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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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48 minutes ago, Little Johnny said:


Wouldn't both parties get obliterated under First Past The Post, leading us right back to where we are today? For me, your best hope is the Tories becoming so complacent that they contrive to choose a leader less electable than Theresa May. Does that alone give you more than one term in power though? I don't think it does.

Maybe. Depends on how they split. Labour's right has more in common with the Tories than they do with Labour's left wing. That's why they spent years undermining Corbyn's leadership, even to the point of sabotaging at least one election campaign. I can only imagine that divide would be even greater if they weren't hindered by each other.

Scotland might be the best example whereas rather than the left wing vote being split between the SNP and Labour, the Right vote is split between Labour and the Tories. The only way either of them win seats up here is when they tactically vote for each other.

I'm not suggesting either split Labour Party would necessarily beat the Tories but something needs to happen because Labour, in it's current form, isn't even an effective opposition. The current batch of Tories are the fucking worst, and are barely even pretending to be decent people. The fact that we're even discussing Labour - in a thread called "The Tories Are Cunts" - in a year when the Tories have been at their absolute cuntiest really says it all.

They are getting away with murder, because no one is calling them to account. I don't even mean that as an exaggeration either. They are literally killing people. 

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Trans Excluding Radical Feminists. They're all about women's rights, but refuse to accept that trans women are women. 

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56 minutes ago, patiirc said:

Ta keith, appreciate it.  Odd thing to say mind. It's almost like projection that's after the gaslighting. guess everyone else becomes flying monkeys.

Is there anything else you wanna throw in there whilst your pissed off? 


54 minutes ago, patiirc said:

Keep with that hate keith. Anything else you want to throw at me? 

Here you are, twice in the space of two minutes practically begging for someone to insult you so you can continue to make things all about yourself, and continue to derail another thread with your incomprehensible, narcissistic tl;dr drivel. You completely lack the ability to have a discussion without demanding you and your life be made the centre of attention.

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1 hour ago, patiirc said:

1.)I went off the ofcom figures on news consumption, I've not waived them away. Just prefer the other breakdown. 

To say the figures they use are open to interpretation is being pretty generous. 


If I read a Guardian newspaper article, that was also on their website, that I saw via Facebook or Twitter, which of the following did I get the piece of news from?

  1. The internet
  2. Social media
  3. The newspaper website
  4. The printed newspaper

The Mail, as @Carbombsaid is one of the most-read news websites in the world. And they engage enormously via their website, facebook and twitter. On top of that, their front pages are in every supermarket in the country. And on top of that. every major TV news channel has some form of a 'here's what's in tomorrow's papers' section. And that usually informs the TV coverage over the following day. And on top of that, how many news shows constantly have journalists on as guests?

As a really quick example, look back at the Barnard Castle fiasco - how much of that conversation was dominated by the newspapers' front pages? And how much of it was dominated by The Canary?

These types of figures are absolutely meaningless in terms of measuring the share of voice and level of influence that these papers hold.

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