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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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They didnt even get any money off all those Bullet Club t-shirts they sold. And that shirt was one of the hottest shirt in wrestling for a good 18 months. New Japan totally fucked them on the trademark. Hence why Gallows trademark Biz Cliz, because they could officially sell Bullet Clubby-style shirts without having to deal with New Japan.


TNA had their own version of the Bullet Club lined up as well, but all those shirts are sitting somewhere in a warehouse next to "free Nelson Madella" and "Arsenal 50 and not out" tees.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It makes sense for New Japan to allow WWE to use the name for a percentage of merch sales. They can either get free money for not doing anything or say no and get nothing. WWE will just come up with something similar if they can't use the original name so New Japan have fuck all to lose and a nice bit of cash to gain.


WWE aren't as bothered about renaming everyone as they used to be so its not entirely unrealistic. I'll still be surprised if they go that route though. All comes down to if both sides agree it's the best option financially

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They didnt even get any money off all those Bullet Club t-shirts they sold. And that shirt was one of the hottest shirt in wrestling for a good 18 months. New Japan totally fucked them on the trademark. Hence why Gallows trademark Biz Cliz, because they could officially sell Bullet Clubby-style shirts without having to deal with New Japan.


TNA had their own version of the Bullet Club lined up as well, but all those shirts are sitting somewhere in a warehouse next to "free Nelson Madella" and "Arsenal 50 and not out" tees.


Dunno, Jeff Jarrett was charging loads for them from his merch table. The Turpin.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I did say officially sell, though. Through places like ProWrestlingTees and stuff. Gallows has always got his re-print Bullet Club shirts at the gimmick. I imagine Jeff Jarrett is doing the same. He's not daft.


Gallows is a very smart man. When he was in TNA, he said on his podcast that he went to a printing firm, illegally printed a bunch of Aces and Eights t-shirts and sold them on and netted all the profit.

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Nice one! Ā Thanks Dopper, think I'll be watching that from now on.


The weekly show can seem a bit slow at times (even though it's only an hour) but it's definitely worth sticking to as there's a decent amount of character development over the long run.


Their big shows are almost all top class though. They're good enough to go back and enjoy out of context if you've got a bit of spare time.

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It's still dull as fuck most weeks. I come out of the Takeover specials pumped for it and two weeks later I'm back to just reading the thread on here to see if there's owt worth watching. And there generally isn't.


If I can get into the same habit with Raw, I think I'd love WWE even more than I do.

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