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My local Scotmid has a tie in with Stuart's the bakers, which means they sell loads of great baked goods. Including curry pies, macaroni pies and awesome steak and haggis pies. However they've added a new item to the cake counter and its only a donut with Irn Bru flavoured icing! (Spelt Iron Brew so as to avoid a writ from Barrs I imagine). I've resisted all week but I had one today and it was glorious.

Edited by MungoChutney
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I saw that yesterday — it's so fucking miserable looking. I actually carried a few things around from one pantry to another when I was at uni — there was a can of peas and sausages, a can of pease pudding, and there was an entire canned partridge. I wish I'd eaten it.

Second time ive heard this today, what the hell is it?

Split peas boiled down to a soggy mess. Traditionally served with boiled ham. Ask yer mum.


Is it a northern thing? Sounds gross, keep it up there please

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I saw that yesterday — it's so fucking miserable looking. I actually carried a few things around from one pantry to another when I was at uni — there was a can of peas and sausages, a can of pease pudding, and there was an entire canned partridge. I wish I'd eaten it.

Second time ive heard this today, what the hell is it?
Split peas boiled down to a soggy mess. Traditionally served with boiled ham. Ask yer mum.

Is it a northern thing? Sounds gross, keep it up there please

It's a Cockney thing, from the days when people had to make the most of what was in the cupboard.


I have to be honest, I've never heard of it being served with boiled ham - I've only ever seen or heard of it served with saveloys.

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Hamburgers in gravy is good eating. Like giant Campbells meatballs they are.


This is probably my favourite review of all time.  The "fucking Jesus" bit gets me everytime.


That is superb!  Stifling belly laughter this end. That site is getting bookmarked. 


Butch, I reckon you ought to do some YouTube reviews like that time you read out erotic fiction, romanticizing over the delights of this sort of grub. 

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My mum used to tell me they were called 'Wrestlers'. Nice way to trick your dyslexic son in to eating his lunch, not that I needed much tricking. She also had an unusually detailed knowledge of what Mr T would eat as well.

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My mum used to tell me they were called 'Wrestlers'. Nice way to trick your dyslexic son in to eating his lunch, not that I needed much tricking. She also had an unusually detailed knowledge of what Mr T would eat as well.

I feel bad for breaking this to you, but all the goodness of bread isn't actually in the crusts.
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