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Just finished Season 3 of Stranger Things. Far better then the 2nd, and Millie Bobby Brown just gets better.


her facials in the last episode when the realisation of where Hopper is/isn’t were fantastic

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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I think Millie Bobby Brown stuck out, she's a bit one note. Max, Billy Pillman, Maya Hawke Erica and the DuSteve dynamic were my standouts.

Am I the only person who loved series 2? As much as a dick they made Hopper in that series (he could have saved Bob!) I found it more enjoyable than the first series.

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4 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

Am I the only person who loved series 2? As much as a dick they made Hopper in that series (he could have saved Bob!) I found it more enjoyable than the first series.

I was forced at to watch something with my other half that wasn't Poirot, Midsomer Murders or sport and we went for Stranger Things. Finished Series 2 last week and thought it was OK, but not a patch on the first series. The episode in Chicago is absolutely dire and the Bob ending just pissed me off because you could telegraph it from a mile off as it's basically written in law that bad things have to happen to nice characters in every fucking TV show. Glad to hear this series is good, because I was a bit concerned they were going to run out of ideas based on the tail end of the second. 

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The worst thing about that shitty Detroit episode is that it was setting up a spin off. Hopefully thats been nixed and they get as many Stanger Things done as they can before the little fucks grow pube 'staches and have weird voices.

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I'm about halfway through series 3, and the acting makes it enjoyable enough, but it's a slog. The danger of something like this is that they feel the need to get "bigger", or to over-explain/over-develop the Upside Down. The more characters are involved, and the less mysterious and left to the imagination the Upside Down is, the less interesting it becomes. 

Nothing half as egregious as the worst episodes of series 2 yet, though, and Steve and Dustin are still a great double act. Not really keen on them doubling down on Evil Billy - there's not much in the way of stakes to take a villainous character and make them more villainous. 

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A slog? With all the multi-stories going on, I found it an absolute breeze. There wasn’t one bit I found a chore to get through.

Of course they have to layer the “upside down” or the supernatural shit, but they haven’t exactly made it massively complex. I don’t think they’ve over-explained it at all.

They’ve achieved depth on this by adding to the story but not by much. 

This show is one of the best examples of presenting different things for different audiences. Viewers can get as involved as they want. IE. I like all the subplots and think they add to the show. Especially the Dustin/Steve section and who they interact with.

Or you could be my like my ex, who loves it but just doesn’t give a shit about anything or why it’s happening or how they’re linked up and just...watches it, for what’s happening on the screen at that moment.

I’m sure this is true for most shows (you can be as immersed as you want) but it feels like Stranger Things has nailed that format here.

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Just finished season 3. Fair fucking play, mate. 

Why are they moving away? Bit of a dickhead moving from Wynona, splitting everyone up like that. 

The only thing I didn't like about the last episode was that there was the brilliant narration of the letter by Hopper over everyone packing up, saying goodbye and driving out of Hawkins. Then when the letter has finished, they show them packing up and leaving all over again.

I liked the little camoe of Michael Stein, one of the members of S U R V I V E who co-writes all the music for the show, during the video store interview scene.

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Late to the party on this, but American Assassin is on Netflix, and is an excellent little action movie.  Very well directed with no flab, some good performances including a great scenery-chewing Keaton, and a surprisingly good "disaster" sequence considering the film was obviously not big budget.  Mindless violence, but I like that we're starting to get this taught little actioneers again.

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3 hours ago, Loki said:

Late to the party on this, but American Assassin is on Netflix, and is an excellent little action movie.  Very well directed with no flab, some good performances including a great scenery-chewing Keaton, and a surprisingly good "disaster" sequence considering the film was obviously not big budget.  Mindless violence, but I like that we're starting to get this taught little actioneers again.

Saw this at the cinema and was disappointed with it. I think it had a lot to do with Dylan O'Brien, who's really, really shit.

Tomorrow though, A Simple Favour is coming on Netflix and it's excellent.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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33 minutes ago, gmoney said:

American Assassin was partially shot in Croydon, so though I haven't seen it, it's one of the best films of the last 30 years. 

Oh really? I have a policy of not watching anything with 'American' in the title, but now you've told me that I'm intrigued.

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