, especially now their value will skyrocket even more. 

For the VITA, it's less shit. I wont say why so as to not break any forum rules, but it's quite easy to sail the high seas with the VITA, if you catch my drift.

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10 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

Uh-oh; Sony is pulling all PSP, PS3 and VITA content from their stores over the summer.


This is real shit news and is the main negative side-effect to digital gaming; it can just disappear. I'd wager a lot of games on the store have physical releases but you'll be paying out of the arse for them, especially now their value will skyrocket even more. 

For the VITA, it's less shit. I wont say why so as to not break any forum rules, but it's quite easy to sail the high seas with the VITA, if you catch my drift.

Another potential problem is that even some physical games might be fucked if they rely on downloading patches, I'd say the majority of games have at least one patch/update.

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That's the kind of dozy negative PR Microsoft were susceptible to early on in the Xbox One's life cycle. I know Sony need to push the new hardware much more in order to make money, but it doesn't look great compared to what's happening on Game Pass. I think a lot of this stuff is cyclic. They got complacent with the PS3 out of the gates as well after the runaway success of PS2 and it took them awhile to recover from it. Maybe the same thing could be happening here. That's just a hunch, mind you. I know there's exclusives on the platform that people are big into, but I can't help but think a lot of people will buy Sony out of habit no matter what anyway.

Microsoft knackered themselves with the Xbox One and they're still recovering from it. PS3 eventually outsold it anyway, but I remember for awhile there the 360 was people's idea of what gaming was. 'Xbox' was the shorthand for gaming, you'd see a 360 in the background of TV and movies. Silly things like that.  

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At best PlayStation are tone deaf at worse they just don’t give a shit. Microsoft are a different beast and can afford to be number 2 whilst investing billions in to their future  and giving cool shit away for relative peanuts but Sony have a bad run of their first party games and they don’t look so hot. 

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