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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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15 hours ago, Louch said:

If they what a second brand, go full Tony and have 4 of them. 13 weeks a year of ROH, Lucha Underground, ecw and something else so we don’t get bored of the niche nonsense they all are 

Buying and bringing back Lucha Underground would be a way better use of Tonys cash then ROH. I miss Dario.

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Opening tag was a cracker and The Acclaimed video was a ton of fun. They've easily been the best thing in the company since the Wardlow/MJF feud ended.

Love both guys but I'm cold on Moxley vs MJF. The crowd was too. I just long for some good old fashioned heel vs babyface feuds, instead of this wishy-washy bollocks everyone seems to be doing.


Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Yeah I'm definitely still in the "this is okay but it could and should be better" mindset heading into the PPV. It's not been the home run they're capable of hitting. Mox! MJF! Both bloody brilliant in their own right. Put them together? That shit should be fucking gold. And yet somehow they've misfired quite a lot along the way which is a shame.

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30 minutes ago, RalphyV2 said:

I watched dynamite for the first time in a while earlier. Maybe it is just me being a grump but I found some of the commentary to be off putting 

They seem to say a lot of stuff not relevant to what's going on and have many jokes between themselves

Nothing wrong with it on occasion in small amounts but in my opinion they do it too much and it distracts my attention from what is happening in the ring

They usually do this on the during the picture in picture portions of the show where US viewers can't hear them as there's adverts playing. If you're watching the full live feed (which most non-US viewers are) you'll notice they talk shit between themselves for a few minutes in the middle of a match then all of a sudden get serious again - that's when the commercial break has finished.

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38 minutes ago, RalphyV2 said:

I watched dynamite for the first time in a while earlier. Maybe it is just me being a grump but I found some of the commentary to be off putting 

They seem to say a lot of stuff not relevant to what's going on and have many jokes between themselves

Nothing wrong with it on occasion in small amounts but in my opinion they do it too much and it distracts my attention from what is happening in the ring

How dare people have fun at work!

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2 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Yeah I'm definitely still in the "this is okay but it could and should be better" mindset heading into the PPV. It's not been the home run they're capable of hitting. Mox! MJF! Both bloody brilliant in their own right. Put them together? That shit should be fucking gold. And yet somehow they've misfired quite a lot along the way which is a shame.

It's really odd. The last feud between MJF and Moxley was also strangely weak, compared to what both wrestlers have achieved with other opponents. Clearly, they're talented and very creative people, but I don't quite understand why they seem to have so little chemistry together. 

I do wonder if Moxley might be about to turn heel, though. If MJF does indeed remain babyface, it leaves a gaping void in the heel side of AEW. Moxley would be a great choice to fill it. 

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I love Mox, but I do agree this build up hasn't been great. Its had high moments (Regal/MJF) but mainly been pretty standard fare. I suppose its also because the Punk/MJF follow up feud that was planned could have been a barnstormer. This feels like filler.

Anyway love MJF. He's turned me into a complete fan of him.

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They really don't need to turn MJF face. In fact, I've found his recent forays into facedom (like in that post-show promo) pretty disingenuous because he has done such a great job of being a thoroughly unlikeable loudmouth prick these past few years. There's no reason he can't get the big win, lap up the cheers of the fans on the night, then come back promoing about how he always knew (and THEY always knew) he was the best, he never needed anyone's help or the fans' praise, those who are cheering him now but booed him before he stood up to the boss can shove it, etc. The issue is giving him hot opponents who can still work with what made MJF great - drawn-out angles leading to occasional matches showcasing his chickenshit heel shtick. Is 20 minutes of MJF in the ring as good as 10 minutes of MJF on the mic? Not as far as I've seen, and that's speaking as a huge fan of the guy.

As the match with the most genuine intrigue, I'll probably Watch this Wrestling, but Fite have been getting a free fiver off me for the past few months, as I'm back to skimming the private sites for the segments I hear good things about.

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6 hours ago, RalphyV2 said:

I watched dynamite for the first time in a while earlier. Maybe it is just me being a grump but I found some of the commentary to be off putting 

They seem to say a lot of stuff not relevant to what's going on and have many jokes between themselves

Nothing wrong with it on occasion in small amounts but in my opinion they do it too much and it distracts my attention from what is happening in the ring

Just started watching last night's show. I'd been reading this thread today and this was in the back of mind. As people have said it's true that a lot of the jokes amongst the commentary crew are kept for when they're on US ad breaks.

The first 5 minutes has seen Excalibur, Tazz, Shchiavone, and Iain Riccaboni be very jokey amongst themselves during the entrances and opening brawl. Once the match starts properly it does become more focused on calling the action. I can see how it might be off putting to those that aren't regular watchers.

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16 hours ago, Supremo said:


Not that I could focus on anything else on this show when they frustratingly refused to explain how Ricky Starks is supposed to have a Quarter Final match on Friday, when the Finals are on Saturday. When are they squeezing in the Semi Final? Is Tony as confused about when Full Gear is as Moxley?! Does he realise he’s ran out of time?! Why is nobody on the show addressing this?! So weird.

Confirmed that the winner of Starks/Archer will face Brian Cage at Full Gear (pre show I think) with the final of the tournament now being next Wednesday on Dynamite.

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