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4 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

But what is his character? I have no idea. I don't feel like he has one. I get that he's been around for ages but if they want to push him as a singles star, they just need to give him a bit of depth. Not saying it'll work or anything but it's something they need to consider.

Jericho's a great example of longevity plus changing things up successfully. Admittedly far better than Cesaro ever has but it's never too late to find that something different to catch on.

Same situation as Dolph Ziggler for me (into his 17th year with WWE) and feeds into what I've been saying recently about storylines and why AEW makes so much sense - Why should we be invested in Cesaro or Ziggler? After 20 years they're not stars so what's their motivation? There's a case for saying it's the booking but it's also the case both are happy to have a job for life so aren't putting anything into it and thus fans aren't investing in them.Ā 

Jericho has been given some rubbish to work with over the years but more often than not he's put everything into it and ended up getting (it) over anyway. He's proven himself time and again. Even when he opens the show or doesn't have a main event spot he still carries himself like an absolute superstarĀ  Cesaro and Dolph don't.Ā 

And that's why despite the numbers they have on their roster, it feels paper thin, it feels as though the show's treading water outside of the main event.Ā 

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3 hours ago, DCW said:

Cesaro has to be there a good 10 years now too, not a snowballs chance in hell he'll ever be able to deliver a decent promo at this stage. He was most entertaining when he was tagging with Swagger and Dirty Dutch did their talking for them. Did he have Heyman as a manager at some stage too? Cesaro is so bland I can't honestly remember. Rehashed Dean Malenko music, the stupid tear away suit, berets, Cesaro section, and the annoying ambulance theme tune. So many low effort attempts at defining some sort of a persona and none ever worked.

Yeah Heyman started managing him the night after he won the Andre battle royal at Mania 30. It didnā€™t really work though because most of Heymanā€™s promos were about Lesnar breaking the streak rather than CesaroĀ 

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Ziggler in his 17th year? 17 years takes you from the first Wrestlemania to 2002. How do you justify being around that long? Surely he's utterly minted on a 6 figure downside right now and just coasting.

The question is often who would've been better in another era. I think a better question would be, who would've been given the heave-ho way earlier in another era?

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Dolph Zigglerā€™s entire WWE career was summed upĀ that time he, ā€œquit,ā€ the promotion whilst US Champion, then returned as Number 30 in the Royal Rumble for no reason, didnā€™t win the Rumble, and didĀ nothing of value afterwards. The absolute definition of just a guy doing some stuff, none of which matters or will ever be remembered fondly.

Anyway, yeah. Itā€™s madness how much potential one couple can have in BiancaĀ Belair and Montez Ford. Imagine if they ever have a kid? Thatā€™s the key to the next boom period right there.

Most important news of the year though -Ā 

Thank fuck.

Edited by Supremo
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5 hours ago, Supremo said:

Dolph Zigglerā€™s entire WWE career was summed upĀ that time he, ā€œquit,ā€ the promotion whilst US Champion, then returned as Number 30 in the Royal Rumble for no reason, didnā€™t win the Rumble, and didĀ nothing of value afterwards. The absolute definition of just a guy doing some stuff, none of which matters or will ever be remembered fondly.

Anyway, yeah. Itā€™s madness how much potential one couple can have in BiancaĀ Belair and Montez Ford. Imagine if they ever have a kid? Thatā€™s the key to the next boom period right there.

Most important news of the year though -Ā 

Thank fuck.

That's excellent news. I've always felt as THE guy he should have been given new entrance music a long time ago. I think part ofĀ the reason he didn't immediately push on and gain the fans' acceptance was the fact nothing about him had changed. As I mentioned earlier, if the wrestlers/powers that be don't put any effort into evolving their characters then the fans won't put effort into backing them.Ā 

If you think about every iconic main eventer WWE has had over the years they all have one thing in common - brilliant entrance music. It needs to be really strong because it grabs the attention of the fans. You hear the music before you see the wrestler. Reigns hasn't had a theme yet that announces him as a big deal, singles competitor.Ā 

However it's an interestingĀ  comment he makes about having to learn to get his pacing right for The Shield's entrance theme so he's taking more time deciding on the new one.Ā 

It wouldn't go amiss for him to debut some new ring attire either. A clear evolution from fan favourite bad ass to top heel in the company. It's taken long enough but these are the final pieces in the jigsaw to complement the first class promos and matches he's put on over the last 6-7 months.Ā 

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To me Cesaro was always most over during his Real Americans rub. It was such an odd, funny paring and that theme music was so good. Winning that first Andre memorial was his height. As soon as Swagger, Zeb and the music left his act and they actually went with the internet being on to something with him, he's seemed nearly constantly exposed. The nee-naw-nee-naw theme, the weird shoulder tape - it's an athletic thing I know, but it creeps me out man, giving him Dean Malenko's 007 gimmick.Ā 

The Bar were alright.Ā 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

Anyway, yeah. Itā€™s madness how much potential one couple can have in BiancaĀ Belair and Montez Ford. Imagine if they ever have a kid? Thatā€™s the key to the next boom period right there.

Cue 2046, where you'll have fans yelling at Triple H, in his seventies and gloriously out of touch, to push the second generation athlete over Jay White who is in his 12th reign as Universal ChampionĀ 

In other news Rhea Ripley is still on NXT

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New entrance music is fantastic news. WWE have been really lazy at changing up or developing entrance music for the past decade. Back in the day it always felt important when a midcard wrestler on the rise jumped to a new bigger theme (especially if it added vocals) as a signal they are now a big deal.

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I know it's not a new thing but Roman's Reigns' hard man, bully character is undermined massively by his shitty velcro title belt. Blows my mind that a company so micromanaged and overproduced lets the velcro be so visible. Makes the belt look like a cheap toy.

It's half happened without anyone really talking about it, but Daniel Bryan is going to retire into a position of power in this company, isn't he? Hearing he's already got his hand in creative on Smackdown, watching him cut the most normal, human-sounding promo in the company, watching him do a better job hyping up the Rumble than everything else combined, hearing how well he manages to put everyone over on commentary, knowing how intelligent he is, I'd be tempted to let him write the entire show once he hangs up the boots. He's a real asset. Eventually, he could be everything this company needs.

Absolutely CONVINCED Michael Cole shouting, "things just got interesting!" when Dolph Ziggler's music hit was a rib.

Edited by Supremo
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