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I don't care to see Fat Hardy back at all. The broken gimmick does nothing for me, but putting him out there as Hardy Boy Matt circa 2000 in his current state won't half feel like he's arrived via a phone box with Bill & Ted.


Hire them both. Put Jeff straight in at the top of the card and have Matt take over as the new Hot Dog vendor.

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Pair of heartless swines.

Missing something a bit higher up actually :)


There was literally minutes of fun in that Broken Matt stuff. I couldn't care less whether WWE do or don't try and use it. Matt isn't where the money is.


Jeff working with the top guys is where the intrigue, matches and merch sales is at. Bring Matt along for the ride. Let him babysit Jeff on his light schedule and tag with him when the occassion calls for it but the money's in Jeff.


I watched Impact last night for the first time in yonks. It was a 20 minute version on youtube that had cut everything down to the bare minimum.


The roster and the product look horrible. So few guys stand out. It's indistinguishable from videos of most indy shows these days. Be very interested to see the next tapings. I'm sure that's high on their list of things to do. Losing the Hardy's is going to hit them hard. Who is left who is anything like a star? Lashley? That's about it.


Thought Cody's heel turn was quite good. Something about the guy though. He always looks like someone playing wrestler. Apart from that feud with The Shield alongside Dustin and Dusty, I've never been able to shake that. It's not TNA's fault. But they're wasting their money.


The wedding was a good angle. It'd be nice to see it play out in a promotion people are watching and caring about. It was wasted on this.

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I'm not arsed about how much money Jeff would bring in, or drawing power. I've always hated him as a wrestler. Shit promo, some of the worst offence I've ever seen in a wrestling ring and I don't find him particularly charismatic either. The thought of him against Cena/Reigns/Owens/Joe/Styles etc does nothing for me. Besides, I imagine Finn appeals to the same demographic and he's 10x better than Jeff. And I'm not even a big Balor fan.

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Conversely, I AM a big Balor fan but even I wouldn't try to pretend he appeals to the same demographic. He's had, what, two months on the main roster? So far all he appeals to is hardcore fans and those who are a little too keen on facepaint. Jeff's always had an odd capability to draw in a particular crowd in a way nobody else quite manages.


It's fine to hate him, sure, but don't pretend that Finn Balor is any sort of Jeff Hardy equivalent at this stage. It's the reason people still pay to see Rey Mysterio and don't feel the same way about Kalisto - on a surface level, sure, there's similarities. But on an audience investment level, Finn's still miles behind.

Edited by Daaaaaad!
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The opening segment of Hardys stuff this week where Matt was concerned about Vanguard 1's drinking problem was the funniest stuff they've done in weeks.


To be honest I'd be intrigued to see Matt continue this stuff in NXT where he wouldn't have to wrestle, which he clearly can barely do anymore (which is why I can't see the pair of them together as HARDYZ on the main roster).


I'm fine with Jeff on the main roster because he can still go but all of this is unpreferable to them staying with Impact for another 6 months, for me......

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Jeff Hardy (and the Hardy Boyz gimmick) is found money for WWE. Balor, while also loving facepaint and shitting up a promo, isn't in their league when it comes to drawing fans, so no idea why it's relevant about their supposed shared demo, when Jeff Hardy casts a far larger net, paricularly when they've got the brand split on the go. Jeff Hardy was one of the few people that made a difference to TNA numbers and was supposedly selling Cena numbers of merch, when he got his main event push.


If you don't rate him much as an entertainer, then fine, but he's a draw and WWE don't have many of them.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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The contracts Dixie Carter handed out to these guys were based off pie in the sky, and not predicted revenues which is completely unsustainable. Mike Bennett was on $250,000, if you can find somebody who can fill that role for $100,000 you then have $150,000 to spend on advertising and whatever else. Dixie was giving out great, lucrative contracts for very part time employment - with little or no restrictions. She and the company were going broke in the process, but no one cared about that.


When Anthem bought the company, I think the turnover should be pretty clear to everyone as well as the task they have. It'll definitely separate those who want to help the company and those that don't. Can you blame Matt Hardy for wanting to stay? He had a whole show for him where he could put his baby over in a match!


Matt Hardy was getting more from TNA than TNA was getting out of him.


Anthem and Ed Nordholm are not fucking around.

Edited by Psygnosis
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Not a massive fan of TNA these days but I like the idea Anthem are sorting shit out rigorously. Fuck paying someone like mike bennet 1/4 million for part time appearances with no steak in his other dates. The Hardys are more understandable but unless TNA wanted to full embrace the Hardy it's better off just thrown out with Matt and either WWE takes them or they go off and do it all in their own little bubble.


Hopefully TNA will offer solid but not excessive contracts to those who can get behind the shift in ownership, support and push those who they can and produce a good TV product to start. 

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Matt's been doing his shtick at a walking pace for about 2-3 years now. He'd have to go to DDP's for a few months if he was to end up in WWE on the main roster. He'd be a good fit in NXT though. Jeff could liven things up on Raw or Smackdown though. Both rosters are a bit light on numbers, but he'd maybe get a little less exposure on Smackdown due to it being a shorter show.

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