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Richie Freebird

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I wouldn't count the Freebirds, New Day or Shield as factions. Also, Los Boricuas and the lWo are conspicuous by their absences.

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The Young Bucks, Nick and Matt Jackson haven't made it much of a secret that they're going to explore their options. Cody has stated the group will remain together, but a WWE source has told Fightful that signing Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and possibly even Cody is considered a "priority" for WWE, as they want any potential game changers under contract.

When speaking to Fightful.com, The Young Bucks didn't hold back about their contract situation.

"Contract season's here, right? I think it's been 20 years since there's been wrestlers who have the leverage that we currently have. We're aware of that, we know the position that we have. Next year will be the year we get paid, no matter where we're wrestling," said Matt Jackson.

The duo are currently working with both Ring of Honor and New Japan Pro Wrestling, where they've become major draws. Nick said that their options moving forward are a plenty.

"I think everyone wants to sign us right now, which is a good problem to have. It shows that the interest is high. It's great for us," said Nick.

Surely if they're clever about this they should avoid signing an exclusive deal anywhere. In the current climate they could quite feasibly work PPA dates with ROH, New Japan, Impact, MLW etc without being tied down anywhere. Hell, they could even pop up at the Royal Rumble or one of the NXT Takeovers (at least in theory).

They all have enough pull and drawing power that no-one will stop booking them, while also giving them the ability to be more choosy when they work. 

Edited by garynysmon
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The Young Bucks are doing what Real Madrid players have been doing in post-match interviews after their last three Champions League finals - all saying they need to 'think about their futures' etc in a bid to get more money. Not having a pop at them for that - it's just sensible strategy.

I can't see Cody and the Bucks going to WWE and losing all of their autonomy over their images, their merch rights etc. Cody said as much himself recently about how much he loves having total control over what he does. Money talks and all that but I'd still be pretty surprised. Might be different for Omega as I haven't heard him talk much about contract situations etc. 

I mentioned this in the All In thread a while back, but if they continue to be successful on the indies, WWE might even bring them in for special guest appearances rather than a full-on contract for one or two 'dream matches' as such. They'd have to wait for their NJPW contracts to expire for it to happen but with the right promotional tools put behind it, it could work. If anyone can make it happen, Triple H is the guy to do it. He'd organise that shit perfectly - make sure the build is right, the introduction to the wider WWE audience is done right, give them the right opponents, etc. We're already seeing a change in direction in terms of how WWE is putting together its big shows and working more widely with independent promotions/talent. Now's as good a time as any to make that happen. Strike while the iron is hot. 

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26 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

Surely if they're clever about this they should avoid signing an exclusive deal anywhere.

Depends if you want pushed properly as hard as the company might choose, including main events, titles etc. New Japan don't push Ibushi as hard as his talent could merit or as hard as numerous posters would want, for that very reason. Companies are rightfully reluctant to go balls out and commit to talent if said talent won't commit to them. Even when Kojima won his last IWGP title as a "freelancer," one of the wrestlers told me that in fact he was under contract but the company didn't publicize it because they thought it suited the story better that he appear an "outsider" opposite company hero Tanahashi. Promotions go hardest with people that contractually are at their beck and call and especially won't get injured working too many additional dates because they're running their own bookings instead of through your office.

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I've been a fan of Cody since he debuted. I know he's had his boring stints, but when he's good, he's awesome. I'd really like to see him do an AJ where he gets out there, gets big, and is so undeniable they bring him back at near main-event status.

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Cody is a funny one. I am a huge fan of both the Rhodes boys, Goldust is one of the best of all time in my humble opinion. 

Cody has managed to create this incredible aura about himself. He acts like a huge deal, the suits, cigars. He carries himself like a star and seems to live and breathe for the business.

He obviously adores wrestling which is evident by his actions over the last few years. It’s actually quite heartwarming, he left WWE due to feeling stifled and has since made himself one of the best character’s on the scene. Granted he is not setting the world on fire with matches but my god csn he tell a story in his matches.

I don’t buy into the whole “Cody and Bucks have revolutionised the business” but they have shown thst there are ways to thrive under your own steam. Even watching him in Being the Elite, he just oozes charisma; I know not everyone watches BTE but a scene with him and Flip Gordon had me chuckling so much my wife sent me out the room. 

The BTE were discussing the next season of the show and Flip turns to Cody as asks if he can be booked for All In, Cody looks half disgusted half sympathetic and says “Aw Sweetie, you know I love  you, but my character fucking hates you”. It tickled no end. 

In short I love Cody Rhodes. 

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3 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Cody’s still only 33. He could easily do five years of his own thing and head back to WWE before he’s 40 in an AJ Styles kind of way. When he does, I’d buy him as a top guy in a way I wouldn’t have done before he left. 

Nope. Not happening, ever. He doesn't have it. He never has and never will.

Chuffed for him that he's doing well and the All in thing, as uninteresting as it is to me, is a great achievement. But he isn't good enough in or out of the ring. If he came back, he'd be a massive deal ... for a week.

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