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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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I prefer the idea of Jericho turning face, it makes far more sense than Sammy with his recent situations related to his old comments. I also think he has a lot further to go as a heel than a face and if he was to turn i'd expect following the Jericho feud he would fall back down the card. I could however see Sammy being the guy in the middle who doesn't know whether to follow the Inner Circle or stay with his friend Jericho although I'd eventually have him turn on Jericho a little later down the line. 

As stated already, Jericho is already over with his music and schtick which could be transferred to being a babyface without having to rely on the old Y2J troupe. I could also see this being the beginning of the end for in-ring Jericho with him becoming more of a part timer in the ring and hopefully joining commentary as well as getting more involved in things backstage then when they have something for him he can get involved where necessary.

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Great first half of the show this week. Really enjoyed the opener and the FTR/SCU match - both kept up a great pace without ever feeling like moves moves moves. 

I really like the way they set up and announce enough stuff for the following week to make you want to watch it. It’s one of the reasons I used to enjoy NXT so much. The simple things.

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14 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Britt Baker has started to lay it in with her strikes since she returned. Best she's looked yet.


Massive improvement, albeit against a jobber with little to offer. If she can repeat that against better opposition, she'll be fine. It's only a few days since I made the point that she wasn't actually very good (in-ring) prior to her layoff. Looks like she's been putting in the work; physically, technically & character-wise.

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* I could watch Ricky Starks and Darby Allin wrestle all week and while this feud is build on flimsy foundations it’s keeping my attention. I also like seeing Darby fall off high things.

* KiLynn King getting attacked by Nyla Rose during the pull-apart night mean that another of Dark’s best kept secrets might make it into the main show.

* That pull-apart. Wow. I’ve usually got no time for them but there was a savagery about this one that I loved, and this is where having the wrestlers at ringside works in your favour. I am SO excited for their Dog Collar Match and the commentary team did good work putting that in context, that they’re really rare (they didn’t say they’re seldom good but fingers crossed, eh?) And I know it’s not the usual wrestling promo but I really dig the way My Chemical Rhodesmance builds his talkies.

* Jim Ross. Again. I’m sick of him scoffing at Excalibur or Tazz using the correct names for holds, and being overly concerned with the physical attributes of the women. Get rid. Tony Schiavone wasn’t even there, was he? Pre-tape and night off!

* I’ve no interest in Private Party as singles wrestlers (slightly less than I have in them as a tag, to be fair) and even less in Matt Hardy as a straight veteran advisor-type. Broken or nothing, lads.

* I know mileage varies WILDLY on Luther (from me who likes him to everyone else who hates him) but I’m over the moon Jericho gets to work with one of his best buds on his anniversary show. It is as it should be.

* I don’t know who Billy Mitchell is. Don’t make me do homework.

* Britt Baker had the best match of her AEW (and possibly whole) career, and as much as I’d like to give the credit to one of Dark’s best kept secrets, Red Velvet, Britt more than held your her side of the bargain. Frankly, if a couple of months off through injury result in this level of improvement then bring on the ouchies.

* People were surprised by how good Bryce Remsburg was on the mic, and understandably because who even watched <redacted>, but he was fiery and ace here AND in the right.

* Jon Moxley versus Eddie Kingston is the feud we didn’t know we wanted but it turns out we’ve been waiting for our whole lives. This is where Eddie’s family makes sense, a bunch of guys he throws into battle to do his work for him, even if he makes them think they’re getting the rub from it. The Butcher blew up by the end but he’s such a watchable big man, and in another era would have made a decent living playing a monster in FMW or W*ING.

* I get that they’re in a ratings war, and it makes for decent, newsworthy TV, but there’s a slight scent of hotshotting about the booking. I mean, that’s fine if Tony K has plenty in his locker but you do slightly worry.

* In all that hotshotting, they still can’t find room for decent women’s storylines. Hikaru Shida got namechecked by Cody but where was she this week? Where was anyone other than Britt, Brandi, Anna Jay, and Nyla?

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It appears one of the obstacles blocking a potential AEW/NJPW relationship no longer exists, at least judging by this report. Can't say it bothers me either way personally (unless New Japan got the shitty end of the deal), but I'm aware that it's a direction some folk wouldn't mind seeing the 2 Companies go.



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Perhaps hotshotting was a slightly strong term but the constant need for four or five hot segments per show is great as a viewer but you do worry that they might run out down the line, you know? Or worse, get into fifty-fifty booking. I have faith in Coach Tony K, though, because he's been overly smart in his booking (with a few notable exceptions). And I absolutely don't think any of their storylines have been too slow - with just four PPVs a year they should be building slowly.

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3 hours ago, KingofSports said:

It appears one of the obstacles blocking a potential AEW/NJPW relationship no longer exists, at least judging by this report. Can't say it bothers me either way personally (unless New Japan got the shitty end of the deal), but I'm aware that it's a direction some folk wouldn't mind seeing the 2 Companies go.



I really hope it isn't. AEW has done such a great job of building it's own roster. Let's not complicate things with outsiders too much. I don't think it benefits any company long term.

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AEW doesn’t need new Japan. They are already Doing much better than an ROH was. And personally after years of seeing wwe being unable to keep acts apart, that there are now 3 big companies with separate rosters that you are only gonna see matches when people move companies makes the opportunity for a fresh feel when they happen much better 

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The last thing I want is a bunch of Japanese guys showing up on the only wrestling show I watch having long "epic" matches. Especially as AEWs strongest stuff is promos, stories and angles rather than matches. The roster is already stacked as is.

Wouldn't be adverse to some one off event/TV special though.

Edited by LaGoosh
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The working relationship between NJPW and AEW doesn't need to be shoved down our throats every week though.  It could be as simple as the occasional talent exchange, allowing guys to take time away from AEW TV when it suits storyline-wise by spending 3 months in NJPW or something. It would also allow New Japan guys to come over for short stints, keeping AEWs roster feeling fresh and putting guys over before they leave.

Then there's always the possibility of a once a year super show or something, just for the hell of it.


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Just have them show up for their big PPV show(is it Double Or Nothing?)on a yearly basis.

Moxley is a champion in New Japan so once he drops the AEW title send him there for a few appearances, I read Jericho, Miro and Brodie Lee are on the same type of contracts so they can also go to New Japan too? 

We can argue that AEW don’t need these Japanese wrestlers to turn up and have “long epic matches” but New Japan currently don’t need any AEW lads turning up on their shows either.

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I hope the NJPW/AEW partnership happens. I don't want it to be too much of a regular thing, but enough of NJPW's roster really gets the 'big event' feel that it could be a huge thing if done right.

One or two extended swaps, and the occasional big-match show could really work well. One advantage AEW has over WWE here is their comfort in portraying people from other companies as big stars in their own right. They fall down in educating people as to why, but they don't try to make them look bad. Building up someone like Okada or Tanahashi coming in to challenge Omega for the title on an inter-promotional show could be really something. And more Mox/Suzuki would be huge fun. And, obviously, Ibushi having existing storylines with the Elite would fit into Kenny's long-term meta-story. Heel Golden Lovers in NJPW would be a main event thing too.

It shouldn't be rushed at all, and it should be more about some of the Elite going back to NJPW first (around Wrestle Kingdom maybe). Then one or two people every now and then. It shouldn't drastically change either company, but just give them a couple more ingredients to add every now and then.

The person I'd like to see in AEW most is actually Takahashi. I think he could really work well on it.

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