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On 1/4/2020 at 2:12 AM, IANdrewDiceClay said:

The original card for Mania XXX. It looks dreadful.


Intriguied how they’d have got to Ambrose v Reigns as The Shield hadn’t split by that point. I imagine it would’ve been Ambrose turning heel, and where would that have left Seth?

Also, 2012 had a bump of 158,000 buys with Rock/Cena. PPVs in the US are what, $50? $7.9million extra...that’s why they did it again

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14 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Intriguied how they’d have got to Ambrose v Reigns as The Shield hadn’t split by that point. I imagine it would’ve been Ambrose turning heel, and where would that have left Seth?

Also, 2012 had a bump of 158,000 buys with Rock/Cena. PPVs in the US are what, $50? $7.9million extra...that’s why they did it again

Rock's involvement in 2011 bumped it from the previous years 885,000. Cena and Rock was a major deal at the time. People were desperate to see it from that first night Rock returned. From 885,000 to 1,217,000 in 2 years is quite an accomplishement.

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20 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Rock's involvement in 2011 bumped it from the previous years 885,000. Cena and Rock was a major deal at the time. People were desperate to see it from that first night Rock returned. From 885,000 to 1,217,000 in 2 years is quite an accomplishement.

Cheers for those numbers, I was just going off what was in the pic you posted. So that’s an increase of 332,000 over 2 years, or $16.6million dollars

And that’s why you had Punk defending the belt in the middle of the show, because he wasn’t getting those sorts of numbers and no amount of “but he outsold Cena In merchandise that one month” will ever change that. Rocks a star, and that’s why they used him

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9 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Cheers for those numbers, I was just going off what was in the pic you posted. So that’s an increase of 332,000 over 2 years, or $16.6million dollars

And that’s why you had Punk defending the belt in the middle of the show, because he wasn’t getting those sorts of numbers and no amount of “but he outsold Cena In merchandise that one month” will ever change that. Rocks a star, and that’s why they used him

Jaysus, I never realised there was such a bump in the buy rates. Really does shite all over Punk and his " But, I was having the best matches so should be in the main event" whinging on that ill fated episode of Cabana's podcast. Makes his moaning about having to wrestle/drop the title to Rock at the Rumble sound incredibly petty too.

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25 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Imagine have those knees, Marty's ankles, Hulk Hogan's back, Kurt Angle's neck and Balls Mahoney's teeth. You'd be as useful as Steptoe's horse.

I’ll be making this monstrosity on No Mercy later and will give him the Essa Rios move set. 
I’ll call him Seabiscuit.

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Going to get himself fired because he’s still not over the fact Vince chose Miz over him almost a decade ago.

Punk said in his 2012 documentary that he had no problem with Miz, but reacting like that to a fairly standard in-character heel promo suggests otherwise.

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