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Out of place wrestlers


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In a case where it worked well, Finlay is a great shout. Out of place, odd one out, and all the better for it. Think he debuted on Smackers against Matt Hardy, which in itself is a contrast in styles. I was really into classic British wrestling at the time, World Of Sport etc, but I didn’t think Finlay would last five minutes, even with the vignettes they ran for him to hype his debut. 

In his first match, IIRC he trapped Hardy in the ring apron skirt and battered him and got DQ’ed for battering him with that Irish stick that I can’t type/pronounce. Because his style was so contrasting, it made him so interesting to watch. Went on to have a decent run as well - he won the US title,  he headlined the December PPV with King Bookah, John Cena and Batista, and from memory stole the show in a press conference beforehand to hype it up. The face pop when he saved Hornswoggle when Khali was about to eat him was great too. 

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5 hours ago, CL Punk said:

Yeah, I totally agree with you. Backlund's crazy old man character just seemed out of place.


I've always thought WWF should have done that angle with Macho Man instead.
Savage, the 'old warhorse' wants to prove to himself that he's still the 'Macho Man'. He wants a shot at Bret. He thinks he's the best but he needs to prove it etc. Bret, out of respect, gives him the match [they had a great one in Japan around that time].
Savage gets out wrestled, gets frustrated, starts to cheat but never goes full heel. A mistake or some momentary moment of compassion costs him the match and Bret beats him clean with a small package or whatever. After the match we see Savage, frustrated. Bret offers his hand. Savage takes a moment and then 'snaps' and attacks Bret leading into a build to Survivor Series.
It would have certainly resulted in better matches - Savage proved in WCW that he still had a lot left to offer - and would have been much more of a 'draw' than Bet/acklund in my opinion.

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31 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

James Storm in NXT, just felt odd. 

James Storm, a bit like Bobby Roode, has got better and better with age, as they've settled into their characters and grown into their bodies.  I think he really missed the boat by not signing with NXT at that point he'd have done great.  As a one-off though it really WAS weird.  How often do they tout someone like that, give them one match (and a win IIRC) and then never mention them again?


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I think a lot of it for me was that I stopped watching WWE in about 2003 and was blissfully unaware of any sort of indy scene and TNA for that matter so when I got back into it in 2011 I suddenly discovered TNA as well. 

Storm in WWE was so weird for me as I only ever knew him as a TNA guy. Never got that with Roode though which is weird in itself. 

Edited by Joe Blog
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35 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Dave Taylor in 2006 WWE was odd to me.

Part of one of my all-time favourite moments In wrestling, when him and regal were both shitting their pants and trying to get the other to climb a ladder because they are proper wrestlers and panto villains. 

IIRC that was the match which had another of my favourite moments in Joey Mercury's face imploding. 

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2 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

I've always thought WWF should have done that angle with Macho Man instead.
Savage, the 'old warhorse' wants to prove to himself that he's still the 'Macho Man'. He wants a shot at Bret. He thinks he's the best but he needs to prove it etc. Bret, out of respect, gives him the match [they had a great one in Japan around that time].
Savage gets out wrestled, gets frustrated, starts to cheat but never goes full heel. A mistake or some momentary moment of compassion costs him the match and Bret beats him clean with a small package or whatever. After the match we see Savage, frustrated. Bret offers his hand. Savage takes a moment and then 'snaps' and attacks Bret leading into a build to Survivor Series.
It would have certainly resulted in better matches - Savage proved in WCW that he still had a lot left to offer - and would have been much more of a 'draw' than Bet/acklund in my opinion.

That would have been epic

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I'm gonna say Sting in WWE never felt right to me. I wanted to see it for years but I reckon it happened too late to really work. I'm actually grateful it was fairly short lived because I don't think I could have watched him doing much more than he did. Maybe it's the missed opportunity with him and Undertaker when it would have been hot. That Wrestlemania entrance was brilliant, even in broad daylight, but on the whole he never felt like he belonged there.

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47 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Part of one of my all-time favourite moments In wrestling, when him and regal were both shitting their pants and trying to get the other to climb a ladder because they are proper wrestlers and panto villains. 

IIRC that was the match which had another of my favourite moments in Joey Mercury's face imploding. 

If it wasn't nominated that would be an excellent shout for great but minor moments that don't get mentioned enough.

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26 minutes ago, Arn Anderson's Darb said:

I'm gonna say Sting in WWE never felt right to me. I wanted to see it for years but I reckon it happened too late to really work. I'm actually grateful it was fairly short lived because I don't think I could have watched him doing much more than he did. Maybe it's the missed opportunity with him and Undertaker when it would have been hot. That Wrestlemania entrance was brilliant, even in broad daylight, but on the whole he never felt like he belonged there.

I'd kind of echo that. Tbh, I can see why Sting did it. He'd been on about 400k each year on his tna run and I don't think they could sustain it any longer. 

Smart move really. Came over, got the HOF and WM paydays as well as all the merch and future merch from game deals. 

As for him in wwe, From the moment he came out with that bizaare auburn hair (not black and hair gelled slicked back), it just didnt fit for me. 

His WM match should have been him and Taker and it and the promos could have been epic as would the payoff. 

Missed opportunity and waste... Hell yeah, smart business decision by Mr Borden....absolutely ?


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2 hours ago, Loki said:

James Storm, a bit like Bobby Roode, has got better and better with age, as they've settled into their characters and grown into their bodies.  I think he really missed the boat by not signing with NXT at that point he'd have done great.  As a one-off though it really WAS weird.  How often do they tout someone like that, give them one match (and a win IIRC) and then never mention them again?

He had a second appearance, another win over Adam Rose. But then Billy Gunn got fired for shooting steroids into his arse, and that was that for Storm - Gunn was the only real advocate for him & had enough sway with the right people to get him a look in.

There were definitely plans for him longer term though - as revealed on the Jarrett/Elias/Road Dogg Table for Three, the music that currently belongs to AJ Styles was originally put together for Storm.

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1 hour ago, Arn Anderson's Darb said:

I'm gonna say Sting in WWE never felt right to me. I wanted to see it for years but I reckon it happened too late to really work. I'm actually grateful it was fairly short lived because I don't think I could have watched him doing much more than he did. Maybe it's the missed opportunity with him and Undertaker when it would have been hot. That Wrestlemania entrance was brilliant, even in broad daylight, but on the whole he never felt like he belonged there.

His dog shit music and dodgy hair really didn't help. He was up against it from the start. 


To those posting about Finaly earlier, I massively disagree. He was the anchor of Smackdown in 06 and 07 and evolved with it. 

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