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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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To me it's Jessica Jones that is by far and away the best series and then Daredevil series one and two and Luke Cage are competing for various leagues of dull. I never even finished Cage. Which is odd, because I'm compelled by the character in Jessica Jones.


I think I find Jessica Jones more visually interesting as well as connecting to the characters more. Certainly a lot of Daredevil feels boring as hell to look at.


I haven't tried Iron Fist. Since my opinion differs from most people on my ranking of the Netflix series I'm hoping the bad reviews will mean it's more my cup of tea.


I'm far more interested in Flash and Legion though.

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Haven't seen Luke Cage, and I felt like Daredevil was a great 8 episode show, with 13 episodes. Felt so draggy at times. Also, season two is the exception to the "Ninjas make everything better rule."


Preferred Jessica Jones — felt like a great 10 episode show in the body of the 13 episode show instead, whole thing was a lot tighter. And it was much more visually arresting, because of Krysten Ritter being in it.

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Daredevil suffers from being overshadowed by other characters in his own series, namely Kingpin and Punisher. The second season also needed to brighten up its fight scenes so we could actually see what was going on. And yeah, fucking ninjas. They've laid their stall out letting everyone know The Defenders will have an Eastern villain, but fuck me, so many ninjas.

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Reading these dissections makes me want to watch them all again. I definitely enjoyed Jessica Jones over the others. With Luke Cage coming a close second. They use of the Barber shop in Luke Cage as a plot device, I thought was genius. Watch them and revel in being a comic book fan. We are so lucky to be able to have these realisations. Leave the hyper critical eye for afterwards. I should probably make it clear that I knew little to nothing about Jessica Jones,Luke Cage, and Daredevil. Before I watched these shows. That may had helped me enjoy them that bit more.

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Thought that Justice League trailer looked pretty decent. My 4 year old lost her shit at Batman in it, until I realised that she probably won't be watching it until she's much older, as well as all of the other superhero films and the characters she's obssessed with, bless her. Maybe that's what it is, that we all need to watch these things with children and enjoy it through their wide eyed amazement.


Gal Gadot as well...bloody hell...

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I don't think Punisher lived up to his potential in Daredevil at all, he was castrated by having his storyline forced into what is essentially a courtroom drama. Looking forward to seeing him in something else though. Daredevil season 2 turns into Arrow somewhere through the second half as well, as said before way too many pointless ninjas

Edited by Call me Bellend
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Thought that Justice League trailer looked pretty decent. My 4 year old lost her shit at Batman in it, until I realised that she probably won't be watching it until she's much older, as well as all of the other superhero films and the characters she's obssessed with, bless her. Maybe that's what it is, that we all need to watch these things with children and enjoy it through their wide eyed amazement.


Gal Gadot as well...bloody hell...

Therein lies the realisation I've had about the DCEU. It's not marketed for me. It's aimed at the video game generation and JL diehards that will watch and put money down just because it's Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman/whoever. Nothing about the trailer appeals to me. The palette is dark and dull. The action is disjointed and the choreography nonexistent. The effects are naff. The slow-motion is gratuitous. The dialogue is stilted and cliched. I even think Affleck's "I'm rich" should be a snappy, knowing zinger from the character, but even he sounds bored by it. They'll be a ton of people who'll make this a financial success and convince the studio they're on the right track, but as long as people go just for the sizzle and Gal Gadot doing a slo-mo Pantene advert in cosplay, there's no incentive to make these good films.


But that's me talking from the perspective of a casual geek with strong opinions on who/what Batman, Supes etc are/should be and a Film Studies degree, so my critical thinking is probably dulling my enjoyment.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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Erm, dunno about that mate. I mean, my daughter's 4. She still thinks Batman in a black suit (rather than a grey or blue one) is a baddie...


But yeah I get your point. These are mostly popcorn filler films. If I was 13 years old, I would've absolutely loved Suicide Squad and would've thought it should have cleaned up at the Oscars and Margot Robbie should be damed or something.


Just one last point....attacking Affleck for sounding dour or bored? It's kind of his thing.

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