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2021 Celebrity Death Thread

Magnum Milano

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Quality director of great entertainment across several genres. The sort of director you don't get anymore. Just a superb list of good to great films, and also made half the good superhero films ever made.

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He made some great films. The first two Superman films were amazing. 

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Richard Donner was a superb director. One of the greats for sure. He could do anything. The Omen, Superman 1&2, Lethal Weapon, Goonies and Scrooged. So many classics.

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Absolute legend of a director. He also directed the Don Rickles episode of Tales from the Crypt which freaked me out the first time I saw it. Wish he'd done more horror





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Jeff Cohen who played Chunk in the Goonies posted this about Richard Donner. What a guy!


“The story is when my acting career started to peter out, I still loved show business, and Dick let me be a production assistant for him. I worked for him at Warner Bros. When I was applying to college, I said, ‘Hey Dick, can you write me a letter of recommendation for college?’ And he said, ‘Sure kid.” He called everybody kid. If you were seven years old he called you kid. If you were 50 years old he called you kid. He asked me to put some notes together to give him an indication of what he should say. In the note to him, I told him about my life and some of the struggles that I went through as a kid — my father not being there and other issues that I dealt with.

And he called me on the phone and instead of merely writing a letter of recommendation to college, he told me that he and [his wife Lauren Shuler Donner] had read my letter and they were going to pay for my college. I was absolutely flabbergasted. I was shocked. I had to sit down, because, for me, paying for college was going to be a problem. That changed my life. Not only economically, but it showed that Dick and Lauren believed in me. They believed in me. They thought I could do something. They thought I could make something of myself. That is Dick Donner — being kind, being empathetic, and not because he wanted anything in return.”


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Jono Coleman, aged 65. Someone who seemingly was on TV everywhere in the 90s, and then wasn't. 

I always quite liked him.


Paul Mariner, aged 68. 


Before my time, but the Dads group chat is full of lovely memories of him this morning.

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He used to present a show on I want to say Century radio that my mum really enjoyed listening to, then managed to become a talking head on a lot of those shows. He certainly was ubiquitous in his time. 

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Actor William Smith passed away. If you've watched just a few 70s crime and 80s actioners, you know him. Often bald and always threatening, he was a quality character actor. Probably best known for fighting Philo Beddoe in Any Which Way You Can, although he had hair in that. This is from when they team up.


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