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General Erection 2019

Gus Mears

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5 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

You could stop seeing my posts. In the same way I won’t see anymore of your replies.

That lasted as long as a Tory promise!

Can any viewers from Norn Iron say what the feeling is there, are the tories going to throw you under a bus over Brexit and is there a feeling of rejoining the republic?

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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

Just for clarity, I wasn’t posting from a position of outrage, it was pointing out rank hypocrisy. Had Rashers used his sons disability in the past to get sympathy on here after being banned then made a joke about someone else’s disability, I’d have called him out too. 

For the record, I’ve pointed out my eldest daughters disability many times on here. She supports Arsenal. 

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I’m so confused by Scottish independence. Some say they don’t pass the EU finance rules or that they would have to adopt the euro? While others say it’s a sure thing they would be allowed in 

Can someone cut though the fake news and enlighten me on Scotland joining the EU and what it would entail. 

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I thought they aren’t able to unless Johnson gives them the go ahead to have a referendum, which he’s already told Sturgeon to piss off.

From what I've read/heard, the most likely scenario is that Sturgeon formally requests the power to hold a referendum, which Johnson will presumably refuse.

The Scottish government would then go to the Supreme Court and ask it to rule that Johnson acted unlawfully in refusing it.

If that fails, they'll start the process for a referendum, which would prompt the UK government to go to court and say they were acting unlawfully in doing so without getting the powers granted. The Scottish government would hope the court rules that in fact they don't need to be granted power and have the right to do so independently (pardon the pun.)

All that said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the SNP don't wait until the Scottish Parliament elections and campaign on a manifesto that simply says "We will hold an independence referendum" and hope to win a majority on that basis, which might make it politically and legally harder to refuse the referendum.

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In order for there to be another Scottish independence referendum the Westminster government would have to grant a Section 30 Order under the Scotland Act. Johnson has already said he won't do it. Wee Jimmy Krankie hasn't really got any leverage at this point so it would be difficult for her to get him to agree to it. 

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As for EU membership, the actual rules on joining are pretty straightforward: to apply you just need to be a European state and agree to some basic principles of respecting the rule of law, treating minorities equally and so on. You then need an unanimous agreement of the existing EU members and a majority vote in the Parliament.

Beyond that it's up to the existing EU member governments whether to impose any special conditions or allow any exceptions to the existing treaties. Everything's open to negotiation. They'd have to work out what their membership contribution would be (and might not get the UK's special rebate), and they probably wouldn't get the UK's current opt-out on some justice issues.

Technically all EU members have to join the Euro, except for Denmark and the UK which had opt-out. Scotland could negotiate that. In practical terms it's actually irrelevant as there's a massive loophole in that even if you legally "intend" to join the Euro, you can't join the Euro until you've first joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism (which means you agree to keep your currency within a specific range of exchange rates with the Euro), and joining the Exchange Rate Mechanism is completely voluntary, so you can delay joining the Euro forever.

In principle, joining shouldn't be a problem. The main barrier would be if Spain wanted to veto membership for fear it could encourage Catalonian independence. It said last year it wouldn't do as long as Scotland left the UK legally.

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3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

 I apologised and still get more grief then convicted sex offenders and known thieves. 

If they hung around they'd get shit. Like Boydy did. He got far more shit than you ever did. Grow up. 


And for the record you were banned. When someone does a "I'm not posting here anymore" flounce we ban them as a matter of course as if you don't want to be here then we don't want you here. Letting flouncers come back in future is at our discretion. 

Edited by PowerButchi
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2 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

I'm more interested to know why the Welsh have never expressed an interest in becoming independent.

Yeah, those recent marches and Cofiwch Dryweryn stickers and graffiti along with "YES CYMRU" were just for a laugh. There's a massive well known thirst for independence in Wales at the moment if people looked into it. I know what goes on in England, it annoys me people can't be fucked to look at what goes on left of Shrewsbury. 

Edited by PowerButchi
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Well, all I know about Wrexham (which is your manor isn't it Butch) is that they just kicked out a Labour MP and returned a Tory one.  So perhaps the thirst there isn't THAT strong...


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11 hours ago, JNLister said:

From what I've read/heard, the most likely scenario is that Sturgeon formally requests the power to hold a referendum, which Johnson will presumably refuse.

The Scottish government would then go to the Supreme Court and ask it to rule that Johnson acted unlawfully in refusing it.

If that fails, they'll start the process for a referendum, which would prompt the UK government to go to court and say they were acting unlawfully in doing so without getting the powers granted. The Scottish government would hope the court rules that in fact they don't need to be granted power and have the right to do so independently (pardon the pun.)

All that said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the SNP don't wait until the Scottish Parliament elections and campaign on a manifesto that simply says "We will hold an independence referendum" and hope to win a majority on that basis, which might make it politically and legally harder to refuse the referendum.

I can't see us waiting until 2021.

The D'Hondt system in Holyrood makes returning a majority next impossible. In fact "stopping the nationalists" was one of the reasons it was adopted.

I don't know how much it'll help either. We ran the last time on a manifesto that said we'd hold another referendum IF Scotland voted to remain in the EU, but the rest of the UK voted to leave. We won that, and the legislation has already been passed, thanks to the pro-Indy Green Party. If Johnson, May and even Corbyn are, and were, willing to ignore that then adding an extra mandate isn't going to change things.

I do agree that it'll end up in court but it's going to be interesting how they rule. The question isn't really "Do Scottish people have the right to leave the Union?" because that's crystal clear, it's whether the Scottish Government actually represents the people of Scotland or not.

It also depends on exactly what changes Johnson is going to make to the judiciary. That prospect should be frightening for everybody. 

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10 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

Yeah, those recent marches and Cofiwch Dryweryn stickers and graffiti along with "YES CYMRU" were just for a laugh. There's a massive well known thirst for independence in Wales at the moment if people looked into it. I know what goes on in England, it annoys me people can't be fucked to look at what goes on left of Shrewsbury. 

I don't mean this in a rude way but why should people care? What goes on in England affects you more than what goes on in Wales affects people in England.

What's the motivation for them to look into it? People barely seek out news belongs what's readily available for even things that do impact them. 

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