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The General Motors Domestic Football Thread. 21/22 (NO SHIT BANTER)


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"All alleged offences were committed when named players were not under the employment of Manchester United PLC. We shall be making no more comment on the matter. #800Club"

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Another Tuesday night game earlier this week for Dungannon Swifts, and I had been moved to the early shift that day, lovely jubbly I thought. Weather wasn't too bad during the day, mild, even better. 

Stopped at the park on the way home from work and was even able to leave the coat in the car. A mile in and it seemed like the entire ocean had been chucked out of the sky onto my head. Swimming through Peatlands, I was. Not a good omen for that night says I. 

Like a soggy excuse for a human I get home to find out my car that had went to the mechanics that day was now described as a death trap, but the guy that runs the tyre centre nearby would buy it for £200. Fantastic considering I have to drive to, and during, work. Washed and fed and off I go to Stangmore Park to watch the mighty relegation battle unfold. 

My mate, who I haven't seen from we both moved jobs, is a Glenavon fan, and is going to the game with a couple of fellow Glenavon fans, so we arrange to watch the game together, with me making the compromise to watch in the away end under the canopy.  Considering the pissing match happening outside rules out the neutral territory beside the burger stand that I like to frequent. 

Glenavon are only four points above the Swift's heading in. They're having a bad season for them (they hope to squeeze into the bottom six in a good year). They are there for the taking, playing pretty much just as shite as we are. Some poor football, with very little chances (1 decent chance each and that's all she wrote) with about a billion yellow cards and the ball rarely leaving the centre of the pitch, other than the time when both keepers kicked it the entire length of the pitch to each other, twice each. Inspiring stuff it was. Considering the Swift's starting goalkeeper was also a teammate of mine back in the youth set up, but back then the Centre backs took Morgan's Goal kicks for him. "Good on ya Niall, taking your own kicks these days and banging them the length of the field. Proud of ye fella."

At one point Glenavon have, I believe, six men booked when their Manager makes a substitution. Dave and his mates are dumbfounded whenever he takes off a player without a yellow card, only for the substitute to get booked himself about five minutes later. 

0-0 at Half time. Portadown and Warrenpoint (below both sides in the table) are losing so I think we'd all take a point to head home now and call it a day. Not happening, so it's a Guinness for me at Half time. I'm a couple of minutes late coming back out "Did I miss anything?"

"Yeah, a goal" replies some randomer.

"Did I fuck" says I. 

Dave: "Yeah lad, your lot are one down" 

"Can't be. Nobody on that pitch is even aware there are goalposts at either end."

Dave gets BBC sport up.

"Bollocks. How the hell did you hacking bastards get a free kick, never mind manage to score from it?". 

As a Swift's fan, the second half was not good. Glenavon got more comfortable as the game went on. Even managing to score a peach of a second goal when they lobbed my old youth team buddy, while he could only watch it sail over him and wish it was still Gaelic season and he was playing for All Ireland winners Tyrone instead of the lowly Swift's. 

From a footballing perspective, there were pretty much zero positives to take away from the night. On the other hand, I had a couple of nice Guinness, got to talk dating disasters with Dave the King of the first date balls up (better than Billy no Dates, myself). Portadown and Warrenpoint both lost too, so we're still a point outside of the drop zone. On top of that the tea at the Burger stand now comes in bigger cups than before but is the same price. And really, that's all you can ask for isn't it? 


Edited by WeeAl
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1 hour ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

Bloody Hell, we won a match! Very much enjoying the redemption of Joe "Actually a ball-winning midfielder" Linton.

I keep talking to people who have very distinct opinions on Newcastle at the moment but when pressed will admit to not having watched us at all.

We've been so much better since Howe came in and there's a few players who are almost different players. I'm hearing other teams fans saying stuff like, 'Howe will have to walk by the end of the season', but I haven't seen any Newcastle fans say it. He seems very popular and everything  Bruce wasn't

Joelinton has been immense in 3 of the 4 games we've had since Howe came in. Jamaal Lewis was really good against Norwich after being cast aside by Bruce. The most surprising thing for me has been watching Jonjo Shelvey rediscover some pride and purpose.

I still think we're fucked, our December is wretched and I can't see us being in a position where a spending spree would make a difference, but I'd like Howe to be involved in the rebuild of the club.

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Fred has actually resembled something approaching a football player the last three games, which is a turn of events in the post-Solskjaer era I wasn't expecting.

I was watching a Portuguese stream and they were pronouncing his name 'Fredgy', which I thought was weird. But then I remembered that in Brazil they used to pronounce Edmundo as 'Edgymundo'. Which was entirely fitting because he was a nutter.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Fred has actually resembled something approaching a football player the last three games, which is a turn of events in the post-Solskjaer era I wasn't expecting.

I was watching a Portuguese stream and they were pronouncing his name 'Fredgy', which I thought was weird. But then I remembered that in Brazil they used to pronounce Edmundo as 'Edgymundo'. Which was entirely fitting because he was a nutter.

Yeh, in Brazilian Portuguese, if a "d" goes before or after an "e" it gets turned into a "j"; they do the same with the "t" turning it into a "ch".

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Quite right, I remember watching Brazilian coverage of  Roque Junior for Leeds and he was called "Hahahaha, forfucksakes, hahaha". 

Beautiful language 


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I haven't seen my best mate Chris in over 3 years. I haven't been to see Spurs much in the new stadium at all. It's expensive and I haven't been able to justify the outlay in recent times.

Did he text me Tuesday to say he had two free tickets for tomorrow nights game against Rennes and did I want to go? Yes Garth.

Is that game now going to be called off as Spurs have a covid outbreak? Yes Garth.

Spurs (fans) gonna Spurs it seems.

In all seriousness, sack the game off, and I'd be quite proud (as much as can  be) if they actually put the players and staffs health and wellbeing first.


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11 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

In all seriousness, sack the game off, and I'd be quite proud (as much as can  be) if they actually put the players and staffs health and wellbeing first.


Will they get hit with a points deduction or whatever if they do call it off? They probably should cancel it, but I don't know what the repercussions are. Presumably if they were just allowed to reschedule the other clubs who have had players missing through covid over the last year or so would all be livid. 

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