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Simple stuff you can't do


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I can’t bowl.  I’ve been bowling plenty of times in my life but every time I do, it’s like I’m a complete beginner.   I’ve been humiliatingly destroyed by children, work colleagues, dates - it’s always a tortured hour until I’m dead last of everyone.

 What’s worst is that I quite like bowling - there’s some lanes about 5 minutes walk from my house, it’s a simple thing and fun, you can drink whilst playing, but sadly I bowl like I’m scything hay at harvest time.

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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

DIY here as well. My Mum did everything like that when I was growing up but never bothered to actually teach us any of it. 

My dad was an electrian for quite a long time and never passed any knowledge on to me. He was right not to do so though, as I'm a massive spanner when it comes to that stuff, and I would have laughed at him had he tried. 

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At the moment lifting my right leg from a seated position as I had knee surgery just over 3 weeks ago for a ruptured patella tendon suffered on holiday at the start of August

In general, I can’t have my blood pressure taken properly as I get anxiety about the cuff around my arm when it tightens 

I can’t swim, I can bobble in the shallow end of a pool but that’s as far as I go

Ironing, I can hoover, dust, use a washing machine, cook, change bedding etc but trying to put an ironing board up irritates me and I always have visions of burning a hole in clothes

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Joining the DIY club. Doesn’t interest me in the slightest and have no interest in watching YouTube tutorials to even learn how to drill an appropriate hole in the wall and use those plugs with the screws to hang frames or anything on the wall. I pay a handyman, even if it is embarrassing. I just tell him that I bought a drill, but it’s the wrong type. 

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I struggle blowing up balloons, I'm not unfit so I don't know why. I can do it but it takes soo much effort I just don't bother.

DIY, I've learnt a bit myself but I wish I could do more. My Dad could do some and my step dad was quite good at it so I asked him but he's in his 70s now. I wish they'd taught me, but I'm not sure I would of listened. To be honest I'm quite jealous of people who can do it loads themselves.

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12 hours ago, Just Some Guy said:

Get a log burner to burn logs.

This is me too. My worst ever dating disaster was about 15 years ago. A woman invited me over while she was house sitting this big house and asked me to get the open fire going. I tried for about 10 minutes to get the fucking thing lit but couldn’t get close. I bailed while she was in the bath and she never text me again.

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13 minutes ago, waters44 said:

This is me too. My worst ever dating disaster was about 15 years ago. A woman invited me over while she was house sitting this big house and asked me to get the open fire going. I tried for about 10 minutes to get the fucking thing lit but couldn’t get close. I bailed while she was in the bath and she never text me again.

I did think this was veering into "Joey from Friends throws false leg on fire" territory for a minute.

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DIY for me as well. I can help people who do know what they're doing, but would have no idea how to, erm, do it myself. 

I can blow up round balloons, but not those long, thin ones (fnarr fnarr). 

Napping. Once I'm awake I'm awake. I don't struggle to get to sleep, but I struggle to stay asleep at night. I'll sometimes doze off on the couch in the afternoon, but if I was to go and lay down and deliberately catch 40 winks I'd just lay there. Unless I'm ill. 

I can ride a bike, but I'd be a liability on the roads. I'm not great at going up hills, either. 

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I can't pour a drink properly.

If I'm pouring a beer the head will always be massive no matter how much I angle the glass.

If I'm pouring milk or juice from a carton, it seems to come out in blobs and splashes everywhere and half of it ends up going down the outside of the glass.

I think I've got a combination of bad hand-eye coordination and spacial awareness, which probably explains why I'm shite at driving too. 

I've got a mate who isn't a div by any stretch of the imagination, but he can't tell the time from an analogue clock.

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my kitchen mixer tap has been dripping since Christmas, it's obviosuly just a washer and  it's really doing Mrs Wiseau's head in by now so at the weekend I decided I HAD to get it sorted, ordered new Allen keys off Amazon as i've no idea where the old ones are, got a whole range of washers ready but i can't get the sodding tap off! i know how it should work but i cant do it. I cam't bring myself to pay a plumber just to change a washer so i think i'm going to have to buy a new tap and get him to change the whole thing. stupid stupid DIY bollocks.

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20 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I've got a mate who isn't a div by any stretch of the imagination, but he can't tell the time from an analogue clock.

This is something that appears to be becoming more and more common. On Puzzling, there would be questions that popped up like "what is the time in the mirror?" or the numbers being replaced by a couple of letters with the question like "who is the author at 3:35" and it was surprising how often people got them wrong on a surprisingly high brow quiz. As it's becoming less likely that people come across analogue clocks it'll become more common people struggle with telling the time that way.

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Use a dishwasher. I can stack a dishwasher and currently own one but have bo idea how to actually switch it on. I asked my sister to show me last time she came to stay and she forgot and I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone else so will have to wait till her next visit.

I'm quite good at DIY but wish I knew more, however I can t fo anything with a car other than put windscreen wiper fluid in and I desperately wish I knew more but I can't even change a tyre.

I can not iron a shirt or dress trousers (the type with a crease down the front) for love nor money. I am absolutley useless and have about as much and co-ordination as a two year old.

I'm not in my best physical state at the moment and haven't excercised properly in nearly 2 years, however even when I was in very good shape, I can not do a squat to save my life. My knees seem to have life of their own and just go off in all different directions. 

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