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Jesus Fucking Christ

Frankie Crisp

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2 minutes ago, CTXRussomark said:

Am I missing what play on words that's even meant to be?  I've stared at it for 5 minutes trying to work out what it's a reference to. 

Nepo-baby. Because chef-o-baby seemingly trumps it. I'd imagine if Lewis Hamilton had a son he's be a drive-o-baby or some bollocks.

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29 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

Nepo-baby. Because chef-o-baby seemingly trumps it. I'd imagine if Lewis Hamilton had a son he's be a drive-o-baby or some bollocks.

Tried to come up with something good for the last 10 minutes and the best I can do is DRS-o baby. Maybe I should apply for a job doing social media for The Independent. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Debated whether to put this in here or in the Minor Annoyances (Vol 2) thread. After much internal contemplation I decided it was worthy of the extra expletives. 

On TNT’s coverage of Bayern v Man Utd tonight, both the female presenter and Rio Ferdinand referred to the goals as “bangs”. Maybe that’s what the kids call them nowadays but have a fucking word. 
“And what about the second bang?!”. It could only have been made worse if Scholes had dabbed at the same time. 

Grow the fuck up. 

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Not to say that pundits of old were poetlaureates or anything of the sort, but the vocabulary of most pundits really has gone down the toilet of late. The greatest hits usually include:

- Repeatedly referring to a player's attributes (pace/range of passing/finishing ability) as "frightening"

- Referring to talented players as "a joke"


You actually tend to find the best pundits around are Scottish: Ally McCoist is the best in the business because his unbridled enthusiasm blends well with his insight (if you can tolerate him shouting 'AAABSHOLUTELY, JON - HE'S DONE EVER SO WELL THERE!') But even the likes of Michael Stewart give you an insightful, intelligent account of what is going on without resorting to cringeworthy platitudes or using playground terms to articulate themselves.

Edited by StrongStyle
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It's what they think people want. They're trying to appeal to the younger demographic which I suppose is OK in parts. Things like the language and the way they present the show (MOTDx being probably the worst offender, but my 10yo likes it so there you go) are all ways of gaining an audience who are probably just happy to consume highlights etc.

A couple of weeks ago TNT had Peter Crouch interviewing fans at half time in the stands at the Bournemouth - Spurs game and it was excruciating. 

I love Crouchy, but I really don't need to see him talking to a pissed up fan saying "YeahBissoumaisqualitymate" and then worst of all he ended the segment with "Right, let's go get a beer" which is both cringe AND a lie, as he's working.

I usually can ignore any of this sort of bollocks because I don't care, but that really wound me up.


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