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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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On a similar note, Natalya really is fucking useless. Both Emma and Paige have wrestled rings around her in the past few weeks. She basically knows how to do some nifty spots but inbetween them is just an awkward incompetent goon.

I asked this before but can't remember if there was a proper answer: Where does the "Natalya's a real wrestler n should b divas champion instead of useless models" nonsense come from? Pure nepotism, or was she one of those "good before WWE" lies like Japan Albert?


She's really shit, all the time. What are her top five matches meant to be?



Pure nepotism. It was exactly the same with Teddy Hart and DH Smith. And actually with Ted DiBiase and Curtis Axel. For some reason if fans liked the previous generations work they feel the need to support their offspring and be in total denial about their actual talents. But it's always been particularly apparent with the Harts more so than any others. Loads loved the Harts I guess and loved the idea of them being that absolutely huge wrestling family and loved the history and story of the dungeon and that it seemingly helped produce a lot of good talent, so would instantly convince themselves someone from that lineage must be instantly awesome. Wrestling fans have weird blinkered logic like that quite often. It's the same with supporting indy guys and the sort of shit Kyle was coming out with the other day or being anit-PG and pro-Attitude. and supporting British guys in WWE.




I too am concerned Emmas stuff won't translate nearly as well to the main shows. I haven't seen the Santino thing, but that doesn't sound like a bad way to bring her up. Santino isn't up to much these days, having an issue start between him and Fandango could be fun and then have a couples dance off on Raw where he brings in Emma as his partner doing all her stuff.


I'm concerned Paige is actually better off on NXT too really. I've been really impressed with her stuff, some of her matches from the past year have possibly been some of my favourites from NXT over the past year. And she's surely due to get called up to the real shows this year. Generally the womens stuff on NXT is a million times better than on Raw and Smackdown. I quite like Sasha Banks too. But I can't see Paige getting used quite as well on Raw and Smackdown with who she's got to work with and just the way the womens stuff on the main shows is usually done. Her and AJ could possibly do some cool stuff together which I could get into (and she hinted at on the last NXT I saw) but beyond that I can't see much. Women have such short lived tenures in WWE really, I think she may even be better off getting associated with another male act of some kind like Lita did, but then that kind of goes against her character somewhat.

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I'm not Natalya's biggest fan but I'm not sure how you can quantify Emma and Paige "wrestling rings around her."


I can't imagine there's any way shes not going to be the one leading and calling those matches.


Well it's more likely that Norman Smiley laid out everything for them beforehand. Emma and Paige have both had loads of great matches in NXT. And not great matches as in "good matches for womens wrestling" but actually genuinely good matches. Natalya is just fucking wank.


On a different note, despite being absolutely massive...Mason Ryan is a very unconvincing big man. He doesn't come across as hard at all. He looks sawft out there.

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I'd rate Natalya as being a decent worker because the way she moves, does the basics like running the ropes, and executes her repertoire of moves - she is a believable wrestler. She looks like she has practised and worked on doing things properly.


I'd rate her as second only to AJ on the Raw/SmackDown roster for that reason, way above everybody else they have who always seem like they are trying spots they learned earlier that day for the first time.


Her matches with Paige & Emma on NXT in the past month have not exactly torn the house down, but they were much better than anything The Bella's, Funkadactyls, Kaitlyn, or Eva fucking Marie did in 2013.

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I dont see her as especially shit as anyone else, but maybe my standards are so low I cant judge. They are all just forearm flapping shiny pants wearers to me. Natalya is like Kurt Angle compared to Aksana and Velvet Sky. Now those two really make me stand up and take notice of how low a female talent can sink to.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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there's this really shitty spot they've been doing on the main roster in recent weeks where 5 or 6 divas link arms and turn into a battering ram, knocking down the heel diva,,


in terms of character, quality of matches and time allocated, there better off on NXT..


But for the moolah and national exposure..

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Natalya has always been a bit bland, a workhorse like her other half, dependable with a bit of flash or decent hook (in her case, the family name) but never a standout star. But these last few weeks, she's been a godsend to the NXT Divas. Every match she's had, she's helped make them look like stars. The finish vs Emma was my favourite to any match in a long time. I was enjoying the match, then because I like Emma, I thought I'd let what looked like a slightly screwed small package pass, but then the transition into the Emma Lock totally took me by surprise. It showed the character of Emma as goofy and awkward but talented and tenacious. Great stuff. Sadly, I can imagine Emma's gimmick getting overhauled if she goes to the main roster and going into overkill, and we'll have another Muffy Mower on our hands, but still, I can hope!


