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Wrestling #MeToo #SpeakingOut

Keith Houchen

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I think the first port of call is to blackball the wrestlers that have been outed so far. At least it's some sort of deterrent going forward.

AnyĀ promotions that have been complicit need to be completely overhauled or closed down, fans should boycott them.

But as sad as it is, at the momentĀ this has only really blown up on twitter, the average wrestling show attendee probably knows nothing of this.

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The absolute state of that post from Saraya.Ā 

I hope AVM isn't concerned about speaking out about his experience. You absolutely shouldn't be. If you're speaking the truth, and I have no doubt you are, you have nothing to fear.Ā 

Edit: Just seen your post AVM. Fair fucks to you. ??

Edited by Steve Justice
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27 minutes ago, ThommoLincs said:

Yet another example of why Wrestlers and Promotions should employ a professional PR person.

The most aggressive, poorly written statement so far and thatā€™s saying something.

Well, from the grammar and the tone of it, it looks like maybe she did have some help from closer to home in writing it..

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Big Rafa Benitez energy on that vid. ā€œOi deal in faaaactsā€. Remember when he went mental about finishing in the low 40sĀ in the UKFF top 50? Ā Fucking clown.Ā 

Solidarity with AVM.Ā 

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@John MatrixĀ - I don't disagree with anything you've said, and at the moment it's tough for me because I'm stuck in Jersey and at a few steps removed from the conversations that I'd be having in person if I were still around the "scene" as much as I was earlier in the year.

I haven't been reaching out much, because I'm uncomfortable with it at the best of times, and especially so now. It's not on me to decide I'm one of the Good Guys, all I can do is do my best, and be here to lend support if and when people decide that they need it.Ā 

I'm not being vague out of any sense of "protecting the business" - there's a lot going on that I don't know about, because I'm a million miles away from being anyone's priority at this point, and there are things going on that I know about, or that people have alluded to, but I'm not sure if there are reasons why they haven't been made more public already.


What I do know at this point is that Equity are holding a meeting with several female wrestlers tonight, and have spoken to wrestlers they have a pre-existing relationship with in order to best facilitate that, and to ensure the right people are being represented. My understanding is that it will be the first of several meetings, and that Equity are taking all of this very seriously, and looking to further include wrestling in their existing Safe Space and anti-harassment policies. Equity reps at the meeting will include parliamentary liaisons, lawyers specialising in harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry, and long-standing Equity members with experience of tackling harassment in other entertainment fields. Bearing in mind that the first post in this thread was less than a week ago, I think that's aĀ hugeĀ step forward in such a short space of time, in terms of having this taken seriously and tackled through the proper channels - a couple of years ago, I don't think this would have been possible at all.Ā 

Elsewhere, the police are involved in multiple cases already, and Leanne-Marie and Sierra Loxton will be addressing people on Instagram Live to discuss what they're working on tomorrow. So there are wheels in motion in and outside of the wrestling business, and I'm confident we will start to hear more about what that means over the coming days and weeks. I think part of that will be a process of identifying who, in and outside of the business, will be best positioned to take on roles of authority, and spokesperson roles, in whatever solutions come out of this.Ā 

It's early days, and it's frustrating when most of what we're seeing is promotions saying "don't worry, we've appointed the only woman we know to a position of authority" and empty gestures, but hopefully we will start to see that change very soon.Ā 

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23 minutes ago, AVM said:

Just to counter a few bits since I see that Roy Bevis has called me a ā€˜lying cuntā€™ this morning and threatened to sue.

1. I wasnā€™t attending the show alone. I went with my best friend and my mother, possibly my dad.

2. My best friend saw it happen and will be willing to testify. My mother is no longer with us and wonā€™t be able to testify. My father might have witnessed it so Iā€™ll have an awkward conversation with him now. Iā€™ve also several friends and relations and folk on here that Iā€™ve mentioned it to over the last 20 years who will testify that this isnā€™t something Iā€™ve dreamt up to jump on this bandwagon.

3. The reaction was laughter. This was always treated as something to be embarrassed by as if it was a prank and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve always treated it as such - not as a form as abuse. Reason being? It was done in character and I think thereā€™s also gender at play here.

4. I have no reason to lie. I do not care about the Knight family. I wonā€™t go to their shows because I live about 200 miles away. I donā€™t want to see their film, like thereā€™s nothing Iā€™d achieve by lying about this and those that know me know that Iā€™m really not the sort to jump on a bandwagon.

