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WEIRD Things That Scared You As A Kid ffs

Devon Malcolm

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Oh god, put me down for the Wheelers in Return to Oz too! I'd forgotten about them.


I remember being shit scared of Richard Briers and 'The Cleaners' in the Paradise Towers episodes of Doctor Who too. He looked like a cyborg Hitler in that.


Edit: sorry, not weird enough.

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My little sister was absolutely terrified of skeletons when she was little, presumably due to them being portrayed as spooky in cartoons and stuff. Funnily enough she took little comfort in my dad calmly explaining to her that her whole body was actually filled with one of those very same things she feared the most.


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The wheelers, meh. It was that cabinet in our kitchen. I was convinced as soon as my back was turned heads would start screaming at me, so maintained eye contact with it at all times.


I watched loads of stuff as a kid with had adult content, from films like terminator to stuff like Taggart, but Oz was the only one to instill a fear of something.

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I was traumatised by Thriller when I was younger.



Me too. Well, actually it was the intro, when he turns I don't think I got any further than that until I was 11. All my brother had to do to scare the shit out of me was to hide his face and shout out "Go away!" or threaten to put the video on. We had it recorded at the beginning of a tape that also had a load of Tommy Cooper shows, so this video was a source of joy an terror. To calm me down after my brother wound me up about it for the millionth time, my dad had to record over it, though I was still worried it might somehow come back when I was trying to watch Tommy Cooper. The two are forever linked in my mind. 

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the Tall Thin Man from Look and Read's 'Boy From Space'.



YES. When Look and Read was mentioned earlier my brain was twitching that there was something petrifying buried in my childhood... and you go and dig it up. We had the same setup, all the 5 year olds corralled into a room, told to sit crosa-legged on the parquet floor, the oak-effect telly wheeled out from the AV cupboard, the tape put in the top loading VCR...


Badger Girl was fine, Dark Towers was good fun, but this was like a bad Bowie acid trip.


The other thing that petrified me was for some reason every few months Paul Gambaccini or Mike Read would present a short music compilation programme. It was like Top of the Pops 2 before they'd thought of the format, with in-studio segues from the DJ. They'd play older songs and instead of a video they'd pantomime a story like Pan's People. One time they featured Arthur Brown's Fire and decided to have a cosplayed devil dancing in flames chasing a girl. It was probably an out of work Karl Howman but this scene petrified me. I pleaded with Mum to turn it off, worried "the devil was going to get me." The song triggered me for years after that.


Another weird TV one was all Paul Daniels' fault. His Saturday night TV show was must-see for me, I absolutely loved it. One year he ran a Halloween special where he appeared to "fail" an iron maiden gimmick, apparently puncturing his tiny body with iron spikes. To really sell it they cut to black and a voice in the studio announced that everyone should leave. I was mortified. Someone I loved watching every week was dead, and I'd watched it happen! I put a game on my C64 called Kinetik but couldn't shake the feeling of dread. After the next programme cheeky Paul popped up on screen to apologise and explain that he was fine. But I couldn't play Kinetik again as it brought back those feelings every time. Waste of £2 at Canvey market I can tell you.


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Claypole, or indeed the whole rentaghost programme used to put the shitters up me. My brother and sister would always manage to turn it over to rentaghost when it was on.


Frank Sidebottom too although I'm not sure if it was as a kid or a teenager that I first saw his weird face with lips that didn't move.

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hqdefault.jpg LOOK AT IT

Animal Kwackers terrified me, but this guy gave me the fear, YouTube it, I'm too scared to do so. Bungo, Rory, Twang and Boots were aimed at children.

Now there's something I'd locked away in my mind.


My parents had their LP and would play it to us when we were really little. I can only remember "Rory, Rory, tell us a story" but I know that I liked listening to it.

Once I was a few years older though, and saw the cover....


Never listened to it again because I couldn't bare the sight of the record sleeve being taken out of the rack or left on the side while it was playing. It's the manic, hungry stare right at you that's so unsettling.

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Used to have a video with a trailer for this show at the end of it. Absolutely terrified me, the combination of the music, the animation and it being detached from the comparatively safe world of whatever the main programme on the tape was.


Also, had irrational teenage fear watching the WWF's initial Beaver Cleavage vignette... the one where it was just the house in black and white with the clunky music, before the actual characters were ever seen. I suppose again it's some kind of detachment thing.

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The Barron Knights. weird fuckers with their shite comedy takes on popular songs, like a really rubbish English prototype version of Weird Al, i don't like comparing them to him as he's a genius but that's the only thing i can think of to compare them to. They were horrible, weird faces and creepy smiles, they were a bit before my time so weren't on TV as much as they would have bene at their peak but whenever i saw their album covers or clips of them on TV... no, don't like em.

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 My sister was terrified of Worzel's Daft head , i apparently used to run behind the sofa anytime a train would do the eye rolling thing on Thomas and Tank engine too.


The scariest thing i can think of from being a kid was Henson's 'The Dark Crystal' , so much so that i have never watched it to see if it actually was scary at all

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Spitting Image is a good shout. Most of the puppets are grotesque looking and usually awful.


As a kid I found the Victorian era to be horrifying (and kind of still do, in truth). Something so cold and brutal and filthy about that time I imagine everyone was a toothless unempathetic sociopath living in shit.

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The robot woman in Superman III about crippled me too.


Not unscary, but the bit in Ghostbusters where a ghost goes up the exhaust pipe of the taxi and turns into a zombie taxi driver absolutely crippled me, to the point where I would hide behind the settee every time this bit came up. I don't think I saw this 15 second-or-so segment again till I was in my 20s.


Knightmare scared me — I think a combination of the graphics, the face gradually (or not so gradually) deterioriating as they died, the isolation of the situation, and the fact that it was other kids that were getting "killed off" by, but I was totally shit up by this show.

I honestly thought at the end of each episode the kids were frozen in time! That used to freak me out the most!


YOU BASTARDS!!! This is bring up suppressed nightmares for me.

I was shit scared of Vanessa Paradis Joe Le Taxi video. I remember telling my Mum that witches were dancing around a taxi outside our flat. There's no way I'm watching the video again just in case. Can anyone confirm that there are no witches in the video? Cheers...


Ffs, Vanessa Paradis is hot as well


Be My Baby is still an amazing song and the video to match!


How did this get to seven pages without this





This used to freak me out sooooo much. However, while the theme still fill me with horror, it wasnt as bad as I remembered

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Some stuff scared me but fascinated me like Frank Sidebottom whenever he was on Remote Control and Lou Ferrigno as The Incredible Hulk, but particularly Hands from Bitsa. Mainly for the period when he became a terrifying living mannequin in a fairground attraction display box, but more when he looked like the reanimated corpse of someone's divorced da off out down the flat roof to see the Christmas stripper - 




They tarted him up after to look like a friendly robot afterwards, and though less terrifying and less likely to imagine catching a glimpse of him in the crack your bedroom cupboard with a glistening white pair of fangs before you suddenly lose two weeks of your memory it was still fucking godless looking - 




Worse than all that lot though and something I still think about is the beginning of Round The Bend. I hadn't properly seen it til writing this, but check it out -



the fucking music! I forgot that the beginning had that odd drone over the top if it coupled with that weird video effect and stuff like the cats eyes glowing that mad green. What sealed it for me was Doc Croc's hand flying out the shitter and flushing the bog. As a wee lad that just wrecked my mind and for what feels like years after I absolutely refused to flush the bog in fear that a crocodile's arm would goose me and drag me to the underworld.

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