Fun sing off between Big Cass and Aiden English. Amazingly for a guy who you'd think was the newest to wrestling, working with Enzo seems to have worked wonders for Cass (I refuse to call him Colin Cassady, yawn). In fact, I worry Cass might even outgrow Enzo and their fun double act will end. A solid segment though, and a step towards getting the Full Sail crowd to properly boo The Artiste.


I don't get Rusev. It's not his weird sumo leather nappy. It's his hair. And I don't know why they insist on calling his camel clutch The Accolade. It's meaningless.


I'll echo somebody's sentiments in another thread about Mason Ryan - he doesn't get it. I think he actually suffers from being too athletic. He's 300lbs solid muscle. He should be a fucking wall. But he comes into the ring skipping about from foot to foot that makes him look lighter than he is and kills the effect his look should have. Selling for Breeze's punches like they were bombs as well, Jesus. Somebody get him or his match agent a clue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone else notice that Natalya's promo on this week's show sounded familiar?


Talking about her match with Summer Rae, she ended her promo by saying: "My New Years Resolution is to get hungry, and forget my manners".


That was the same promo from a scene in 'Wrestling With Shadows' where Bret & Anvil are trying to come up with something at Canadian Stampede.


Nice touch. :thumbsup:

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Natalya has always been a bit bland, a workhorse like her other half

She's never shown any evidence of this "workhorse" status, but she has people convinced that she is one, for the reasons that ShortOrderCook mentioned. Tyson Kidd is dull and boring as a character, but he's not total shit at wrestling like Natalya is, and it does him a disservice to even lump her in with him. At least Tyson Kidd lives up to his billing amongst Dem Wans. He's good at doing the movez~ and whatnot. Natalya has managed to maintain a similar reputation despite being demonstrably awful. Unless she's magically turned good in these NXT matches. But she was definitely crap before those tapings.

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The ending to Cesaro/Parker this week on NXT was quality -


CJ Parker does an Airplane Spin on Cesaro for ages, and then when he puts him on his feet, Cesaro completely no-sells it, cranks his neck and does the Big Swing. Then he hits the Neutralizer and wins.

Edited by FelatioLips
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Natalya has always been a bit bland, a workhorse like her other half

She's never shown any evidence of this "workhorse" status, but she has people convinced that she is one, for the reasons that ShortOrderCook mentioned. Tyson Kidd is dull and boring as a character, but he's not total shit at wrestling like Natalya is, and it does him a disservice to even lump her in with him. At least Tyson Kidd lives up to his billing amongst Dem Wans. He's good at doing the movez~ and whatnot. Natalya has managed to maintain a similar reputation despite being demonstrably awful. Unless she's magically turned good in these NXT matches. But she was definitely crap before those tapings.

Seen a clip of one of her matches from I assume is last year where she puts the Sharpshooter on AJ and then AJ sells it but as soon as AJ begins tapping she lets go so AJ ends up tapping to nothing. This was live on RAW as well so quite the cockup. You would think that with her experience she would know not to let go of her hold. I've as good as written her off after seeing that.

Edited by GPW Kristian Zane
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Hello. I've not watched any NXT since it moved from "seasons" to what seems to be a regular weekly show (apart from 3 or 4 Divas bouts). I'm keen to see episodes featuring the Wyatts, anyone from the Shield, etc. Which month/year would be best to start searching from, and are the shows easily available on YouTube or elsewhere?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So the slowdown of this thread is an indication of NXT being slightly dull the last few weeks isn't it. Maybe the novelty has just worn off but I'm hoping for some fresh characters to come in after the Network special.


Lance Storm made a good point on his last Alverez podcast about the crowd at NXT (that I've aped on Twitter). Almost all the over babyfaces started with cutesy heel gimmicks (Breeze, Enzo, Cassidy, Emma, Big E, Aiden English until they feuded him with Cassidy) and a lot of the straight babyfaces have fell flat (Bo Dallas and CJ Parker being the biggest examples who they've turned heel/are turning heel.)


Cesaro seems to get face reactions and even the utterly dull Ascension are starting to get ironically cheered/chanted for on the last few shows. Have to wonder after Emma's poor Raw debut how many of these gimmicks are going to translate to the main roster in front of a proper crowd.

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