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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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5 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Punk & FTR vs Max Caster & Gunn Club announced for tonight.

Are Punk and FTR teaming purely “because Bret Hart”?

Johnny TV Name has an open contract to face “anyone in AEW”. Britt & Hayter vs Toni Storm and Soho also announced

Kinda. It's something that's played out on social media and as is the way with AEW looks like it might be a thing on TV because of the popularity of it.

possible spoilers about a return.




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Christ, keep Danhausen off the posters.  He's genuinely shit, an amusing idea on the Indies but one that should never have got as far as AEW.

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9 minutes ago, Loki said:

Christ, keep Danhausen off the posters.  He's genuinely shit, an amusing idea on the Indies but one that should never have got as far as AEW.

The last month of tv and the ludicrously wonderful pops for him disagree. Read a newspaper. 

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My word, MJF smashed it out of the park yet again. Watch it without reading spoilers first if you can :)

Expanding on what Supes said below, the 'drop people on their heads' line was the only bit I screwed my face up at, and didn't enjoy. But the whole performance and delivery etc was just another level, for me.

Loved the first half of the show, the last two matches were just re-hashes. Very happy to see big man Miro back and excited to see what he does! But now I'm starting to beg for Omega or someone, anyone, to stamp out the Undisputed Elite's reign of meh.

Edited by Mr.Showtime
Reason schmeason
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Let's skip any tedious chat about when the MJF thing became a work and get right to the crux of the matter, which is that worked shoots are invariably shit, with this being no exception.

I've warmed to Max massively the last six months, and I'm glad he's seemingly sticking around, but any promo that veers into guys talking about being the best at engrossing the audience or being a safe worker who doesn't drop people on their heads can fuck right off.

It's a huge shame because his delivery was impeccable and the second half of the promo talking about ex-WWE guys getting more money and calling Tony a fucking mark was spectacular, but how am I supposed to give a shit when seconds earlier you were talking about how none of this is real? It's the Russo conundrum. THIS BIT IS MORE IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT'S REAL. Urgh. Has this shit ever worked?!

One of the best things about MJF’s act was that he never ever broke kayfabe. What an absolute tragedy seeing him - of all people - doing the REAL NAMES stuff.

Quality show otherwise though. I guess Jericho's finally admitted defeat with the barnet!

Edited by Supremo
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@Supremo I respectfully, with kisses, disagree. I thought this was incredible.

Take the point on work-shoots being crap 99% of the time. But in this case I’ll make an exception. This shoot/real situation has now been turned into a masterful work after MJF has become the talk of the business - this only heightens that massively. It’s the perfect next logical step for him after putting over Wardlow and closing that chapter. 

The kayfabe argument. The whole point of his character is to be an intensely dislikeable disruptor. This isn’t the first time he’s referenced WWE in a promo or dropped some sort of insider reference - even with the venomous vernacular, it wasn’t much of a radical departure from his character at all - if anything it was extremely consistent. In light of the news over the weekend, it made absolute total sense for him to dial up that aspect. The removal of the scarf signified a levelling up for this particular bit - there were more insider references sprinkled here, but again, just a significant dialling up of his TV character. 

Criticising other workers for their style etc - that’s a consistent industry topic of conversation and to me, this was also consistent with his character and remarks he’s made previously “in character” as it were. The ex-WWE guys stuff has already been done a few times too - those remarks are nothing new, but the delivery here was absolutely gripping. 

This is now an absolutely fantastic scenario where every minute we’re questioning what’s legit, what’s character-driven, what happens next - it’s legitimate can’t miss television now, and there’s constant speculation in-between shows as to his contract situation, and now it’ll be speculation about did a segment get greenlit, did he get clearance to call Tony a fucking mark, etc. Whatever the scenario, it’s impossible to ignore and it’s caused an absolute frenzy. 

It’s an old cliche but wrestling is at it’s best when it suspends your disbelief, and performers are often at their best when you get a sense from their promos that they believe every word of what they’re saying, and when they are extensions of themselves with the volume turned up to 11. He’s just turned up the dial to the point where he’s blown up the speakers. He spoke from deep within his innards and with such a deep, scintillating scorn that I was hanging on every word.

And thinking about some of his comments…he’s fucking right! He IS one their best guys. Dropping people on their heads and doing ridiculous unprotected dives like Darby Allin IS fucking stupid. He DOES make you gripped with his promos better than anyone else on the roster. Tony Khan IS a fucking mark (he wouldn’t have booked this angle if he wasn’t). 

Happy to be told otherwise but I genuinely think this is terrific testes-tingling television at the minute. A masterpiece that will dominate industry chatter if they can keep up the momentum. 

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
Fucking mark can’t spell. P.S I love you Surpremo xxx
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Genuinely happy for anyone who thought it was great, but those handful of lines alluding to it being a big, fake performance killed me dead. That’s the problem with worked shoots. It always goes too far and becomes a pile of “no, but honestly, this bit is real!” bollocks. It makes it worse when he’s had such a stellar year thus far. So, what? The Punk and Wardlow stuff was all make believe, was it? More fool me for being so insanely invested in both!

Having now watched it back a few times, it’s even more frustrating because I don’t think that bit added anything. The exact same promo could’ve been cut without him, “shedding the character,” or talking about how he always catches guys on dives and lands them flat on their back when bumping.

He could’ve still been the exact same prick, with the exact same delivery, the exact same motivation, talking about how he’s the biggest star and the biggest draw, who’s not being compensated compared to shitarses from NXT 1.0.

In fact, if he truly wanted to shoot on the subject then he should’ve gone the whole way and detailed exactly what we’re all thinking.

”I’m easily the wrestler of the year and yet I’m reportedly not making anywhere close to skinny, complete-wastes-of-space scrotes like Adam Cole.”

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I fucking HATED that MJF shit. Like all "shoot" stuff it just makes the company as a whole look bad, it makes the wrestlers look bad, diminishes everything else on the show and feels utterly pointless. And like all of this Russo-esque bollocks it doesn't fit into the framework of what wrestling should always be about - building up to a match

Ugh. Fuck this. Left such a bad taste in my mouth and put me off the rest of the show.

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I’m on the MJF promo being great team. Maybe it was the amount of swears? Maybe it’s because the WB/Discovery new bosses were in the building, but sending out MJF to tell the audience you’re  not fit to do your job, was a ballsy strategy. Especially as there was no censorship at all on fite.

Otherwise I thought it was a great post PPV episode. Punk hurt his leg jumping into the crowd it seems. Numpty. The Acclaimed and Ass Boys continue to have the best entrance on TV.



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I generally hate shoot shite, I don’t want taken out the story of what’s meant to be a drama on tv. But I didn’t mind the MJF rant, he went out his way to make sure he let the fans know he still thinks they suck. Seen on the break they had Punk and Matt Jackson come out to run him off 

punk was a sloppy mess again, this is his Hogan 2002 title run so far 

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