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The General Politics Thread v2.0 (AKA the "Labour are Cunts" thread)


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Surely there'll be unprecedented levels of these pricks being prosecuted? There's so much footage of it all in social media. It's horrible to see what's happening when I'm watching videos of it. Can't even begin to imagine what it's like when it's so near to you. 

It feels like the inevitable outcome from years of Daily Mail headlines, Twitter, Brexit etc. 

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It's the culmination of a series of events including Musk taking over Twitter, Covid and the rise of populist politics due to poor enconomies. It seems like the world has gone mad but actually this has been cleverly crafted by the likes of Farage and Tice. Yaxley-Lennon is more of an opportunist while those two know exactly what they're doing. 

I do think Labour has played a part previously because they refused to call this out during the election campaign and the preceding couple of years. Starmer's statements so far have been much better but it remains to be seen how hard they will go after those responsible. 


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32 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I'd be very surprised if anyone ends up locked up for any notable amount of time

There's historical precedent for stiff sentences during periods of significant breakdown of law and order, see for example people getting four year sentences for incitement for creation of Facebook pages or events during the aftermath of the Mark Duggan shooting.

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7 hours ago, Max Power said:

Haven't a clue whether this is the right place, but fuck me I had to put it somewhere.

I'm about a ten minute walk away from this hotel today. Its an absolute nightmare. These poor fuckers in that hotel having to endure this. Horrendous on all levels.

My cousin and her 9 year old haven't been able to get home and so have had to abandon their car and walk to my house.

Complete dickhead racist bastards.

I grew up in Mexborough so know the area and people very well, what an absolute shit show and embarassment to the area this all is.

I've been appalled at people I considered friends or have known for a long time that attended and have removed quite a few people from Facebook who were posting about their attendance, some of which were completely normal people who I would never have expected.

I'm not in the area, or country anymore, thank god, but the people in the area have been looking for a reason to attack that hotel for a long time, it's a shame they have now been able to do what they have wanted.

Cretenous cunts, the lot of them.

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5 hours ago, Nick James said:

I've been appalled at people I considered friends or have known for a long time that attended and have removed quite a few people from Facebook who were posting about their attendance, some of which were completely normal people who I would never have expected.


Imagine how scary that is on the other side. Sat wondering whether your neighbours are going to turn on you or if your kids are going to be safe in the park you always go to?  How many of the normal people that you would other wise chat to or wave hello to feel emboldened to be outwardly racist to you?

There was a post in our local community Facebook page yesterday from a mother who said her teenage son was out with his friends and some boys he didn't know started hurling racist abuse at him and calling him the 'n' word. They came over and must have known some of his friends they all stared talking and when they turned their attention to him again, his friends joined in the racist taunting. Imagine how that feels.

Edited by deathrey
Fingers couldn't keep up with my brain
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12 hours ago, deathrey said:

For the first time in a very long time, I feel genuinely worried about going about my daily life.

I can't begin to imagine how that feels and don't have the words to bring any sort of comfort. 

Wish I did.

For my own part, I was locked down in Blackpool Winter Gardens for an hour or so on Saturday as the Nazi's attempted to start something outside.

The punks & skins in attendance quickly had them on the run and cleaned up the mess afterwards.

Edited by Just Some Guy
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, deathrey said:

Imagine how scary that is on the other side. Sat wondering whether your neighbours are going to turn on you or if your kids are going to be safe in the park you always go to?  How many of the normal people that you would other wise chat to or wave hello to feel emboldened to be outwardly racist to you?

Apologies if my post played down what you are experiencing at the moment, certainly wasn't my intention and was more about we don't know people's true personality until they let the mask slip.

I couldn't begin to imagine how it feels being on the other side at all.

EDIT: Just realised how the line 'completely normal people's reads and it was not meant in that was as clearly, racists are not normal people. I just meant in a type of way as in I didn't expect them to hold the views they do as I had never witnessed any signs from them. 

