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1PW Returns


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Yeah the company must have a Director or it’s in breach of Companies Act. Looks like the company already has a CCJ against it for £1,045 as well. 

He’s already got another company set up and ready to go, One Fall Ltd which was set up in January. The show must go on!

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4 hours ago, rAZN said:

This explains it. Apparently, he would still be liable for the company debts.



My expertise is in Scottish legislation rather than England but I'm disagreeing with Chris Horner on this one. A limited company is a separate legal entity to a director of the same limited company. Unless Gauntley has personally guaranteed any of the limited company debts he wouldn't be personally liable for them.

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Dombrowski's thread is extremely damning - I might be wrong, but Gauntley's past failings seemed to be overspending, lying, and just getting into a financial hole that other people suffered for, whereas this is some pretty clear evidence of fraud, embezzlement, and God knows what else. I'm not as au fait with the 1PW story as others are, but is he so much worse this time, or is there a chance he was always skimming a little something off the top and cooking the books, but first time around he was getting away with it?

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It really is unbelievable. He had so many fans and most importantly wrestlers that in the past incarnation of 1pw were still owed money and whatnot but they drew a line under it and put it down to him being young and stupid and he literally got given a pretty amazing clean slate all things considered.

And he fucking does it again however from those screenshots that dombrowski has put out this time around he has done even worse and from the looks of a couple of those screenshots broke the law and didn't just fuck up in the pro wrestling world but in the actual real life world too 

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