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Wrestlers you like, but had no idea why.

Nick James

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When I was a kid I'd have to say The Mountie. Of course you can say he's a great worker now, but the image of an asshole cop in glasses and a cattle prod doesn't hurt. He had Jimmy Hart in his corner but *wanted* him there as opposed to *needed*. They fed off eachother and it looked great.

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I loved the trio of David Flair, Crowbar and Daffney. Dunno. David Flair was awful, Crowbar looked greasy, Daffney mainly just screamed irritatingly at the time but I love them as a unit for some reason. 

I was going to say Deuce and Domino but then realised that I liked the gimmick and not them looking unsure about doing it. 

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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2020 at 8:33 PM, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Crush if I'm honest. I just always loved him in various gimmicks. Kona Crush, DOA Crush, dreadlocked headcase Crush, nWo Bri, Knonik. He's pretty much the worst wrestler to have such a long career, and he cant really talk, but I just loved him.

This. I've declared my love of Crush many, many times on here. I'd say he's one of my all time favourites. To 8 year old me Kona Crush had badass entrance music, looked like a multi-coloured superhero and did that tongue roll thing and when I started watching WCW in 98 or 99 I thought Kronik were just cool as fuck hosses. Then you watch the matches back and he's proper dogger, especially the WWF 2001 run but I couldn't care less, he just had this aura about him.

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I loved Amish Roadkill!


I still couldn't tell you why, though. He looked like the least-daft one standing next to ECW tag partner Danny Doring, and I liked his name. That's all you need!

Reading up about his later career on Wikipedia, he seemed to have a bit a stint under different names in OVW until 2008 and even got an IC title match there against Santino Marella, supposedly. Good lad.

The first guy to pop into my head here, though, was Yokozuna. He was great. There were definitely reasons to hate on him but during that early 1993 stint, 9-year-old me was fucking terrified. Even if it only took two minutes for Hogan to ruin his entire aura.

Edited by Mr.Showtime
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12 hours ago, Vamp said:

was going to say Deuce and Domino but then realised that I liked the gimmick and not them looking unsure about doing it

I loved D&D, especially their heavily chested roller-skating valet. 

50's greaser hoodlums are cool in my book, but as I'm the least cool man on earth I wouldn't use me as the measuring stick. 

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Rico, for those chops and that he was a black belt in kenpo karate...not just ordinary karate. Shame to hear about his health issues and I learnt today that he actually trained with Adrian Street on his gimmick.


More Stevie "white socks" Richards love here. Voice full of gravel, snivelling RTC frontman.


Crash Holly (RIP) for no reason other than elevating the 24/7 rule to amazing heights and the "over 400lbs" super heavyweight gimmick.

Basically anyone not in the musclehead mould with a little bit of colour

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21 hours ago, Mr.Showtime said:

I loved Amish Roadkill!


I still couldn't tell you why, though. He looked like the least-daft one standing next to ECW tag partner Danny Doring, and I liked his name. That's all you need!

Reading up about his later career on Wikipedia, he seemed to have a bit a stint under different names in OVW until 2008 and even got an IC title match there against Santino Marella, supposedly. Good lad.

The first guy to pop into my head here, though, was Yokozuna. He was great. There were definitely reasons to hate on him but during that early 1993 stint, 9-year-old me was fucking terrified. Even if it only took two minutes for Hogan to ruin his entire aura.

I’m sure I read something a while ago that there plans at one point for Roadkill to be Mania opponent for Undertaker around that time. Imagine that instead of Taker/Michaels. 

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I liked Greg Valentine too. Had great music in 1991. And blonde hair.

Definitely Sid. 

Demolition including the Crush & Smash incarnation; in my view far superior to the bald Legion of Doom (whose music I didn't like either).

Big Bossman as a heel (feud with Hogan really drew me in).

Akeem (possibly just cause I had the Hasbro and it was quite rare round my way).

Powers of Pain. Face paint and music.

Lex Luger as a face '93-'95.

Gorilla on commentary. 

Brutus Beefcake. 

Brother Love. 

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7 hours ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

I've always liked Buff Bagwell which I can't really explain, he used to be one of my faves. I watched a whole load of his matches recently and still enjoyed his stuff.

He was perfect as that midcard dickhead. @Maverick mentioned Marc Mero in another thread and as a heel in 1998, he was similar in position and dickhead level. 

Bagwell gets awful in 99 when they turn him face and then it gets worse when he becomes a Russo pet project but he'd been absolutely fine before that, especially when him and Scott Steiner were being a pair of douches. Only issue I have with that is that the rocket should have been on Steiner's back much earlier.

Thought similar about Shaun Spears leading up to the last AEW PPV. Absolutely perfect as a dick in the middle. Doesn't have a main event bone in him. But great value just irritating people and then getting his comeuppance. Tully cut a worldy promo on Twitter which worries me that they think he needs to be a serious heel but we'll see.

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