5. If you want to take it through court so be it. I believe that guilt should be proven. That said I know my truth here, so get the CCTV footage, cross examine my me and my witness/witnesses and consider other examples where the same thing has happened with older men in the audience.

This is the last Iā€™ll say on this matter as Iā€™m being driven on emotion and if itā€™s becoming a legal matter Iā€™ll probably be best off keeping quiet until the case is heard.

I hope you're doing okay - seeing you're getting some bullshit on twitter. You're handling it well on there, but I'm guessing it's pretty emotionally draining.

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4 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Got to be honest, anyone putting themselves forward as part of ā€œThe solution committeeā€ should be automatically disqualified. Let women lead, let it be organic, letā€™s listen.Ā 

That's a tough one. I definitely agree in some ways that women need to be the driving force in change, as the majority of these situations are towards them. However there are so many men in charge that they need to take some responsibility for what's happened. So I can see why some have put themselves forward and said okay we'll team up with xyz name and try to instigate change. We can't really pretend that men don't exist in this scenario, but yeah maybe not just some randoms who are trying to help when they don't have anything to do with management etc.

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I always think the response of "I'm going to fucking sue you" to allegations like this is just as low as the alleged crime, and makes you look an ver bigger, heartless cunt.(unless it's an obvious attempt to gain financially by the accuser). If someone built up the guts to make an allegation like that against me(especially if the thing was done innocently, or part of a miss-judged prank etc), the last thing I would want to do is make threats and effect them even more.Ā 

Why didn't the Knights, who as we all know are on here(or Ricky is anyway), reach out to AVM via PM and see what the full story wasĀ Rather than just put statements and videos up abusing the lad?

I've never met the Knights, or been to their shows(that I know of anyway). All I know of them is what I saw on the documentary and the movie(which was not meant to be 100% factually accurate). I also have never met AVM,Ā so I'm commenting on this completely neutral.Ā Ā Ā 

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Canā€™t help but think anyone who aggressively and publiclyĀ posts that theyā€™re going to their solicitor and seeking legal advice,Ā is doing anything but trying to manipulate and strike fear into victimsĀ trying to tell their story.Ā 

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9 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

However there are so many men in charge that they need to take some responsibility for what's happened

Thatā€™s where the ā€œLetā€™s listenā€ bit comes in. This happened on their watch, they need to listen to what is being said and listen to how they can make people feel safe. Itā€™s like an independent commission coming up with recommendations and then the leaders implement those recommendations.Ā 

Regarding suing for defamation. You canā€™t get legal aid if youā€™re suing someone for that so yeah I agree, itā€™s a silencing technique.Ā 

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48 minutes ago, AVM said:

Just to counter a few bits since I see that Roy Bevis has called me a ā€˜lying cuntā€™ this morning and threatened to sue.

1. I wasnā€™t attending the show alone. I went with my best friend and my mother, possibly my dad.

2. My best friend saw it happen and will be willing to testify. My mother is no longer with us and wonā€™t be able to testify. My father might have witnessed it so Iā€™ll have an awkward conversation with him now. Iā€™ve also several friends and relations and folk on here that Iā€™ve mentioned it to over the last 20 years who will testify that this isnā€™t something Iā€™ve dreamt up to jump on this bandwagon.

3. The reaction was laughter. This was always treated as something to be embarrassed by as if it was a prank and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve always treated it as such - not as a form as abuse. Reason being? It was done in character and I think thereā€™s also gender at play here.

4. I have no reason to lie. I do not care about the Knight family. I wonā€™t go to their shows because I live about 200 miles away. I donā€™t want to see their film, like thereā€™s nothing Iā€™d achieve by lying about this and those that know me know that Iā€™m really not the sort to jump on a bandwagon.

5. If you want to take it through court so be it. I believe that guilt should be proven. That said I know my truth here, so get the CCTV footage, cross examine my me and my witness/witnesses and consider other examples where the same thing has happened with older men in the audience.

This is the last Iā€™ll say on this matter as Iā€™m being driven on emotion and if itā€™s becoming a legal matter Iā€™ll probably be best off keeping quiet until the case is heard.

Good on you.Ā I don't believe you have a reason to lie, and if that's the case then you absolutely shouldn'tĀ let anybody bully you orĀ intimidateĀ you out of the truth.

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