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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm ashamed to say it took me weeks to get the joke behind the name. Great odd couple gimmick though. Possibly my favourite, although Regal and Eugene are close contenders.

Regal and Tajiri for me

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Goldust & Booker for me. Still cracks me up to this day.


The feud with the nWo, was Dust as Vader and The Crocodile Hunter, were just brilliant.

Edited by Carbomb
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Really silly little thing. but I loved Dean Ambrose's interview on Superstars this week where he teased choosing an Big Japan-style Alligator Deathmatch with Seth Rollins as the stipulation at Summerslam. I know it would never happen, but the idea of WWE in 2014 invoking the spirit of Mitsuhiro Matsunaga just made me chuckle.

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Vintage this week was a retrospective on the Rock-Triple H rivalry of the summer of 98.


Tell you what, I'd fucking love to see those two go at it one more time. A storied rivalry, dormant for ages, with both in very different circumstances than the last time they faced off. There's a lot to like there, IMO.

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Vintage this week was a retrospective on the Rock-Triple H rivalry of the summer of 98.


Tell you what, I'd fucking love to see those two go at it one more time. A storied rivalry, dormant for ages, with both in very different circumstances than the last time they faced off. There's a lot to like there, IMO.


I think The Rock is done now isn't he? I'm sure I've heard him say in interviews how he feels he's "passed the torch" now. But yeah, if he did do the "every once in a while" thing then a run against trip would grab my attention like a mother f***er

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I think The Rock/HHH could work one more time if they ever go down the route of HHH vs Vince for control of the company, with Vince revealing The Rock as the man to fight for him, it would make sense as i think Vince has always gone on record about how much he loves The Rock etc.


Mania 31 sounds like a good time for this to happen, would certainly sell the show for me.

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Vintage this week was a retrospective on the Rock-Triple H rivalry of the summer of 98.


Tell you what, I'd fucking love to see those two go at it one more time. A storied rivalry, dormant for ages, with both in very different circumstances than the last time they faced off. There's a lot to like there, IMO.

I think The Rock is done now isn't he? I'm sure I've heard him say in interviews how he feels he's "passed the torch" now. But yeah, if he did do the "every once in a while" thing then a run against trip would grab my attention like a mother f***er

Not that it counts for diddly but when he was asked by digital spy if he wants to go into the Hall of Fame soon he said he'd have to make sure that he could still wrestle afterwards.

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WWE have put together a 30 minute preview of Cena-Lesnar, which sounds like its modelled on the UFC countdown shows that do a great job of getting people to buy their PPV shows.


It's airing on the WWE Network. You know, the thing that you can only see if you've already paid to see SummerSlam.

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