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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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The WWE's main roster is getting better and better.


At the moment you have you're established main eventers Cena, Orton, Bryan at the top of the card.


You new guys making their mark like Cesaro, The Shield and The Wyatt Family.


You have guys like Ziggler, Miz, Barrett, Sheamus all trying to get back to the top of the card.


And now there's Zayn, Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville knocking on the door.


Exciting times! Just how can they fit them all in!

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I've just watched Zayn vs. Cesaro. Holy shit what a match. I haven't watched their other 3 encounters but will definitely go out of my way to watch them now. I'm a complete sucker for that spot done on 25 minutes. I love that sequence of moves when it's pulled off so flawlessly. Looking forward to watching the rest of the show now.

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Rather than deciding if last nights Zayn/Cesaro match was better or not quite as good as the 2/3 falls match, I'm happy to think of it as the perfect ending to their trilogy.


Both of them came out of it looking even better than they went in. I actually worried that it wouldn't live up to the hype, but it did.


Paige's submission finisher was tremendous.


All the video packages were really great too. Best wrestling event of the year so far.

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Just watching the event, the opener was freaking awesome. The fact Sami sold the swing while being swung and not putting his hands on his head like others do is just great. That man can sell, totally impressed with his selling. Just got to the divas match as well and that was a pleasure to watch. Like many here said, its been a while since they've watched a decent divas match and these two did great. I know Emma is getting over with this dance and stuff but does she need it? Her performance was great with some nice reactions


While I'm typing, I have to say am I the only person who love Regal's commentary? Its the little things, pointing out how hitting the edge of the ring will hurt, body parts worked on, and the other things like move names/descriptions. An example was when Paige put the scorpion crush lock on, instead of what they could of done "This is Paiges new move! she calls it the scorpion crush lock", the commentary team sold the fact they had no idea, then Regal went right for "if this is what I think it is....yes...yes it is! Its a scorpion Crush lock"

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Not really watched much NXT so didn't really have a clue who anyone was besides Cesaro,Neville,Emma and Paige.Cesaro/Zayn was phenomenal,could easily see Sami on the main roster doing better than Bryan if he's pushed to suit his strenghts.Fantastic seller.


That Jimi Hendrix lad and the hyper fella were both shit.Tag match was good fun and The Ascension look decent and have a nice finisher.Scotty looks weird as fuck with no hair.


Paige/Emma was alright.Paige is far better than most of the women on the main roster and doesn't look panicked or in a rush to move from spot to spot like all the women usually do.Good talker too,and a very unique look.


Rusev will be another Kozlov,looks impressive but has bollocks all charisma.His manager looked nice though.The Bo video package did a great job explaining his character as I'd not seen him since last years Rumble.Ladder match was alright,they'd need to stick Neville with a manager on the main roster or he'll just become another Bourne or Justin Gabriel.Very enjoyable show overall.

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Cesaro vs Zayn was one of the best matches I have seen in quite a while (haven't seen the shield vs Wyatts yet) absolutely superb. In my personal opinion it was better than the 2/3 falls match because it was a perfect end, exceptionally done.


Mojo match was the shits and that moon lad is cack. I suppose they needed it to cool everyone down from the opener. It worked, no interest in either.


Tag match was quality, I would only echo what everyone else has said. I agreed with the commentators statement of the Ascension being somewhat reminiscent of LoD.


Women's match seemed to start a little 'diva-ish' but only briefly then it picked up well. The only wwe produced women's match I think I have raised my eyebrows too. Submission finisher was quality.


Bulgarian fella is going to be a menace, enjoy a good obliteration.


The main event, in my opinion, was a bit lackluster. Was alright but nothing fancy. It's weird hearing nevilles accent on a wwe produced show thoigh and the mention of geordies was superb.



Overall, really impressed, and I will continue to watch NXT from it so it has served purpose.

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You know what was really awesome about the Neville promo video? It was clearly deliberately shot so that you didn't notice his height whatsoever. Everything was either a low angle or had him flying.


That said, I did laugh at him being billed at 5'10".

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Like everyone else I loved that opener. Both those two are class. Zayn's everything a great babyface should be despite not having much of a look, whilst Cesaro's just a machine; he's a king of a man.


Not being overly familiar with NXT, do they put on matches like that regularly though? As fun as it was, it's not something I'd like to see every month, otherwise the effect would soon become diluted. Hopefully those sort of epic type matches are only busted out on special occasions, like last night which I guess was a bit like NXT Wrestlemania


I didn't particularly enjoy the ladder match though, it was pretty mediocre stuff. Still not seeing what the fuss is all about with Neville. That springboard over Dallas' head on the ladder was some spot all the same.


Rusev should be entertaining enough for 6 months or so, but facially he probably looks far too much like a regular guy to be an effective monster.


Regal was great too. You could see his style probably wouldn't translate to the main shows, but it's ideal in that smaller, less mainstream setting where he clearly has some freedom. He has some way with words, does the bold William. Even when he's being straight he has you chuckling with his patter and delivery.

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Not being overly familiar with NXT, do they put on matches like that regularly though? As fun as it was, it's not something I'd like to see every month, otherwise the effect would soon become diluted. Hopefully those sort of epic type matches are only busted out on special occasions, like last night which I guess was a bit like NXT Wrestlemania


Apart from the other Zayn/Cesaro matches most of them are standard short TV style matches. They tend to do a good job building up to the bigger matches.

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Just watched the show.. Really fantastic show. Great intro to NXT for someone who hasn't seen it. Bo Dallas's character is amazing and hilarious. I love it. It was nice to get a bit of Emma's back story; she's pretty entertaining. Paige is good in ring, but she still comes off a bit smalltime and Britwres on the mic.


I like Rusev. He will probably end up being shit, but whatever. I'm enjoying it for now.


The Ascension were nothing amazing, but pretty nice, and I like their outfits.


Obviously the opener was fucking great.


Two thumbs up for NXT Arrival! :thumbsup:

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Wish they could of found a small spot for Enzo Amore on the show though...when that guy is called up to the big shows it's going to be really special. Him managing Colin Cassidy is guaranteed TV gold.


Crazy thing is, the guys they've featured on NXT have been great for the most part but there's another 50-ish guys in the development system who they haven't revealed yet. I'm so excited to see who comes next.

Edited by LaGoosh
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