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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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1 hour ago, unfitfinlay said:

There's no way that they'll be able to use Forever The Revival, even if they own the trademark. AEW and especially TNT won't want the hassle of a long, boring legal battle with WWE. not when they can just call them something else.

It's the same reason Bubba and D-Von called themselves Team 3D and not "The Deadly Brothers," even though they had that trademarked. 

Well The Deadly Brothers sound absolutely awful anyway. Like most renaming, whatever The Revival go for will probably sound weird at first and then be alright after a while. I remember thinking Bully Ray sounded shit to begin with and now it’s totally normal, never got used to Brother Ray though 

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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Who has it? Nah I don't think there is a thread on it. 

Vince has gone beyond his usual batshit self to pure carelessness and negligence by having shows continue. Everything has shut down. Real sports, with real consequences, have shut up shop. But this lot HAVE to keep going forever because stopping is a weakness like sneezing or some bullshit.

And for what? To have these wrestlers risk themselves and their families in an empty fucking gym on shows that nobody really cares about right now? I guarantee that if they let their production crew work from home until further notice, they'll come up with something better using past footage to build existing feuds rather than what they are peddling out right now. Or outsource it to whoever does the videos for 2k Games and BT Sport, because they're actually competent at it. 

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9 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Has there been a thread discussing the big Covid thing in WWE? One of the boys has got it. And WWE is still running shows from this point. Has Vince finally lost the plot then?

Not that I am saying its right, but think it was 14 days ago during the Mania Tapings. So might be in the clear now. 

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I've only really seen the quotable moment and the reaction to it, but I  love  seeing wrestling fans getting irate about the phrase "fake fights for fun".

Yep, that's what it is.

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Why do most of the woman seem to think they are amazing at what they do and deserve respect like Natalya/Nia etc?

Yet the actual decent wrestlers don't suck themselves off and call themselves pioneers every week. 


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My non-wrestling fan friend sent me the Ronda quote saying that she's going to get in trouble. One line into it and you know that A) it's a work and B) she must be set for a return. 

The response from Nia pretty much confirms who her first feud back will be with. 

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Don't care if it's a work or not but Ronda was miles ahead of pretty much every other woman on the roster from the beginning. 

That Ronda/Angle versus HHH/Steph 'Mania match is one of my favourite matches in forever. Rousey played her role perfectly, had amazing timing and showed fire that most struggle with. She's class and WWE are poorer without her. 

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I loved that match, watched it again recently and it’s just magic. Bit of a shame they had wasted Angle’s return at TLC teaming with the Shield, would have just added to the match if it had been his first time back in a WWE ring in years 

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Can’t be doing with everyone going, “LOL it’s obviously a work,” as if that automatically makes it good. I miss Ronda as much as anyone but if this shitty work-shoot stuff is what she plans to come back with then she might as well not bother. The only reason more wasn’t made her about her moronic work-shoot stuff the last time was because the on-screen stuff was equally as dreadful. It’s counterproductive dross that does nothing for anyone and makes Ronda look like a petty idiot. But hey, as long as you’re working the marks, eh? 

Edited by Supremo
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