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Imagine if they’d booked Punk to win the Rumble? That would’ve been a much crazier scramble. Has that ever happened? Where a Rumble winner has gotten injured, ruining the Wrestlemania match? Nothing springs to mind.

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Obviously on one hand it's terrible timing for Punk. Mania main event on the horizon, rotten luck.

On the other hand WWE love a comeback story, and Punk doing the full injury vignette, big return thing could be big business in six to eight months. 

Another thing, given his particular brand of righteous indignation, is that it might be a good time to lay low and not be actively associated with WWE in a major on screen role given everything going on. As such, coming back when things are a bit less dicey might not be the worst thing to happen, especially with the big Netflix launch not too far off. 

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At this rate Cody's going to get caught up in a bizarre gardening accident and we'll have Reigns Vs. Orton Vs. Big Dave to look forward to. Can Roman's Reign survive Evolution? Find out this Sunday! 

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I've spent large portions of the last twelve months thinking the guy is a fragile bell end, but yeah, this is really a shame. Nobody wants to be injured and certainly not when it just looked like maybe, in a very technical way, he was finally going to get the one thing he's been so desperate for since he first signed with WWE. Can't be many matches left in him now but I hope he does recover and at least finish things on his own terms, whenever that may be.

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25 minutes ago, mim731 said:

Obviously on one hand it's terrible timing for Punk. Mania main event on the horizon, rotten luck.

On the other hand WWE love a comeback story, and Punk doing the full injury vignette, big return thing could be big business in six to eight months. 

Another thing, given his particular brand of righteous indignation, is that it might be a good time to lay low and not be actively associated with WWE in a major on screen role given everything going on. As such, coming back when things are a bit less dicey might not be the worst thing to happen, especially with the big Netflix launch not too far off. 

That’s a great shout. What better way for the first Raw on Netflix to get off to a great start, than by have the returning CM Punk announcing himself for the rumble to go on to face Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania 41?

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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I joked in the past about Punk possibly exploding into dust if he ever faced Rollins, but this is the third time he's pushed himself in a big match since his return to wrestling and wound up with a serious injury. The heart might be willing but the body might be saying no. I don't think he did anything particular gruelling in the match, but if the little he did in a multiman schmozz was still enough to break something and put him out, I think he may need to consider if he wants to stay in wrestling to help the future generations in a training/mentor capacity, or try to eke out a few more years railing against his age to satisfy something inside him.

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2 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

I joked in the past about Punk possibly exploding into dust if he ever faced Rollins, but this is the third time he's pushed himself in a big match since his return to wrestling and wound up with a serious injury. The heart might be willing but the body might be saying no. I don't think he did anything particular gruelling in the match, but if the little he did in a multiman schmozz was still enough to break something and put him out, I think he may need to consider if he wants to stay in wrestling to help the future generations in a training/mentor capacity, or try to eke out a few more years railing against his age to satisfy something inside him.

He did it taking the futureshock ddt, which suggests the muscle must have been completely tight and ready to go at any minute.

I just don't think he's ever been an 'athlete' as such. He obviously got himself as fit as a fiddle at times, but I don't think he has the body of a natural athlete and is instead aging like a normal 45 year old bloke.

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All the talk after his UFC run was that he was insanely dedicated, but at some point you’ve got to have athletic gifts, which he doesn’t have. A strictly clean 45 year old? In there with those young, super athletes, running and flying about at pace? It shouldn’t be a shock at all.

My main thought coming out of the Rumble was that they should keep him away from multi-man matches like that going forward and exclusively do one-on-one matches where he can dictate the pace and stick to the basics. He really stood out as old and slow (we obviously know there was an extra reason, now).

Maybe I’m a prick for even asking, but during his time at Developmental training, did they have him doing any of those stupid, bonkers lifts? He certainly looked to have packed on a bit of size. It would be very on brand if so. You go there to learn. You also go there to completely fuck your body up exercising like an Olympian.

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48 minutes ago, Supremo said:

All the talk after his UFC run was that he was insanely dedicated, but at some point you’ve got to have athletic gifts, which he doesn’t have. A strictly clean 45 year old? In there with those young, super athletes, running and flying about at pace? It shouldn’t be a shock at all.

My main thought coming out of the Rumble was that they should keep him away from multi-man matches like that going forward and exclusively do one-on-one matches where he can dictate the pace and stick to the basics. He really stood out as old and slow (we obviously know there was an extra reason, now).

Maybe I’m a prick for even asking, but during his time at Developmental training, did they have him doing any of those stupid, bonkers lifts? He certainly looked to have packed on a bit of size. It would be very on brand if so. You go there to learn. You also go there to completely fuck your body up exercising like an Olympian.

I think someone posted that cracking 10 minute video of him at the PC.  He was literally just doing basic wrestling training routines like the 5x5x5.  He looked decent to be honest.

I'm about his age and I fucked my calf muscle getting out of bed the other day, and my shoulder is seized because I slept on it funny.  It's about the point at which your body starts going "yeah, not so much" to things it wouldn't have had a problem with 5 years ago.  I have to take it very careful doing weights - even though I'm lifting my heaviest ever, it's so easy to strain a tendon or whatever.

I can't imagine trying to do anything complicated like a wrestling match.  I think if I even tried to do some martial arts training now it might half kill me.

It does bring home what insane natural athletes guys like Flair or Sting are that they could still wrestle into their 60s.

Edited by Loki
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1 minute ago, Loki said:

I have to take it very careful doing weights - even though I'm lifting my heaviest ever, it's so easy to strain a tendon or whatever.

Forget lifting weights, a strenuous poo these days will pull a muscle!

No, not that one you filthy sods.

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If this isn't him completely knackered, I could see it being a blessing in disguise. Especially with Rollins injured, I wasn't convinced he'd get the Wrestlemania main event anyway - it looked like they were pivoting to Seth vs Gunther and Drew vs Punk, and I assume one of the Women's Title matches would main event night one over either of them, and then I expect he'd have turned heel and be presented as being bitter to have still lost out on his Wrestlemania main event.

It was clear when they signed him that he wasn't really factored into their plans, and that's why he's not really been given a singular focus. The Plan was still for Cody vs Reigns, and if anything was changing that it was The Rock, not Punk. So if he's able to take some time off then come back at a time when he can be the sole focus, that might be the best thing for him - like Cody getting to have a short run after returning, but then his injury meaning he also got a big babyface "absence makes the heart grow fonder" pop in last year's Rumble.

Of course, the problem with that is who knows where we'll be in a few months time, in terms of the main event picture, and in terms of WWE in general? Though in the latter case, it might end up helping Punk's brand- if the Vince story dredges up even more unpleasantness, the best thing for someone who tries to sell himself as principled and honest is to not risk sharing TV time with anyone who might get named and shamed.

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