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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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Are royalty payments based on a flat rate or based on the persons original contract. Would a mid carder from the 80s when everyone was making money ( I'm basing that on people in shoot interviews going on about how the money was working on the same card as Hogan) make more from their clip being used than a mid carder now?


Edit. I know this probably belongs more in the questions thread

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Didn't Madusa herself turn around and say the photo she uploaded was bollox and just a joke?


In 2004 WWE edited out msot of Jesse commentary from various comps, but they cut that shit out. It was annoying as hell to watch a commentator seemingly have a conversation with himself.

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Didn't Madusa herself turn around and say the photo she uploaded was bollox and just a joke?

I don't know whether she said that, but she clearly did it for laughs, bearing in mind she uploaded it on April 1st last year. It's a real breakdown but photographed with some details missing. There's a column on the right side which is barely visible but which contains entries starting with 0.0xxx. That will be her royalty rate calculable on the revenue columns, which are the figures jumping out at us. It's photographed to give us the impression that she was pocketing what the total royalty base actually was. Not a bad joke considering that people were posting it and reporting factually on it, indicating that she got paid ~$40k for her ten seconds on a single DVD that featured dozens of other people too.

Edited by Ronnie
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Before they were bald:


Iron Sheik



King Kong Bundy






Bad News Brown



In semi-related news, recent Jesse 'The Body' Ventura with more hair than ever:





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Goldberg looks like a bank manager with that head of hair!


Bit of stereotyping that, surely?


Are we not allowed to stereotype bank managers now?

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  • Paid Members
Goldberg looks like a bank manager with that head of hair!


Bit of stereotyping that, surely?


Are we not allowed to stereotype bank managers now?


He looks nothing like a bank manager anyway, he's not even wearing a bowler hat for fucks sake.

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  • Paid Members
Goldberg looks like a bank manager with that head of hair!


Bit of stereotyping that, surely?


Are we not allowed to stereotype bank managers now?


It was a Jew joke, I think. If you'd already got it and were doing something I missed there, disregard this.

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