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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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Mr Brodie Tony. Made me laugh more than it should have. MJF does a great promo too.
Don’t know why QT Marshall is going to DDP for advice, bloke is supposed to be a trainer with a wrestling school. Minor gripe but logically I wouldn’t expect anyone from his school to be much cop

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The TH2 thing is shit, because they are making complaints that other members of the roster have already made against WWE. AEW is trying to present themselves as the faces while WWE are the heels. But then a heel team accuses them as being the same as the heel company, without anything to actually back it up. At least when PAC complained about being overlooked in AEW he could point out that he was awesome in the ring and having a great win/loss record. 
It also doesn’t help that two members of a tag team are doing separate promos on their phones in different styles, with them being cut together. It just doesn’t mesh, which is meant to be the point of a tag team. Would be a lot better if they were together in a cool setting, proper camera and Angelico doing most the talking while Evans just cuts in with one liners.

I also realised when I saw the first one that I hadn’t actually heard Jack Evans ever do a promo. Looks like there was a reason for that. At least AEW are giving him the chance while keeping it away from their main program. Once things are back to normal, sit them both down and have Dustin produce their promo with nice edits and something to say. They’ll do much better

One positive note it is that slating AEW management is seen as a heel move, because fans are supposed to like AEW. In WWE if someone slates the company then they are a face, because fans are conditioned to think WWE is shit and run by dickheads. Why any company would want fans to think they are dickheads is beyond me. Would be like if footballers started telling fans that the club they work for is shit. Doesn’t it make more sense to get fans to view the company as a positive one? 

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

I’m saddened the plan to send Sammy to the Hardy Compound seems to have been abandoned. That would’ve been perfect for the Pay Per View.

Surely a Jericho/Sammy trip to the Hardy compound is coming up on Dynamite in the weeks to come. It just has to happen. 

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15 hours ago, UK Kat Von D said:

It’s one of the marquee matches on their biggest show of the year filled with a lot of their key players. Doesn’t seem like a waste at all 

Yeah I see that point.

I'm just in the mindset at the moment that anything fairly big that happens without fans, is a bit of a waste at the moment.

Although I do get that you can't put things on hold forever.

Edited by The King of Old School
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12 hours ago, UK Kat Von D said:

In WWE if someone slates the company then they are a face, because fans are conditioned to think WWE is shit and run by dickheads. Why any company would want fans to think they are dickheads is beyond me. Would be like if footballers started telling fans that the club they work for is shit. Doesn’t it make more sense to get fans to view the company as a positive one? 

But that's because it is run by a lot of dickheads. You only have to look at NXT with HHH to see that it is possible to win over fans and convince them otherwise, but Raw/Smackdown etc has Vince at the helm and he's a real life evil personified in many ways. Even when they try to portray the McMahons as babyfaces listening to the fans and giving them what they want, they fail at that too.

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Only just got round to watching the latest episode.

* The Omega/Hardy v P&P match was decent enough, which is something I never thought I’d say about Matt Hardy in 2020

* I’ve seen some people saying that Jericho/Suge D should’ve been given more than they were, but it was exactly what it should’ve been. I’ve heard Suge D’s name before but never seen him wrestle before and I’m sure he’s a decent guy, but you need to show that there’s a pecking order

Minor Quibbles

* Stone Cold Cody Rhodes driving all of 5 yards was ducking woeful

* “Aubrey Edwards didn’t see it because she was attending to Orange Cassidy” Why? Why was she attending to Orange Cassidy? He’s not in the match so let that ringside doc see to him. 

* I still don’t get the hype around MJF. He’s an OK talker but he’s not doing anything that we’ve not seen a bunch of times before. Granted he didn’t have a lot to work with here, but his in-ring is pretty average too, so where this whole “future world champion” talk comes from is anyone’s guess, unless we’re just conditioned now to know that everyone gets a go with the belt at some point.

* How’s anyone supposed to be afraid of Broadie Lee when you’ve got Bryce Remsburg slapping his hand away. I’ve never noticed it before, but Broadie Lee seems to take a lot of front bumps on his knees, he’s going to knacker those out before long.

The FiteTV feed had a load of trailers for that Cagefighter film that Moxleys in (which I understand because I think they’ve partly funded it), it looks fucking awful. Who watches those straight to DVD MMA films? There’s fucking loads of them


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39 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

This definitely should be the real theme for Dynamite. 

Brilliant that. If they started using that then @PowerButchi would probably tune in every week.

Last night was a good show, not technically the go-home show either as they have a special this Friday to promote Double Or Nothing. Page returning by sprinting the length of the pitch in cowboy boots and delivering a clothes line was fucking awesome. Then he walks off into the sunset as the camera pans up the reveal The Elite logo on the pitch, beautiful stuff. 
The Shawn Spears News is a fucking winner. I’ve been enjoying his work since joining AEW, but that segment blew everything else he has done out the water. I really hope they keep it up. 

MJF making Marko pick his nose and eat it was great. Rey Fenix gave Orange Cassidy his best match yet, that opening missed kick was superb. Really glad that Moxely broke 10’s arm. That gives me hope that he is just going to absolutely destroy the Dark Order and send them packing. I can’t see where the Dark Order can go now, but there are plenty of options for disbanding the group in entertaining ways 

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I thought it was one of the weakest episodes of Dynamite ever until Adam Page turned up. I’m so glad that even without a crowd he still felt like a big deal and continued the brilliant act of showing up, smashing folks up, then ignoring everyone else and fucking off into the sunset. He’s the next big thing.

Sammy Guevara though. The success story of the year. Has there been a single AEW show where he hasn’t done something stupid or funny to set himself apart?


He’s the best.

RIP Britt Baker’s leg and Ray Fenix’s back though. Rough night for accidents and injuries.

Edited by Supremo
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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I thought it was one of the weakest episodes of Dynamite ever until Adam Page turned up.

Weirdly, I thought that until Page showed up as well. Then when I went back and thought about the episode I remembered loads of stuff I had actually really enjoyed 

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