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Shite matches that you love

Gus Mears

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Triple H vs King Booker at SS 2007. Triple H had been off after tearing another quad & Bookah had been hamming it up as royalty for most of the previous year. The match was sold as who was 'the real king' which is just hilariously naff, but I loved it all the same.

Also, the whole December to Dismember was horifically bad but I also loved it. Balls Mahoney vs Matt Striker and Tommy Dreamer vs Khali (including a pointlessly dangerous bump from that gobshite Dreamer) on live PPV? Great, shite work WWECW! Probably helped that we'd a chipped ntl box at the time, so weren't paying for Sky Sports or Box Office to watch it!

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9 hours ago, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

This. Absolute shite, but I watch it quite often, maybe every 6 months or so.


This might be the saddest match I've seen since the Big 'un in Wigan. 6 years ago and look at the state of them!

Justin Credible looks absolutely awful but you can at least give him the benefit of the doubt he was "retired" at the time. Sandman looks like a town center beggar but somehow got work in TNA after this. New Jack looks the best of the lot of them and he's only 4 years away from being dead.

That being said I was laughing the whole thing. Justin Credible walking out to no music, failing a chair throw and then his mic not working, Justin Credible's superkick, New Jack needing Sandman's help to climb to the top and then falling off anyway. Amazing.

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For me, it's the DOOMSDAY CAGE MATCH at WCW Uncensored 1996. If only for (spoilers) The Booty Man to try and save the day with a couple of frying pans. That's precisely what Hulk Hogan and Macho Man needed to overcome their EIGHT opponents. The whole thing is confusing carnage and I love it.

Here's Wrestle Me's take on it.


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12 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I've always thought the Pat Patterson / Gerald Briscoe evening gown match was actually well worked so I'm not sure I can or should contribute to this topic.

You took my idea right there! Always got a good kick out that match. I really enjoyed the Raven/ Big Show Hardcore title match at No Way Out 2001 as well, atrocious but entertaining cluster. 

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9 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel in a blindfold match. Loads of hokey fun.

On the subject of Mania VII, I love Warload vs Smithers. Apparently it’s shit, but it’s a whole match with that “storytelling” stuff going on that they all love. David Boy even spells out the story in his pre match interview- “The Warlord says I can’t break his full Nelson ; I say I can. The Warlord says I can’t powerslam him ; I say I CAN.” And thusly does the match build to a simple, predictable last minute or so, but it’s executed great. Warload staring at his hands in disbelief especially, and LA popped big when Bulldog gets him up, plants him and pins him. I’d suggest maybe I’m tainted by growing up with the shortened version we got on the VHS release, but I enjoyed their rematch at This Tuesday In Texas as well, shown in full on the legendary SuperTape 92.

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The Royal Rumble match from 1999 for me. Although nothing really happens once Austin and McMahon leave the match after the first 10 minutes it’s just pure nostalgia for me. Even though there’s lots of tripe in there like Kurrgan and Tiger Ali Singh I always revisit it every year. It was the first PPV I ever watched in full so has that special place for me. 

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18 hours ago, gmoney said:

I actually can't stand this match, it's so horrible. I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to people being knocked out and it goes on forever with Jack being away with the faeries. 

I've seen it, but absolute yonks ago and don't really remember much about it, however I'd find myself having a really difficult time trying to find any sympathy for New Jack. In a business with no shortage of bullies and liberty takers in it's past, Jack even then kind of stands out. 


Edited by WeeAl
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3 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

The Royal Rumble match from 1999 for me. Although nothing really happens once Austin and McMahon leave the match after the first 10 minutes it’s just pure nostalgia for me. Even though there’s lots of tripe in there like Kurrgan and Tiger Ali Singh I always revisit it every year. It was the first PPV I ever watched in full so has that special place for me. 

Love that ppv but I also love st valentines massacre 99 al snow vs hardcore holly in a river didn't Billy gun won the ic title at that ppv

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Superbrawl 2000 is basically my guilty pleasure rewatch, all 11(!) matches are complete shite but all are shite for different reasons. Highlights include 3 Count getting twatted by Norman Smiley, James Brown showing up for Ernest Miller's farce with The Maestro, Flair and Funk trying to recreate their 1989 Texas Death match at a quarter of the speed and intensity and Tank Abbott pulling a knife on Big Al.

But fuck me, it's entertaining shite.

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