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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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I don’t watch BTE. I usually rely on Twitter or on here to keep me updated if anything interesting happens.

This can fuck off. I don’t want this prick anywhere near my beloved Dark Order!



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I'd be surprised if he interacts much with the Order. Far more likely to be about the Bucks realising that Hangman wasn't the asshole in the interactions that led to him leaving the Elite. After all, Omega's now treating them like he treated Page.

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44 minutes ago, Chris B said:

I'd be surprised if he interacts much with the Order. Far more likely to be about the Bucks realising that Hangman wasn't the asshole in the interactions that led to him leaving the Elite. After all, Omega's now treating them like he treated Page.

Oh fuck no. If Page only beats Omega after the Bucks 'turn' on Omega and the Good Brothers with super kicks, then fuck this company.

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17 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

Oh fuck no. If Page only beats Omega after the Bucks 'turn' on Omega and the Good Brothers with super kicks, then fuck this company.

Obviously, guessing here. But I'd guess it'll be much more separate. Bucks going off for their own story (mainly feuding with Don Callis and his guys), but burying the hatchet with Hangman - they'd been at odds for ages last year, and them realising that Hangman had a point would be a decent way to let Page move on in a more positive way.

While I can understand the desire for them to be nowhere near it, when Hangman does eventually beat Omega, the Bucks coming out to be in his corner would be a nice payoff to the start of his whole storyline.

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Matt Hardy admitted he sent the text to Matt from hangman’s phone. Matt went to make peace and seen hangman happy with DO so closed the door and left them be 

BTE pic explanation 

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19 hours ago, Louch said:
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Matt Hardy admitted he sent the text to Matt from hangman’s phone. Matt went to make peace and seen hangman happy with DO so closed the door and left them be 

BTE pic explanation 

For context for those not watching, this is an unexpected payoff to something from six months ago (going to talk about the rest outside of spoilers, but won't mention the revelation itself - although it was mildly disappointing in itself, even if I found the directness of the explanation funny. That said, the stuff after, I really liked). 

Around Halloween, Matt Jackson reached out to Hangman to try and patch things up. Hangman was (hilariously and heartfelt) drunk and mislaid his phone - someone stole it and sent Matt a response of 'go fuck yourself'.

I've actually liked a lot of this storyline, and I'm glad they've gone back to it. The Bucks have been judgmental pricks, and assumed the issue is Hangman's drinking rather than his anxiety and depression - and since they're pious non-drinkers, that's fairly believable. Hangman's been defensive and poor with communication at times (sometimes being drunk, other times trying to make out he doesn't care about them, and even just through pure self-destruction and belief that he's not worth the friendship). On some levels, they clearly both want to fix things, but their own flaws mean they can't.  Hangman's called them out in the past on being shitty friends and they reacted badly - now, Matt's realised he was right. But it might be too late to do anything about it, as Hangman's moved on.

While I totally get people not liking the Bucks, and Matt in particular, I think that's some solid storytelling for any medium, let alone a wrestling vlog. Even if they're not nailing it, I really like that they're trying. It's a big part of why I watch BTE.

Edited by Chris B
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5 hours ago, Chris B said:

While I totally get people not liking the Bucks, and Matt in particular, I think that's some solid storytelling for any medium, let alone a wrestling vlog. Even if they're not nailing it, I really like that they're trying. It's a big part of why I watch BTE.

My problem is that I don't feel like I get any of this from Dynamite or the PPVs. I find the booking of the Bucks on the main shows to be really confusing. Not quite as shit as Cody but still.

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12 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

My problem is that I don't feel like I get any of this from Dynamite or the PPVs. I find the booking of the Bucks on the main shows to be really confusing. Not quite as shit as Cody but still.

Yeah story wise bte does things far better and less generic than dynamite, dynamite you get the random backstage standing interview and that’s it. Not all of bte should be on dynamite, but there’s a lot that would fit in and really flesh stories for those who don’t watch both 

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It's an absolute tragedy so much if the Hangman/Dark Order story took place on BTE. It's one of my favourite wrestling stories in years and had some of the most genuinely heartwarming moments I've seen in wrestling. The ending of the Christmas episode with the song, followed by Hangman deciding to stick around for a drink while the camera panned out to a snowy window was the most I've smiled in ages. It should have ended the episode of Dynamite before Christmas. A massive missed opportunity. 

I'm going to go watch it again. 

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The latest episode of Jericho’s podcast (which I still on a case by case basis) has Dean Malenko on it. I’ve not listened to it yet but I’m sure it will be solid enough.

In the description is says that Dean talks about his diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, which he’s been dealing with for the last 6 years. Is that something that was reported at the time? Because I had absolutely no idea he’d been diagnosed

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3 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

The latest episode of Jericho’s podcast (which I still on a case by case basis) has Dean Malenko on it. I’ve not listened to it yet but I’m sure it will be solid enough.

In the description is says that Dean talks about his diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, which he’s been dealing with for the last 6 years. Is that something that was reported at the time? Because I had absolutely no idea he’d been diagnosed

I can't remember if it was reported when he was first diagnosed, but Meltzer has certainly written about it in the past, so it is not like it was something that Malenko was keeping secret/hidden.

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