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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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23 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Why make them form a tag team? That’s 2 stars they have ready made for big singles feuds.

How many tag teams do they need for a 2 hour show?

You make them a tag team for a few weeks, have some fucking great matches, add Penta for some six mans or to create some story flavour, then they go their separate ways and have a feud. That's a few months of great television and a PPV match or two right there, easily done. Wrestling booking 101. No one's expecting or wants them to be a permanent team.

As for New Japan I'd like a one night only event. AEW Dynamite: Japanese Invasion or something. Bunch of exhibitions of AEW guys vs the better Japanese lads. That would be a fun novelty. No interest in anything more than that. If that shit-cunt Will Ospreay starts popping up in AEW and ruining my favourite wrestling show I'm going to be very sad.

Edited by LaGoosh
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They are ready made singles stars, that's correct, however the last thing AEW need at the moment are more singles stars. They would end up in with the Miro's and the Scorpio Skys of treading water for weeks / months not doing much of note. 

Having them as a tag gives them a good story against Eddie's guys and as above, gives a good few months of story around their tag and eventual split. 

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1 hour ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Why make them form a tag team? That’s 2 stars they have ready made for big singles feuds.

How many tag teams do they need for a 2 hour show?

Tag teams and stables work great for AEW. If someone is in a team or stable, they can easily be part of multiple storylines and matches. Look at the Kingston family, the Elite, the Dark Order, etc.

AEW seems to go on the basis that you can be both, which is a good thing. Variety, while slowing feuds down.

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AEW clearly don't see tag teams as a ghettoised division the way WWE do. Asking "don't they have too many tag teams already?" is like asking "don't have they have too many singles wrestlers already?", because they book both divisions as more or less equal - and that's refreshing when no one has done that in North American wrestling since, arguably, Jim Crockett. 

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New Japan needs aew as it’s stale as fuck the now. If aew did a g1, BOSJ or tag league style tournament just now, overall it would offer more fresh matches than new Japan managed this year. Aew ain’t gonna get much from anyone in new again showing up just now 

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Meltzer, who seems to have the ear of at least half of the Executive Vice Presidents, has been suggesting a trios title for a while now. I’m completely down with it. They’ve got more than enough factions and so much talent that I’d gladly watch a spotty, fast-paced six man tag on each show.

Edited by Supremo
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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

AEW clearly don't see tag teams as a ghettoised division the way WWE do. Asking "don't they have too many tag teams already?" is like asking "don't have they have too many singles wrestlers already?", because they book both divisions as more or less equal - and that's refreshing when no one has done that in North American wrestling since, arguably, Jim Crockett. 

Cornette was also doing it in SMW. Rock n Roll vs the Bodies was a main event feud for about 2 years. 

Edited by PowerButchi
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24 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Ah man, I'd hate Trios titles. Too close to tag titles. AEW need to sort out the womens division before they start adding anymore divisions. 

They'd be better off bringing back the Freebird rule. They've got the mix of stables and associations sorted, piles of roster depth, and the creativity to make it really work.

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They have a growing number of potential trios - off the top of my head, they could have;

  • PAC/Fenix/Pentagon
  • Kingston/Butcher/Blade
  • Dark Order (either Brodie/Smash Bros or any combination of Colt Cabana and the numbered lads - potentially could be two Dark Order trios there)
  • The Elite (Young Bucks & Kenny?)
  • Jurassic Express
  • Inner Circle (again, scope for two trios there)
  • Team Taz
  • SCU
  • Best Friends & Orange Cassidy
  • The Nightmare Family (Cody, Dustin & QT, and/or any combination of the other scrubs)

You could make up the numbers with other potential looser alliances - Matt Hardy & Private Party, Shawn Spears & FTR - and quite easily get up to 16 trios. The last thing they should be doing is introducing yet more titles, but a yearly trios tournament certainly wouldn't go amiss, and could be padded out with a few guests if they want to drag it out longer. Particularly with CHIKARA no longer a going concern, there's a gap in the market for a big Trios tournament, and it's never really been done on a major stage.

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

AEW clearly don't see tag teams as a ghettoised division the way WWE do. Asking "don't they have too many tag teams already?" is like asking "don't have they have too many singles wrestlers already?", because they book both divisions as more or less equal - and that's refreshing when no one has done that in North American wrestling since, arguably, Jim Crockett. 

It's a tough one as I love the fact they're pushing teams, giving that division support and actually making it mean something. But at the same time I'm desperate for some of the guys to get decent singles opportunities too. It's a good problem to have though and it's definitely better having them do something than nothing.

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Just now, DavidB6937 said:

It's a tough one as I love the fact they're pushing teams, giving that division support and actually making it mean something. But at the same time I'm desperate for some of the guys to get decent singles opportunities too. It's a good problem to have though and it's definitely better having them do something than nothing.

There's definitely cases where I'd agree with you - I think the Lucha Bros tag team brings out the worst instincts in both Fenix and Pentagon, and that both are far better off being used in singles roles; Pentagon as a methodical heel, and Fenix as the sympathetic babyface taking a kicking and busting out high spots out of desperation. And obviously Dustin Rhodes shouldn't be wasting his opportunity at one last big run slumming it with an absolute scrub.

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It's going to be hell avoiding spoilers on Thursday, but I'm looking forward to Mox/Omega. Partly, because I have no idea which way they're going to go.

Don't get me wrong, I think Omega is probably going to win and we'll go with him as the dickhead champion. Ideally, it'll be after he has this clean, 'gentlemen's-agreement' match he's been talking about, and then cheats to win because, again, he's a massive dickhead. And then he goes on and on about how he's the best bout machine, while cheating more and more often. 

But they don't need to do that yet. One of the lovely things about wins and losses meaning more in AEW is that losses can lead to storylines. So, a Kenny Omega who gets *this* close, but doesn't quite do it? Either through a loss or a draw? That could lead to more of a crazed, desperate full-heel Omega going for a rematch which he finally wins. So we get to the same point in the story, but it's a little further down the line (at the next PPV). What I like about this one is the parallel between Omega and Page - both dealing with losses, but Page puts the work in and sorts himself out, while Omega goes further into denial and heeldom. 

I think Omega's going to win the title and soon, but is this the right time? It could be, but it could work even better a few months from now. I'm not going to be disappointed either way - I just don't know which they're going for.

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The one thing that i am fearful for, although they haven't given any reason for it so far and it is a completely WWE thing to do, is if Kenny wins the big one and aligns back with The Young Bucks as a full on heel group, that they go down the heel authority route with them all being EVP's, leading to Cody being the mega-face he wants to be. 

It's a great feeling to have televised show for the first time in ages that you feel you have to avoid spoilers before watching because it feels like such a big deal. 

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