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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I enjoyed the Rousey/Becky/Flair match, and the post match up until Becky got cuffed. After this I started rolling my eyes because I knew Charlotte was going to do the same. As they were going up the ramp (complete with Ronda rolling on top of one of the security guards) I was shaking my head....


But then, that backstage kick fight was glorious! Ridulous but glorious. So illogical in so many ways, but super entertaining and what i love about wrestling. You can suspend your disbelief and just enjoy it for what it is. The intensity was immense, and that knee by Flair to Rousey looked brutal.


The best though, is that WWE.Com are clearly going to roll with this more over the coming days with the “stay tuned for the latest”.


Are we expecting them on Smackdown tomorrow?

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Sasha was having better matches than anyone as a cagey singles heel. She's a shit babyface. She's an even shitter luchadore. I was optimistic about the women's tag titles but it's been a disaster. The bad booking hasn't helped and split teasing the one decent team (Rose/Deville) is dumb. Happy to see Beth smash through them though. Hope she sticks about.

Raw was mental. Hated the arrest angle. Then Ronda smashed a cop car while handcuffed for no particular reason and I doubled over laughing. They got me. So glad they went all the way to mentalsville with the angle, it just gets better and better. They also saved the match with the winner takes all stip instead of the convoluted shit I though they were going with. 

Batista was brilliant. The video package was ace, so simple and effective. The feud still feels weird to me though. Ice cold. I'm not even sure if Batista is the heel after that.

Seth's losing Sunday then lol. It's for the best, they've set him up as a total dork in this feud. It's so obvious he's just the filler as Roman waits in the wings. Welp, the goodwill for Roman isn't gonna last long is it?

Thank God they cancelled the Kurt match, although Corbin main eventing the go home show was such a smack in the face I kind of fucking loved it. ? 



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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Rollins has been a complete afterthought since the Royal Rumble, completely eclipsed by the Women’s main event angle, Roman coming back and even the HHH/Batista story. Will be very surprised if it isn’t just Lesnar steamrolling him in about 8 minutes

The biggest giveaway may be that the women are going on last despite it being the threeway a/k/a match we wanted, ruined by unnecessary Charlotte.

Seth slaying the beast and actually becoming "top guy" would have gone on last if it was going to happen - its not.

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4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

He's still making money off a product that isn't his! Listen, I'm not saying that I disapprove off the leeching of WWE,

I thought you meant it as in stealing a living, akin to Paul Merson getting money for talking about football.

Anyway, I hope Charlotte pins the other two at the same time at Mania, that would be incredible.

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I've just watched the police car skit. My god, I lost it when Ronda started driving the car. On my arse. Stroke of genius that was. The Charlotte knee to Rousey's head was also brilliant.

Although Rousey VS Becky would've been better imo, it's harsh to keep Charlotte - who has been the best woman in WWE over the past few years - out of the first women's main event at WrestleMania (much as I predicted she wouldn't be in it!). She's earned that right. And it'll still be a bloody great match. The triple threat with Sasha was MOTN for that year's Mania for me and unless something goes catastrophically wrong this match should easily eclipse it.

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Charlotte's easily my favourite around right now, I hope she wins although I acknowledge that would also be really stupid and also great WWE trolling.

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17 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Charlotte's easily my favourite around right now, I hope she wins although I acknowledge that would also be really stupid and also great WWE trolling.

I've hardly enjoyed anything she's ever done. Even in NXT barring a few matches with the other amigos. It's maybe one for a thread on its own. I just can't put my finger on why but there's just something I dislike about her and always have. It's not that I don't recognise that she's good. She clearly is. Very good. That knee last night for instance, just beautiful. But when she walks out, it's an instant *sigh* for me.

I've always much preferred Becky, even though her ring work is nowhere near as good. It's not just down to the obvious either because I much prefer Bayley and Sasha to Charlotte too.

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9 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I've hardly enjoyed anything she's ever done. Even in NXT barring a few matches with the other amigos. It's maybe one for a thread on its own. I just can't put my finger on why but there's just something I dislike about her and always have. It's not that I don't recognise that she's good. She clearly is. Very good. That knee last night for instance, just beautiful. But when she walks out, it's an instant *sigh* for me.

 I've always much preferred Becky, even though her ring work is nowhere near as good. It's not just down to the obvious either because I much prefer Bayley and Sasha to Charlotte too.

I was with you until here Rick, I was with you until here...

Main roster Bayley and Sasha anyway.

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Just now, Otto Dem Wanz said:

I was with you until here Rick, I was with you until here...

Main roster Bayley and Sasha anyway.

I had to think about that because its a no-brainer for NXT but they have both gone downhill since. Even then though, I actively have a dislike for Charlotte whereas I just find them two dull.

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