Again, not to play down anyone's experience, I certainly couldn't imagine being fearful in my own house, town or country or fearful for that of my family through mindless thugs and terrorism. 

Edited by Nick James
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Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I wasn't having a go at you, just picking up on the average person comment. I'm sorry if it came across as me having a go at you, emotions are a little high.

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Posted (edited)

I think this is where unity rallies and counter protests are especially important. I’m fortunate that I have a fairly large and diverse group of friends and, as far as I’m aware, none of them have revealed themselves to be bigots off the back of this unrest.

However, knowing that there are a lot of white people who are quietly not racist and don’t condone this stuff doesn’t do nearly as much for my morale as seeing lots of white people taking to the streets in solidarity with us non-white folk. 

I’m not trying to guilt people into doing it, it’s not always a safe thing to do and people have many many valid reasons why they can’t or don’t. Just saying if you feel strongly about this or feel helpless when you hear us talk about the fear and anxiety caused by this wave of hatred, please consider it as an option. 

Edited by JLM
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I'm a Rotherham boy and as much as I think the town is a shithole I never had us down as somewhere that would set fire to a hotel with people inside it. Absolute set of vile cunts. 

Edited by cobra_gordo
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30 minutes ago, JLM said:

I think this is where unity rallies and counter protests are especially important. I’m fortunate that I have a fairly large and diverse group of friends and, as far as I’m aware, none of them have revealed themselves to be bigots off the back of this unrest.

However, knowing that there are a lot of white people who are quietly not racist and don’t condone this stuff doesn’t do nearly as much for my morale as seeing lots of white people taking to the streets in solidarity with us non-white folk. 

I’m not trying to guilt people into doing it, it’s not always a safe thing to do and people have many many valid reasons why they can’t or don’t. Just saying if you feel strongly about this or feel helpless when you hear us talk about the fear and anxiety caused by this wave of hatred, please consider it as an option. 

This is the main thing. 

One of the biggest reasons why politics over the past decade and a half has had such an impact on my mental health is because it's been one, long, seemingly-endless march into the pit of hatred and bigotry for this country, like watching a car crash in slow motion, unable to do anything about it. It's all been enabled by sub-human wretches like Farage and his cohort trundling out the usual pseudo-reasonable "we just want to have a proper conversation about immigration".

To anyone paying attention to history, we know that's bullshit. And the most angering thing about it is that people are still swallowing it. They're not saying anything new; this conversation was had long ago, many times over, with the purported consequence that society "officially" abhors it - Kick Racism Out, etc. - yet we still give this cretinous drivel the dignity of air-time and debate.

But I am thankful for one thing in particular: unlike previous times, there are, as JLM says, a lot of allies now. There were back then, but they weren't as numerous. Now, however, the mass of people less willing to tolerate this crap is much bigger than it was, which helps give hope for the future.

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This whole situation is stupid and infuriating beyond words. Anyone caught getting involved in these riots should get five years in prison with no parole. Anyone involved in setting fire to a hotel with people inside it should get a minimum life sentence for attempted murder.

I was supposed to be going to watch an airshow on Saturday with my partner and stepson. I’m genuinely concerned about our safety and I’m having second thoughts about going due to these ignorant racist cunts. These riots are making our country an unsafe place to be. And Starmer actually should bring the army in to help resolve the disorder when necessary.

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It’s an absolute disgrace that the media, particularly the BBC, are continuing to call these race riots “protests” and the violent, racist, thugs “protestors”, and when there’s an attempt to burn people alive or pull them from cars based on their skin colour, I would go further and call them pogroms.
I saw one video, I won’t link it because it’s so awful, where a black man in Manchester was surrounded and set upon by these scummy bastards, it only stopped because the police turned up. That’s not a protest, that’s an attempted lynching.

They media are happy to repeat the words of Farage, Braverman and their ilk when they speak about invasion and swarms. Show some stomach and call this for what it is.

I can’t begin to imagine how people of colour must be feeling watching this play out, I’m so sorry you have to experience this.

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