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Just finished another playthrough of Far Cry 5 and it's still a load of fun. Though this time I noticed how easy the game is, especially if you abuse the guns for hire. 

Also hunting being reduced to just a way to make money is a bit shit. 

Now I'm commited to actually finishing Far Cry 4 and I'm enjoying it much more than I did last time I played it. 

Feels like more of a challenge than FC5 so far and I found it highly amusing when I scouted a stronghold only for a Tiger to suddenly run in and do most of the work for me.

Also noped the fuck out of another fight when a Rhino started wrecking everything and everyone around me. 

Top marks. 


I'm currently siding with Amita even though I usually go for the "lives before Intel" route because I can't shake the feeling that Sabal is a using twat only interested in exploiting Ajay's parantage.

Also fuck traditionalists.


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40 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:


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I'm currently siding with Amita even though I usually go for the "lives before Intel" route because I can't shake the feeling that Sabal is a using twat only interested in exploiting Ajay's parantage.

Also fuck traditionalists.


I was firmly beside Sabal because of the last bit. It's so cool that the game really did allow you to choose whatever way most spoke to you. I platinumed Far Cry 3 and 4 over the last couple of months and had a blast with them. 4 especially seems pretty underrated and Pagan Min is a fantastic character who steals every scene he's in. I picked up 5 on the PSN Summer Sale for the ridiculous price of £7 so I'm going to check that one out relatively soon (never played that one before). 

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26 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yeah FC5 didn’t grip me like 4 and 3 did to be honest. It still remains unfinished but I’ll return to it at some point. 

Going back to it it's flaws became much more obvious. I also seem to be in the minority that actually liked the ending. 

I liked how it leaned into the GTA sillyness a bit at times. 

The random animal attacks in 4 crack me up. Just jumped into a karma event and two Rhino's (seriously they have anger issues) flattened everybody before I could complete it and naturally I once again did a runner.

Fuck that until I'm packing a rocket launcher. 

Edited by The King Of Swing
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26 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

Are there no random animal attacks in 5? Sucks if not.

Now you mention it I don't remember any random attacks. I was also hardly bothered by the wildlife when out in the world.

Wouldn't be shocked if some focus group complained about them.

Back to FC4 animal attacks, those fucking Eagles 😠

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With the ridiculous amount of spare time I've had over the Summer I've been platinuming a few games. The last 3 along with a few words:

Doom Eternal


This was my first Doom game. It took me a while to warm to this one and I actually put it down for a while to play other stuff after only the first level. The game introduces you to a ton of different mechanics all at once which, coupled with the fact that Doom Eternal is fucking hard anyway, made for a pretty steep learning curve. However, I returned, put the difficulty down a little while I got used to things and I ended up having a grand old time. Very glad I went back, If I could pick one word to describe this game, it would have to be "Badass". To this day I have very little idea of what the story of this game is all about - and there's clearly been a large amount of effort into creating all the lore you delve into in Doom Eternal through the collectibles - but to my simple mind, this is a game about walking through a series of halls blasting the absolute fuck out of hundreds of aliens in grotesque and gruesome ways with a plethora of cool weapons, all to a pounding soundtrack. The big negative is that the multiplayer is pish and getting the required online trophies was a joyless grind (seriously, fuck multiplayer trophies) but all the single player stuff was a joy to behold after getting over that initial learning curve. I had a great time with this one. 


Peasant Knight


After completing a big game, I always like to play through something short and often a little daft before I commit to another lengthy, time consuming game. Scrolling through the Playstation Store, I found Peasant Knight, a name I found instantly appealing and so I bought it without reading up on it. This one only costs £2 or so and it's 2D side scroller. It's an odd one, your little peasant knight must get to the other side of each stage within a very short time and you only have two buttons - one to stop and one to jump. It starts off pretty easy as expected but some of the levels actually get quite challenging. I think I got the platinum in about an hour but the difficulty of some of the stages put this a wee bit above cheap, easy platinums like Chickens On The Road or My Name Is Mayo. Recommend this to anyone who is looking to play through a new game in an afternoon who is a fan of retro games and especially side scrollers. 

Horizon Zero Dawn


Achieved the Platinum in Horizon Zero Dawn last night.

I started off sceptical but I grew to really like Aloy. She was....lovely and so very wholesome. This game is gorgeous and the wide variety of locations ranging from snowy mountains to scorching deserts to majestic plains to leafy forests, along with a really good weather system and seamless day-night cycle means that you'll never get bored wandering. The wide variety of machines you'll encounter and the combat strategies who have to adapt for each one also ensure things never get dull. On the negative side, I thought the combat was a bit poor when you are using your spear (which I was likely to do), and it wasn't always very obvious which parts of the landscape you could interact with.

The absolute highlight of the game was the story. I can't really say too much about it here because spoilers but the level of detail and realism put into the story was so impressive. Some of it gave me goosebumps sometimes, honestly. The absolute best time I had in this game strangely enough was when I was being more of a detective than a hero, sneaking around subterranean chambers looking for audio files and text transcripts and trying to piece together the story of Earth a little more.

So Horizon Zero Dawn is another cracking game I've played this summer. I would recommend it. Apart from these ones I've also (finally) got the Platinum on Skyrim after 10 years (I only needed to tidy up a few odds an ends so didn't do it all this summer), Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (great colourful fun full of personal nostalgia) and Goat Simulator (absolute daftness but I love daftness. Flappy Goat was a chore and a half but finally managed it after taking regular breaks and stopping every time I could feel myself getting frustrated).

I haven't really been that into games since I was a kid but with the lockdowns I bought myself a PS4 to entertain myself while locked inside in a new country and I've gotten right back into it! Really liking the ol' computer games at the moment. 


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Pretty deep in to Control now and it’s a hell of a game. It’s X Files meets Twin Peaks with Jedi powers thrown in for good measure. Of the three forms of combat, the shooting and melee are pants but the telekinesis is so great it totally makes up for it. 

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Is it weird that I'm into that way more than holding out for a GTA VI?

The PS2 trilogy will always beat out the stodgier, more curated stuff Rockstar have done since where they've become painfully self aware that they're crafting these Quentin Tarantino of video games type experiences you have to slowly trawl through. 

Updated graphics and modern console convenience for nicking the El Diablo's cars with the flame decals on them and crashing around Portland docks with Rise FM playing in the background? Fuck yes. I'm all over that. 

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